Utilites Version 3.12f Copyright ¸ Daniel 1997 Utilites for the Psion Series 3a and Series 3c. ------------------------------------------------------- Utilites is Shareware, there are no known bugs in Utilites but if you find any please report them me. Snail-Mail me at: 14 Garth Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 5BQ, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. OR E-Mail me at 106644.617@Compuserve.com Although the greatest care has been taken to make sure Utilites will not cause any damage to your machine or anything else and so far has not caused any damage to any machine it has been used on, the author can take NO resposibility for any damage which may occur and there is NO warranty. for this software. *There is only one so called 'bug' that I know of and that is in the file tree printer, if a file has no extention then the program thinks it is a directory, when it finds out that it isn't a directory it reports a "directory doesn't exist" error and the program terminates.* About Utilites ----------------- Utilites is a large collection of apps, tools and utilites all in a small package. Some features include a full screen sized digital clock, a battery monitor, System resources monitor, ability to launch all built in applications at the press of a button, a timer, a stopwatch, the ability to change an applications icon to name just a few. Installing Utilites ---------------------- To install Utilites just put; Utilites.app into any top level \APP\ directory \-(aplication file important). Utilites.rsc into any top level \OPD\ directory \-(help file important gives usage instructions for all functions and registering info). Then install Utilites.app in the usual way, i.e. Psion -I Registering Utilites ------------------------ To register send £8 UK Pounds as cash or as a cheque (made payable to Daniel Sissman) or $15 US Dollars (Cash preferable) to the following address: 14 Garth Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 5BQ, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. Also send either your e-mail address or your normal address along with the registration fee so that I can send you your registration code. Once you have received and entered your registration code you will have full undelayed access to all of the features and functions in Utilites and the annoying NAG screens will be disabled along with the annoying pauses and you will have a clear conscience. Un-Registered users ------------------------- Un-registered users have some features disabled e.g. Configuration and also annoying NAG screens popping with annoying pauses. I think you will find it worth you while to register Utilites and benifit from all of the features that will become avaliable. The distribution of Utilites ---------------------------------- You may distrubute Utilites as long as the following are obeyed: *No execsive charge is distrubute it (say no more than about £2 :-) *All the files and documentation are kept together (prefably in the Zip file they came in). *And all files and documentation are left completely un-altered in any way, shape or form.