Video Library for Psion Series 3 computer. ------------------------------------------ This program states that it is shareware but it is not. Anyone can have free of charge. I put the shareware message on the front when I was experimenting with developing the program and then disater struck. I lost the OPL code and could not re-edit the file. This is one of my early progs and is a bit naff really, but that said it does keep track of all of your video progs. In the file you should find the following files. Video_01.OPA The program file. Video_01.txt This file. How the program works. ---------------------- I wrote this prog because I got fed up of writing details of programmes on the spine of my VHS cassettes. The first thing to do is to get all of your cassettes together and number them. When first run, the program asks you how many tapes you have and then asks how long each one is in minutes. Once these details have been entered then you can begin to monitor your tapes. Menu headings ------------- I will briefly explain what each menu item does. PROGRAMS -------- ADD Enter a new programme that you have taped. FIND Find a programme you have taped. DELETE Delete a programme from library. TAPES ----- FIND A TAPE Find all programmes on a specific tape. BLANK TAPES Show those tapes which are blank. SPARE CAPACITY How many minutes available on each tape. NUMBER OF TAPES Increase number of tapes if you buy more EDIT TAPE Mark a tape as Single play Long play Bad Alter length of tape SPECIAL ------- PROGRAMS List to screen or printer by following types; Films Dramas Quiz Documentary Light entertainment Sport Wildlife All VERSION Version number of software. RESET COUNTER Reset minutes free if counter messed up. ALTER COUNTER Alter counter to what you think it should be. QUIT Exit the program. Adding progs. ------------- Select add. Then enter the tape number you are using. Then enter a short title. Then enter a description of prog (or just press enter) Choose prog type (Press TAB to select from list) Enter how many minutes it lasts Choose Single play or Long Play mode. The prog will then be saved in the library. Note: if there is not enough space on the tape to record all of the prog then you will get a warning. I hope this prog is of use to someone. I must admit that although its not very good, I still use it. I will probably write a better one for the Series 3a if anyone wants it. Cheers Ken Duerden.