Turn-on v1.0 by C.K.Holland 1998. Description: A small utility, (1k), that allows one to play a sound file, (*.wve), upon turning on the Psion. The sound played s chosen by the user.Memory useage is quite small, (about 10k), but may be more if a large sound file is played...so have a good amount of memory free for large files. Machines: Series 3c, but you are welcome to try it on 3a at your own risk. Not suitable for the Series 5. Installation: Put Turn-on.opa into the APP directory on the internal RAM drive. Install in usual way from the system screen. Run and follow the instructions. You must have at least one .wve file in the Internal drive's WVE directory for the program to work. If you don't then the program will not play a sound. Legal Stuff: This program is given as FREEWARE, so can use and distribute it as much as you want, free of charge. However, the code is mine so belongs to me. I am not liable for any damage to machines or files incurred from the use of this program. Make sure you have backups of all your data before you run the program, (just in case). As far as I know the program has no major bugs, but you never know. Contact: If you have any suggestions you would like to see in further releases, if you would like to comment on this program, or if indeed you find some bugs; I, (Chris.K.Holland), can be contacted at the following E-mail: GEOG6090@GEOG.PORT.AC.UK The Future: Hopefully I will spend some more time and make this particular program better. I definately will fix it so that the program will allow selection of.wve files from any disk.