WageCalc v2.0 Introduction Hello, and welcome to WageCalc v2.0. This program is intended for use by individuals such as the author; who works on flexi-time for a standard wage, for varying hours in a month. If you are a part-time or a flexi- time worker; you may find this little program of use for keeping track of the number of hours you have worked in a month, and also for gaining a good approximation of your end-of-the month salary. Currently, this program only deals with English Sterling currency. However, the author is willing to tailor the program to your own currency (if different) if you register. Later releases will consider other currencies, and may even be multi- lingual. Do contact the author if you have any requests etc. Consideration is given to income taxing, although national insurance contributions are not considered in this release. WageCalc v2.0 runs on Series 3 machines only, in the background, and allows the machine to auto-switch off. It uses only about 13k of RAM although the help file is optional, which reduces the need to only about 9k. It only needs about 15k of memory to run. Installation The WCalcv2.zip file contains three files. These are listed below: WCalcv2.opa : The program file WCalcv2.txt : This file in plain text format WCalcv2.rsc : The program help file Place the .opa file into the \APP directory, and install from the system screen. If you want the online help then put the .rsc file into the \OPD directory. This help file is optional though, so if you have a lack of space; you can remove it. Upon registration; Wagecalc.reg is created in the \OPD directory. This is the file used for registration purposes, and is also to where WageCalc saves out income data. The program has been designed and tested on the internal RAM of a 3c only, but running it from a SSD should be okay, as long as it is RAM. Operation This program has been designed, and thus programmed to be user friendly and as such: easy to use. The INPUT DATA menu allows you to input the number of hours worked per day for each week in one month. The weeks are relative: Week 1, Week2 etc. Also in this menu is INCOME DATA. In this selection one can input the pay per hour, income tax rate, and the monthly tax ceiling; which is the amount of cash one can earn in a month before being taxed.This is currently œ288 for the UK.If the program is un-registered; the data here is not saved, but if you do register the program (see REGISTRATION) then the values are saved out every time you exit the program, and thus if correct do not need entering upon later use. The other menus are self explanatory, where calculations of earnings are made, and where one can get summaries for the month. Play around until you get it! WageCalc has been designed to run in the background; so values can be entered over the course of the month, and not all in one go (although you can do this too).When you have entered the values that you want, but will want to enter more in a couple of days press the SYSTEM button and WageCalc will be highlighted in bold (showing that it is still running).To go back in:select the bold and press ENTER. If you exit WageCalc, then all input (other than income data, if registered) will be lost. Therefore use above system to leave it running in the background. Registration This program is not free, although v1.0 was. Therefore you are entitled to evaluate the program for 20 days, but after this period if you continue using the program; you must register it. Registration removes the nagscreens as well as saving out income data values. Also it means you are supporting the shareware market; are clearing your conscience; and are inviting me to write more programs for the Psion Series 3 range of handheld compu- ters. Lastly; the author will offer free support for this program. To register: send a cheque or cash for œ3 UK, or $5 US, (or equivalent in your currency) to the address below: 5 Kenyon Rd North End Portsmouth Hants PO2 OJZ England E-mail: (for any comments, suggestions etc) GEOG6090@GEOG.PORT.AC.UK Make cheques payable to C.Holland,and include a letter stating your full address, e-mail if applicable, and any other forms of communicat- ion open to you, along with your full name, the version number of the program, and details of where you acquired this program. If you are yourself a programmer, then I may consider "swapping" the code for this program with a code for one of your own programs, should I find a use for one of yours; but obviously send me details of where to obtain your program. Legal Considerations The author is unable to accept any liability for loss or damage to software, files, or hardware that may result as a consequence of using this program. You use this software at you own risk. It is your own choice to make backups of all important data before using this package, but the author recommends it just in case!. To the best of the authors knowledge; this program is free of bugs and problems. However if you should find any bugs, please notify the author at the e-mail address listed in REGISTRATION section. Version History v0.1 to v.09 : Not released, used for my own purposes and training in OPL programming. v1.0 : Released as Freeware for public use, in order to gain some feedback. v2.0 : Released as Shareware. Completely rewritten to sort out minor bugs, to add extra considerations in calculations, to add extra summaries, to change icon, (as v1.0's is pretty nasty), and make smaller in RAM consumption. The Future : Multi-linguisitc considerations Different currency considerations Possibility of saving out the timesheets so that program can be exited to free up memory. Any suggestions?? C.K.Holland Jan 1998.