Ttable is a weekly Time Table facility for students or who ever needs one. The time table is displayed over two screens and viewed by using the up & down arrow. Ttable includes: * Viewing table at a glance * system clock - to tell you the current time. * Next Lesson view - a pop up dialog tells you what and where the next lesson is. * Edit facilities * * Enter individual lessons * * Delete a whole entry - incase one of your lessons changes permanently! * * Copy whole entry - useful if you have six or so lessons in the same subject! once copied it brings up a normal Edit dialog just incase the only difference is say the room! * Set a standard "Lunch Hour" or change it, or remove it (by selecting "None") * Set Start of Term under 'Options' and then Ttable will display what week it is once that date has past.(NB use a Sunday or Monday for the start of term as the program uses the same day as start of term for the start of each week) * System screen option. Is your Touch sensitive panel not very touch sensitive? This option allows you to goto the system screen leaving the file open. * One hand computing. ie you only need to press the letter of the hot key eg x to exit - you can still use the hotkeys or menu ! INSTALLATION The progam comes in two versions a .opo and .opa depending if you want an application version or not. Place the program in any directory on any drive (M,A,B). All data files are stored on the internal M drive (about 11k worth) The program is copywrited Freeware, although a œ5 donation would go towards my Series 3a fund! Nic Chilton.