Psion WordPro (c)1997 * Words to Describe Feelings * 1st class Able Absorbed Absurd Abundant Accepting Acclaimed Accomplished Actualized Adaptable Adorable Adroit Adventurous Adverse Aggressive Aligned Alive Alluring Ambitious Analytical Arresting Astonishing Astute Authoritative Awakened Ballistic Beguiling Bewitching Bilingual Blissful Blithe Boisterous Bold Boundless Brazen Breathtaking Brilliant Built to last Burning Candid Captivating Captivating Carefree Caring Casual Challenged Charged up Charming Cheerful Childish Chipper Classy Colorful Comical Commanding Communicative Compelling Competent Complete Concentrating Confident Conforming Congenial Conservative Content Conversive Coolamundo Cosmic Courageous Courteous Creative Creme de la creme Critical Crystalline Cuddly Curious Dazzling Decisive Delightful Demure Dependable Determined Deterministic Different Distinctive Distinguished Diverse Dominant Dramatic Dreamy Driven Dynamic Dynamite Easy Eccentric Ecstatic Educated Effervescent Elated Electric Electrifying Emboldened Eminent Empowered Enchanted Enchanting Energetic Energized Engaging Enhanced Enriched Entertaining Enthralled Enthusiastic Envious Epic Essential Esteemed Eternal Evocative Exalted Excellent Excited Exhilarated Expectant Explosive Exquisite Extensive Extreme Extroverted Exuberant Facetious Faithful Famous Fanciful Fascinating Felicitous Ferocious Fetching Fiery Fine Finessing Flexible Focused Forgiving Friendly Fruitful Fulfilled Futuristic Galvanizing Generous Genial Gifted Gigantic Giving Glowing Golden Gorgeous Gracious Grateful Gregarious Gripping Groundbreaking Hair-raising Happy Harmonious Haunting Healthy Heavy duty Hi-tec Honest Hospitable Huggable Humble Hyped Hysterical Idealistic Idolized Ignorant Illuminating Illustrious Imaginative Immaculate Impassioned Impeccable Incisive Indestructible Indispensable Infinite Influential Ingenious Innocent Inspired Inspirational Instant Integrated Intense Interdependent Interested Intimate Intoxicating Intriguing Inventive Invigorating Invincible Inviting Irresistible Jazzed Jocular Jolly Joyous Jubilant Juiced Killer Kind Kinetic Lab tested people approved Larger than life Lavish Leading Liberal Liberated Like a million Lively Loquacious Loved Lovestruck Loving Loyal Lucky Luxuriant Magical Magnetic Magnificent Majestic Major Masterful Mature Meaningful Meditative Memorable Merry Mesmerizing Mind-blowing Mirthful Mischievous Monumental Moody Motivated Moving Multi-talented Muscular Needy Nifty No-nonsense Notable Omnipotent On fire One One of a kind Open Opportunistic Optimistic Original Outrageous Outstanding Overwhelming Panoramic Passionate Pensive People-oriented Perceptive Perfect Persistent Personable Persuasive Phenomenal Philosophical Picturesque Piquant Pleasant Pleasing Positive Potent Precious Premier Prepared Prestigious Princely Private Prodigious Productive Professional Profuse Progressive Prominent Propitious Provocative Pumped up Pure Purposeful Quality Quixotic Racy Radiant Radical Rapturous Raring to go Raw Realistic Refined Refreshing Rejuvenating Reliable Remarkable Renaissance Renowned Replete Respected Revealing Revered Revolutionary Rich Romantic Sanguine Satisfying Scholarly Scintillating Seasoned Secure Seductive Self-Confident Self-Controlling Self-Disciplined Self-aware Sensational Sensuous Serene Sexy Shocking Silky Simple Simply Better Sizzling Smashing Smoldering Soaring Soothing Sophisticated Sparkling Special Spectacular Spellbinding Spine-tingling Spiritual Splendid Staggering Startling State-of-the-art Stimulating Stirring Stoked Structured Stunning Stupendous Sublime Successful Sumptuous Super-superb Superb Supreme Surefire Surprised Talented Tantalizing Tenacious Think Thorough Though-provoking Thoughtful Thrifty Thrilling Thundering Timeless Top-flight Top-notch Total Towering Trailblazing Transcendent Transformed Treasured Tremendous Trustworthy Truthful Turbo-Charged Turned-On Ultimate Unassuming Unbelievable Unforgettable Uninhibited Unique United Unlimited Unparalleled Unstoppable Unsure Upscale Utilitarian Utopian VIP Vibrant Virtuoso Vital Vivacious Waggish Weird Whimsical Whole Windswept Winsome Witty Wizardly World-class Worldly Worrisome Xerophilious Youngish Youthful Zealous Zesty Zoomorphic