Uggie's Garden V1.02 for the Psion 3a/c (Only)
~~~~~~~By Ian Webster, (C) October 1996~~~~~~~
** See end of document for competition!*
How to install Uggie's Garden
To install, copy UGGIE.OPA and UGG_ED.OPA to the \APP directory on any
drive (SSD's are file). On the same drive make a directory \APP\UGGIE
and copy the following files into it:
EDIT.DAT (Level editor resource)
REGISTER.DAT (Registration details)
UGG_BDR.PIC (Main game screen)
UGG_SPR.PIC (Game sprites)
UG_TITLE.PIC (Title screen)
*.WVE (Sounds)
In addition make a \APP\UGGIE\LEVELS directory and copy the following
file into it:
UGG_SCR.LEV (Level definitions)
To add icons to the system screen, press PSION-I on the system screen
and select UGGIE using the cursor keys and ENTER. Repeat this step for
the UGG_ED application.
Note: The entire game requires around 90Kb of disk space. If you are
short on space the following files may be deleted with the
noted effect:
*.WVE No sounds in game (19Kb)
EDIT.DAT No level editor. ( 5Kb)
UGG_ED.OPA No level editor. ( 7Kb)
The Story
Uggie has tended his garden well for many years but now the evil
landlord has put his rent up! To pay for this you must run around
the extensive garden and collect all the apples to sell at the
Playing Uggie's Garden
After selecting the game icon from the system screen the title page
will appear giving details of the registered user (pleeeeese register!)
and the user who created the current levels. Press