Web World V1.00d for the Psion 3a/c (Only) By Ian Webster, June 1996 How to install Web World on S3a =============================== To install, copy WEBWORLD.OPA to the \APP directory on any drive. On the same drive make a directory \APP\ADV and copy the following files into it: BLOCK.DAT (Screen units) SCREEN.DAT (Levels definition) MONSTER.DAT (Monster positions) WWSPR.PIC (Game sprites) BLOCK.PIC (Block sprites) WWTOP.PIC (Top of game screen) WWSIDE.PIC (Side of game screen) WWTITLE.PIC (Title Page) To add an icon to the system screen, press PSION-I on the system screen and select WEBWORLD using the cursor keys and ENTER. The Story ========= Web World has enjoyed many years of peace due to the presence of the Mystic Orb which has protected the people from evil. One day, the evil mage Hasatan managed to steal the orb and before draining it's energy used it to transform the people into evil monsters. Your task is to locate the Orb, re-energise it and escape using the teleportation device Hasatan used to flee. The transformed people are out to stop you and will drain your energy, you also have a limited time before the changes become permanent! Playing Web World ================= Web World is a large aracade adventure, the game consists of a hundred interlinked screens. These can be navigated around but there are many objects to find and puzzles to solve before the game can be completed. To move around, use the cursor keys, the diamond key to jump, P to pick up objects and D to drop objects. To make life more difficult, you have a limited amount of energy which is depleted by running into the many monsters and there is also a very severe time limit! Hint: Draw a map, you'll need it! History ======= Web World developed from a screen engine originally developed for the Acorn Electron many moons ago. This allows the entire game to be squezed into just 35Kb, each screen being stored in 15 Bytes! This was converted to the Psion and embelished to produce the completed game. Registration ============ Web World is Shareware. The unregistered version contains an artifically severe time limit that will actually prevent the whole game from being completed, although the game can still be played for around 3/4 hour before finishing. To receive the good feeling of supporting shareware and to receive the version with the proper time limit, send œ10 to: 27 Meadow Close London Colney Herts AL2 1RH I can also be contacted via e-mail at: 100421.1412@compuserve.com This game has taken over 200 hours to write, please support future developments, REGISTER NOW! ** IW, 21/6/96 **