Winning Calculator 3a The Betting Winning Calculator for the Psion 3a series. You have studied the form...... You have placed your bets...... Hopefully you have won Now see if your bookie is paying you what is due. WinningCalc 3a(c) (vers1.3) by Andrew Lee, July 1997 Firstly please note. 1)Winning Calc 3a will only run on the Psion 3a. 2)The author/agent accepts no responsibility for damage or loss of data or loss of revenue resulting from the use or mis-use of this program. 3)Winning Calc 3a must only be distributed with all source and text files. 4)Winning Calc 3a is Shareware, if you use this program regularly, then you are asked to contribute £10. (US$25) Winning Calc 3a was written by Andrew Lee Parkend House Hotel Parkend Nr Lydney GLOS GL15 4HL United Kingdom e-mail AJL@CIX.CO.UK Installation Copy the WINCALC.OPA file into the /APPS/ folder. Install from the system screen (install from the apps menu) make sure WINCALC.OPA is selected, press enter. Instructions Select a bet (Psion key+e) and select your stake(Psion key+k). Select the odds(Psion key+i) at which your horses/greyhounds etc are running and indicate if your selection won, lost or was a Non-Runner.Select odds for each selection by pressing tab and choosing from the list. Winning Calc will now calculate your payout. Winning Calc is only meant as a guide to winnings, some fluctuations may occur depending on how many decimal points your bookmaker uses. Multiple Bets set to Place will have to be calculated at either 1/4 OR 1/5 ODDS, not a combination of both. Registration Winning Calc 3a is shareware, to get the full functionality you need to register and contribute £10 ($25) By registering, Users will be able to: 1. Alter tax rate, and choose to pay tax on winnings or on stake. 2. Save current bet. 3. Open previously saved bet. 4. Receive my thanks. How to Register. In the UK. Send cheque or (£10) to Andrew Lee I will email/send your key ASAP. Elsewhere. I am accepting registrations via RegNet on the internet. Simply access the RegNet web site @ and have your credit card ready. Alternately telephone the tollfree Registration line (details on the web page). I will email you your key ASAP (usually the next day). Note: The fee of $25 includes a fee to RegNet. Winning Calc 3a Options MENU/Select Bet Set Type Choose the type of bet you wish to make. You also select whether to back "to win", "place"@1/4 odds or "place"@1/5 odds. note. multiple bets can also be backed to place, however currently either 1/4odds or 1/5odds can be selected, NOT a mixture of both. Set stake Set the amount that you wish to stake per bet. Bet Info Lists all the bets of the currently selected bet. MENU/File New Clears all data from the screen and resets the odds. Open (Disabled), registered users only Opens a *.slp file previously saved with Winning Calc 3a. ie Opens a previously saved betting slip. Save As (Disabled), registered users only Saves the current betting slip as a *.slp file. MENU/Options Taxrate (Disabled), registered users only Allows the user to alter the tax percentage and whether to pay tax with the stake or from the winnings. Initially set to the current UK betting tax of 9%. Should you live in a tax free haven, then this can be set to 0%. Registration Once you have registered, you will be sent a key to enter here with your name. All unavailable options will now become available. MENU/Results Input Results Input each selection's ie horse etc Odds and whether the selection Won (or was placed), lost or was withdrawn(Non Runner). View Results Shows a brief display of results and odds. MENU/About About Displays version number and registration status. Help Very brief instructions. Exit Exits WinCalc Multiple Bets Winning Calc 3a becomes most useful when calculating "multiple bets". These are bets where the punter tries to predict the outcome of two or more events, with the winnings of the first event being the stake for the next event etc. etc. The largest single "multiple bet" that Winning Calc can calculate is the "six-fold" ie six selections, with the stake increasing with each win. Obviously should one of the six selections lose then the whole bet is lost. A variation of the above is the "Heinz" Bet, where again six selections are made, the difference being that every combination of multiples is wagered on ie.15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds and 1 six-fold, a grand total of 57 individual bets. This bet costs somewhat more than the bet above, due to the number of bets, however you will see by Winning Calcs calculations that the return can be substantially higher. Lucky15, Lucky31 and Lucky63 are multiple bets offered by "William Hill" other bookmakers will probably offer similar bets under different names, however the Bonuses indicated by Winning Calc only apply to the "William Hill" "Lucky" bets. Thanks Many thanks to my P.C. beta testers, Ken Stone, Steve Crowe, Les Burke, David Collison, and to my local "William Hill" branch (Lydney). Many thanks to my Psion beta tester Martin Peake Note. A Windows 95 version of Wincalc is also available, please email me for details.