Psion WordPro (c)1997 * Common Latin terms * ad lib ad libitum, at one's pleasure c., or ca. circa, about cf. confer, compare con. contra, against c.v. curriculum vitae, course of life dram. pers. dramatis personae, characters in the play e.g. exempli gratia, for example et al. et alii, and others etc. et cetera, and so on et seq. et sequentes, and the following fl. floruit, flourished ibid. ibidem, in the same place id. idem, the same i.e. id est, that is loc. cit. loco citato, in the place cited MS, MSS manuscriptum -a, manuscript(s) N.B. nota bene, take careful note non seq. non sequitur, it does not follow op. cit. opere citato, in the work cited pass. passim, throughout pro tem. pro tempore, for the time being PS postscriptum, postscript Q.E.D. quod erat demonstrandum, which was to be demonstrated q.v. quod vide, which see r. regnat, reigned R.I.P. requiescat in pace, rest in peace v. vide, see vs., v. versus, against viz. videlicet, namely AWOL absent without leave b. born CEO chief executive officer COD cash on delivery CPA certified public accountant CST Central standard time d. died DOA dead on arrival DWI driving while intoxicated ERA earned run average ESP extrasensory perception EST Eastern standard time ETA estimated time of arrival fax facsimile FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act FYI for your information GDP gross domestic product GI government issue GNP gross national product H.M.S. His (or Her) Majesty's Ship HQ headquarters H.R.H. His (or Her) Royal Highness ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile Inc. incorporated IOU I owe you IQ intelligence quotient KO knockout MP military police OED Oxford English Dictionary PAC political action committee PD police department PO post office POW prisoner of war PST Pacific standard time RBI run batted in R & D research and development RICO Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act RSVP repondez s'il vous plait (French for "Answer if you please") SAT Student Aptitude Test SNAFU situation normal, all fouled up TGIF Thank God It's Friday TLC tender loving care TKO technical knockout UFO unidentified flying object U.S.S. United States ship Xmas Christmas