Tools3a v2.1 (c) Psion GmbH 1994 LICENSING CONDITIONS All rights reserved. Psion accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the direct or indirect use of this program. The software remains the property of Psion GmbH. No fee may be charged for this product, without the express permission of Psion GmbH. If you copy this product, then you MUST copy all the files which are included in the original archive. Psion GmbH Saalburgstraáe 157 D-61350 Bad Homburg Tel: +49 6172 9654-0 Hotline: +49 6172 9654-28 Fax: +49 6172 39192 Mailbox: +49 6172 37090 Cix: mhoelscher Internet: Compuserve: 71333,2070 This program was written by Graham Tappenden December 1993 - March 1994 INSTALLATION To install TOOLS3a, copy the following files: TOOLS3A.APP into \APP\ EXTRA21.OVL into \APP\ For English TOOLS01.RES into \APP\TOOLS3A\ ASSOC01.INI into \APP\TOOLS3A\ For German TOOLS03.RES into \APP\TOOLS3A\ ASSOC03.INI into \APP\TOOLS3A\ If you wish to use the Hex editor HEXEDIT.OVL into \APP\TOOLS3A\ If you wish to use the Database Tools DBFMAN.OVL into \APP\TOOLS3A\ RUNNING TOOLS3a FOR THE FIRST TIME The first time that you run TOOLS3a, two windows appear. These are, by default, the Internal Disk and Drive B:. You will see later, that you can change what appears in these windows. THE BASICS TOOLS3a is a simple program to use. The basic concept is this: you have six windows available. For each window you can specify: * Which directory is displayed * How this is sorted * Where the window appears * How tall the window is * Which font is used (and therefore how wide the window is) For each file, you can: * Copy, Delete, Rename, Move * Set attributes * Start with an application (associate) * Sort (DBF files only) * Edit in Hex mode You can: * Create directories * Remove directories * Tag files for multiple-file operations * Refresh all windows * Display a directory tree New for version 2.1: * Change Drive * Search for Files * Disk Information FILE OPERATIONS COPY 1. Move to the file you wish to copy. 2. Select 'copy' from the menu. 3. You may now choose a window to copy this file to. If you wish to copy this file to somewhere else, then press ESC, and you can enter the full specification of the destination file. MOVE 1. Move to the file you wish to move. 2. Select 'move' from the menu. 3. You may now choose a window to move this file to. If you wish to move this file to somewhere else, then press ESC, and you can enter the full specification of the new filename. RENAME 1. Move to the file you wish to rename. 2. Select 'rename' from the menu. 3. Enter the new name for this file. If you change the directory name, then you actually move this file to the new directory. DELETE 1. Move to the file you wish to delete. 2. Select 'delete' from the menu. 3. You will be asked to confirm that this is the correct file to delete. ATTRIBUTES 1. Move to the file you wish to set the attributes of. 2. Select 'Attribute' from the menu. 3. You may now change the attributes of the file. (Read Only, Modified, Hidden, System). TOOLS3a shows all files, regardless of whether or not they are Hidden. TAG 1. Move to the file you wish to tag. Selecting 'Tag' toggles the tagging on this file. + and - will set and cancel the Tag. * tags all files in the current window, / removes all tags in the current window. 2. You can now select the operation you wish to perform: Copy, Move, or Delete. Note: You can also tag files by pressing Shift-Up or Shift-Down. DIRECTORY OPERATIONS CREATE DIRECTORY 1. Select 'Create Directory' from the menu. 2. You can then edit the name of the directory displayed, to specify the name of the new directory. REMOVE DIRECTORY 1. Move to the directory to be removed. 2. Select 'Remove Directory' from the menu. 3. You must now confirm the name of the directory to remove. Note: All files and sub-directories within this directory will be deleted. FILE ASSOCIATIONS Pressing RETURN whilst positioned on a directory enters this directory. On a file, this starts the file with the associated application. For example, if you are on a file .WRD, then the word processor will start with this file. If you have your own applications, you can set up the association using the 'Associate' option on the menu. You then need to supply the following data: Extension This is the extension to be associated, eg. PRN Application The name of the application file, eg. ROM::WORD.APP Command This is used by the system to assign the function keys, so use "Word", if you wish to be able to select this file with the Word key. Alias Used by Word for plain text files. For plain text, set this to $ OPA This is only needed if you write your own application files in OPL. To run an OPA, you need to set the "Application" field to ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG and the name of your application must go in the "OPA" field with the FULL file specification. DISPLAY OPTIONS SORTING To sort the file list, select 'Sort' from the menu. You may sort in Name, Extension, Size, or Date order, or leave the list unsorted. ZOOMING You may zoom the window in and out, in order to change the font size, and therefore the width of the window. NEW WINDOW You may use up to six windows simultaneously. This option creates a new window. You must specify the path which is to be used. Note: To change the path in a window, press PSION-TAB. MOVE WINDOW You can move the window in all four directions using the cursor keys. Pressing SHIFT moves the window faster. In general, you cannot move completely off the screen, nor can you overlap with the status window. Pressing ENTER confirms the new position. Pressing ESC returns to the old position. SIZE WINDOW Using the up and down cursor keys, you can change the height of the window. The width is fixed by the font used. Again, pressing SHIFT moves faster, ENTER confirms, and ESC cancels. CLOSE WINDOW Here you can close one of your windows. ZOOMING Zooming changes the size of the font used, and therefore the width of the window. Each window has its own font setting. THE TOOLS DBF TOOLS DBF Tools allows you to sort your database files, and also to insert a field into a database file. You should first be on a valid DBF file before you choose this option, and the file must be NOT be open by any other application (eg. Data). You are given the following options: Insert Field Sort File Using "Insert Field" you can insert a text field at a specified position. Using "Sort File" you can sort the file based on the contents of one of its fields. These routines are in principle the same as the example programs in the OPL handbook, but have been slightly modified for added functionality. HEX EDITOR The hex editor allows low-level access to the Psion File Structures. You are shown your chosen file in both HEX and ASCII views. Be default you are in 'Read-Only' mode, but by turning off the Protection you can also edit the contents of the file. Using 'Address On' you can display the current address in the file. You can search for a string, or jump to an address. You may also open a different file if you wish. REFRESH This option will refresh the information in all of the windows. DIRECTORY TREE This option displays a tree diagram of the currently selected drive. You can navigate up and down, and then press ESC to quit, or ENTER to select the new sub-directory. CHANGE DRIVE This options presents a dialog containing a list of the available drives, from which you may choose one. The current window will then switch to this drive. FILE SEARCH File search requires you to enter the part of the filename you wish to search for (Wildcards are not allowed. To search for FILE*.* type FILE). You also need to specify where to look. Current Path searches in the directory of the current window. Current Drive searches in all directories of the drive in the current window. Local Drives searches in all directories on LOC::A, LOC::B, LOC::M, etc. All Drives searches in all directories on all available drives, eg. LOC::A, ..., REM::A, ... DISK INFORMATION Disk information provides details of the type of disk in use and how much space is available. Pressing ESCAPE will return to the main program. Pressing any other key will start a scan of the current disk. This then reports the number of files on the disk with how much space they occupy. From this it is possible to see how much space would be freed by formatting a flash using the formula: (Total Disk Space - Space Free) - Total Space Occupied by files This report also shows how many of the files have their 'modified' bit set. If the 'Backup' option in the System menu is used, or the -M parameter in MCLINK, then this will show the number of files which are not backed up. A percentage is also shown. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you have any problems using TOOLS3a, then Technical Support is available, using one of the methods outlined above. To perform a 'reset' of TOOLS3a, you should delete the TOOLS3A.INI and ASSOC.INI files in the \TOOLS\ directory of your internal disk. CREDITS Tools3a had now progressed through various versions. Apart from those at Psion GmbH who have supported its development, I would like to mention the following for their suggestions, help, or criticisms: * Chris Lees (CompServe) was the first to spot the problem with CAPS LOCK in version 1.1. Chris also requested the 'busy' message during the DBF sort. * Christ Hennings (Cix) spotted that the Hex and DBF tools in 1.1 did not accept system messages. * Robert Kirkbride (CompuServe) was the first to suggest Disk Information, and the file tagging (Michael Haas at Psion also nagged me on this point). * David Williams (CompuServe) came up with several problems with version 1.1. * Chris Parker (CompuServe) was the first to spot the problem with files without extensions. * David Wood help in those moments of crisis, as well as providing the method to read and set file attributes. He also helped find how to detect Flash, Ram, etc. Psion GmbH TOOLS3a Version 2.1 1