TreeA Version 2.0 by Roger Ward TreeA is a budding file manager along the lines of XTree and Dosshell for the Psion Series 3a. This is a prototype version (beta I suppose) that I've released to get comments from users. It has been a long time in developing and was started on the Series 3 just after I got it. A long time ago! My grasshopper mind means that programs take a long time to gestate. Missing from this version are the Directory utilities and some of the File utilities (the most important ones of course!). The reasons being: i) I haven't worked out how to use the AdjustAlloc memory allocation command yet; ii) I haven't worked out how to specify a target directory/drive when moving/copying files or directories. The problem will be controlling the source and target directory tree windows. Having a graphical representation of one drive and then just using a file selector dialog for the target wouldn't look too good would it? ii) Pressure of having to work for a living! Using TreeA is quite simple. On start up choose any of the available internal drives (including the LC::C drive). Navigate up and down the directory tree using the cursor keys, Pg Up, Pg Dn, Home and End. Use the diamond key to toggle between the directory and file views. In file view use the same navigation keys. Use the menu options from thereon. Sort is quite fast except when sorting by extension. Files are not sorted automatically as this would slow down the file list displays too much. Files can be tagged in the file view but you can't yet perform any operations on tagged files. Sorry. You can play a .WVE file from the file view or the file finder view. The PIC viewer only shows single bitmaps at the moment. Grey will follow but it I don't know if the program will be able to automatically distingush between 1 and 2 plane bitmaps. File finder on the menu takes you to a wild card file searcher. Menu options in this view are the same as previously mentioned. To log a new drive use Psion L from the directory view. Drive information shows details on the current drive. Flash drive info includes how many bytes can be liberated by backing up and copying down again. You CAN rename files and set file attributes and date/time in the file view. Yes, the least useful bits work. I would dearly appreciate constructive comments on my handiwork so that I can improve the program before it becomes too complex. Requirements I've worked quite bit on the memory allocation side of things but it can still take up a chunk of memory. On start up it uses 11-12k of memory and around 20k is taken up by the system. After logging the M drive it uses around 24k plus 22k for the System. Logging a big drive and running a wild card search may cause you problems. The largest SSD I have is 512k, I'd be interested to know of any problems with larger drives or with large numbers of files. Please report any problems encountered. Proviso I've cleared up any common errors that ocurred on my machine but I can't guarantee that the program will be stable on yours. I take no responsibility for any loss or damage to your data or machine or peripherals incurred whilst running this program. Apology I don't know whether it is the done thing to release programs that are not finished and (very) possibly buggy, but I need the feedback. The philosophy at my place of work is that if you don't show yourself you won't get noticed. Roger Ward CIS 100025,3124 27th of February 1994