Copyright (c) 1997 RSW Publications Socrates once said "The unexamined life is not worth living." Please take a hard look at the questions we have posed. Do a few at a time and write your answers below the question. Not just yes or no, but who, what, when, why, where, and how. If you find room for improvement after thinking about a question, write how you will answer it once you have made that change. P.S. Don't forget about making the change. Topics - Business: Emotional: Family: Financial: Info: Mental: Physical: Personal: Dilemmas: Decisions: What Ifs: Values: Business: Do people consider you successful? Do you consider yourself successful? When you make a mistake, do you create an excuse or try to shift the blame? Have you ever said "I'm at fault. I will fix it." Do you find it easy to ask for help when you need it? Can others ask you for help? How would you handle a romantic offer from a coworker if you were married? Single? How would you work with a boss 10 years younger than you? The opposite gender? Have you ever stuck with an idea even though everyone else said it would fail? Have you ever succeeded in doing something beyond your abilities? What excuses do you usually use for avoiding work? Discussing a subject? Reaching a goal? What is your dream job? Are you on the right career path? Do you control your time or does it control you? Does my ability to control my own life qualify me to lead others? Do you look for the big picture? The fine details? Both? Are you a leader? A follower? A competitor? A spectator? Are you a believer in continuous improvement at work? In yourself? In others? Have you ever wanted to start your own business but found a reason not to? Is that reason insurmountable? Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? (Ambition, Creativity, Communication, Longevity, Assets, Innovation, Management) At work or home do you jump right into a project? Research it first? Consult an expert? Delegate effectively? Emotional: If you must choose, would you rather be thought of as responsible but boring or undependable but interesting? Have you ever pointed out an oversight in a game (that nobody noticed) causing you lose? Are you a good loser? A friendly winner? Are you graceful under pressure? When was the last time you cried? Do you laugh easily? Smile? Get excited? Become inspired? Do you ever feel guilty about doing things you enjoy? About doing things you shouldn't do? Do you have a routine for reducing stress? Have you tried meditation? Fasting? Deep breathing? Are you honest when someone asks "How are you?" How do you vent you anger? Have you ever taken it out on someone innocent? What are you most afraid of in life? Should you overcome it, how would your life be different? Family: Do you tell your family you love them every day? How do you show it? How deep is your love? How would you feel if you were at a family reunion and overheard someone saying you were adopted? How would you want your children to treat you in your retirement years? Do you sometimes take your parents for granted? Children? Friends? Pets? How would/did you raise your children differently than your parents raised you? Do you blame your parents for not doing an adequate job in bringing you up? In what ways are you like your parents? Different? Is there anything you are ashamed of or are hiding from your friends or family? How do you feel about yourself when you're with your significant other? What legacy would you like to leave behind for your children? For the world? Financial: If you had all of your basics needs cared for, would you still work? How much money would it take for you to retire today? Do you tithe regularly? How are you giving something back to your community? If it could save 5 starving people, would you go without dessert for a year? Are you an active volunteer? Have you ever visited a prison? A homeless shelter? A mission? A sanitarium? A retirement home? How would you survive in a unknown city and you couldn't spend money? Or speak the language? If a fire took away everything you owned - your belongings, your savings, your job, your family - could you start over? If you had one week to spend $1,000,000 and couldn't keep anything you bought, how would you spend it? Info: What do you enjoy most about the rain? Snow? Wind? Sun? Night? What were your favorite activities as a child? When was the last time you did them? Were you in a hurry to grow up when you were small? Do you still want to rush through life? What is the biggest triumph in your life? What are you most embarrassed of in your life? What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life? What is the mots courageous thing you ever did? What is the best thing that could happen to you? What person, place, or thing would you like to learn more about? Have you ever been conned? How would you avoid having it happen again? Who was your hero when you were a child? Why? How are you alike? Mental: What is your purpose in life? What is your mission in life? What is your meaning in life? What is the meaning of life? What do you consider the perfect day? Why don't you have want you want in life? Do you blame/credit anyone for your current status in life? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Are there things you pretend to enjoy, but really hate doing? If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Do you believe in life on other planets? Have you ever experienced deja vu? A vision? A lucid dream? Have you ever believed you were reincarnated? Who is your favorite comedian? Do you like to make others laugh? Are you good at telling jokes? If you can't remember them, have you written them down and practiced? Are you afraid to ask questions when you don't understand something? If you didn't own a TV, how would you spend your time? Do you remember your dreams? Do you write them down as soon as you wake up? Have you ever been able to just sit and do nothing? Physical: Whom do you think have easier lives: men or women? What do you think it would be like, being the opposite sex for a day? A week? Forever? How would you like to be remembered after you have passed on? How do you want your epitaph to read? Do you ever walk or bike to work? To the park? Down the street? If you could be reincarnated, what year would you be born in? If you were an animal, what would you be? If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? What would you do? Have you ever let someone win a game on purpose? Are there any habits you'd like to kick but don't seem able to? Have you listed all the benefits and really wanted it? Have you ever thought about committing suicide? What are ten good reasons for living? Personal: Have you ever asked your best friends tell you what your strengths and weaknesses are? What do you think they would say? What did they say? Can people trust you to keep a secret? Are you discreet? Have you ever accidentally betrayed another's confidence? Do you make friends easily? Do you build rapport with people quickly? Are your friends mostly older, younger, or the same age? Same sex or opposite? Who do you dislike the most? Like the most? In both cases, how is that person like you? Do you find it easy to forgive and forget? Do you find it easy to overlook imperfections in others? In yourself? How would you react in meeting an alien being? Do you still keep in touch with friends from your childhood? School? College? When was the last time you played a good prank on someone? Why are some people more popular than others? More successful? Wealthier? Happier? Are you introverted or extroverted? A thinker or feeler? Intuitive or perceptive? Judgmental or perceptive? Are you a good listener? Speaker? Have you ever gotten involved in Toastmasters? Decisions: If a friend invited you to go on a daring but dangerous adventure, would you go? If all of your friends stripped before getting into a hot tub, would you join them? Would you consider swapping lives for an day with your best friend? How would you react if a mugger demanded all of your money at gunpoint? Knifepoint? Weaponless? If you found $100 bill at a party, would you keep it? If offered, you would accept immortality, knowing you would never die. Would you prefer having rules, regulations, and laws or not having them? If you had to change your name, what would you choose? Would you rather be poor and content or rich and discontent? If you could take three books to a deserted island to retire on, what would they be? If you could take ten objects to a deserted island to retire on, what would they be? Five? One? If you could choose to have only one forte, beauty, strength, or brains, what would it be? If you could pick your age where you would never change, physically, mentally, or emotionally what would you choose? How do you go about making decisions? Does your heart or mind usually win the day? Dilemmas: If you could place a value on human life, what would it be? If forced, would you choose to lose a hand or spend 30 years in jail? If you were offered $1,000,000 to sleep with someone you despised, would you do it? Would you sacrifice your life for a complete stranger? Would you risk your life for someone you were deeply attracted to? A disfigured person? A geriatric? If you had a choice of a single wish or freeing the genie in the bottle, what would you choose? If a cashier gave you a ten instead of a one in change, what would you do? If your plane was crashing and you had the only parachute, would you give up for the President? A surgeon? A nun? A friend? Your spouse? What If: If you could life your life all over again, what would you do differently? If you were invisible for a week, what would you do? If you could be anyone in the world, past, present, or future, who would you be? If you could be an expert/pro/virtuoso at anything, what would it be? If people read minds instead of speaking, how would your life be different? If you could have one magic power, what would you want it to be? If you could speak for 1 minute to the entire world, what would you say? If you could know the day of your death, would you want to know? If you had a crystal ball and could look anywhere, where would you look? Values: What are the five most important things in your life? What are your top six goals in life? Do you work towards them every day? How will your current endeavors make you happier? Smarter? Healthier? Wealthier? If you agreed to sell your car for a certain price and someone else offered more, what would you do? Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten? Twenty? What will the world be like? Are you blind to color, race, and religion in your treatment of different people? What is your definition of right and wrong? Have you ever been accused of lying? Cheating? Stealing? How did you react? What do love mean to you? Have you ever really taken a stand for what you believe in? Copyright (c) 1997 RSW Publications