Put VIEWER.OPA in any \APP\ directory. Install it as an application, and then in the system screen it will automatically list any .PIC files contained in a \PICS\ directory. A couple of .PIC files are provided for demonstration purposes. The VIEWER.PIC is the programs icon, and PORSCHE.PIC is a large picture to show the scrolling. If you wish to test the ability to examine multiple pictures in a single file, I would recommend SCENES.PIC from the S3_TETRIS game, or ASWARM.PIC from the ASWARM program. Both these are available on most boards with Psion files. When you first run the program you will get a registration screen. Sorry about that, but I have found by experience that nobody registers shareware unless you give then an incentive. WARNING !! Please note the main limitation of the program. I cannot find any way in OPL to save multiple screens in a single .PIC file. (You can do it using a PC-based programme). Therefore, if you use the Psion option when viewing such a file you will overwrite the original file with a file containing just the picture you are viewing. This is still a 'beta' version, so there might be problems. Any suggestions (and registrations) should be addressed to: Mr F A Richey 13 Wieland Rd Northwood Middlesex HA6 3RD