Wordplay (Requires a monospaced font) Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Protronics * File should be viewed with Wordwrap off on a PC for best results * Try to decipher each braintickler into a word or short phrase. The answers are at the end of this document. Don't do more than five at a time. Enjoy! 1 2 3 4 5 6 MIND MAN STAND WEAR LE MATTER BOARD I |R|E|A|D|I|NG| LONG VEL 7 8 9 10 11 12 CYCLE -------- KNEE WEATHER HISTORY B CYCLE | SAND | ------ ------- HISTORY A E CYCLE -------- LIGHTS FEELING HISTORY D U M R 13 14 15 16 17 18 R T SEARCH TAKE 1 MEAL O FALL BONJOUR ROAD O TAKE 1 MEAL SUMMER HOLA I W TAKE 1 MEAL WINTER HELLO L N AND TAKE 1 MEAL SILVER SPRING ALOHA 19 20 21 22 23 24 WAY T 0 ii ME GETTING O ------- OO U M.D. OO -------- ---- C B.A. OO IT IT IT PASS H PH.D. OO IT IT IT ALL 25 26 27 28 29 30 ECANLG SHE'S/HERSELF DEATH LIFE A CHANCE N OHOLENE NOITANIMINRCSID 31 32 33 34 35 36 ALL/world LU CKY NIGHT FLY SOU P MOMANON TIMING TIM ING 37 38 39 40 41 42 PARKED/PARKED BR EED ME REPEAT ESROH RIDING COLT, JR. YOU JUST ME 43 44 45 46 47 48 EMNIOTO NOXQS4IT PICT RES B ILL ED SOMEthing VAD ERS 49 50 51 52 53 54 I Q LOVE HAMLET HEAD MAN M M H JKLMNOP R SIGHT SIGHT WORDS LOHEELSVE campus A P 55 56 57 58 59 60 U 3. O ho SPRING ALL E E Q S 2. U ho SUMMER GRATIS ALL U A L T 1. T + ho AUTUMN ALL S M C I ---- WINTER ALL 61 62 63 64 65 66 VIT MAN BUSINES GETTINGITALL MAUD ELIF TILL IME 67 68 69 70 71 72 1+T < HOLE The SaNd ACUM JJJ BBB DR. DR. LOV Solutions Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Protronics 1 Mind Over Matter 2 Man Over Board 3 I Understand 4 Reading Between the Lines 5 Long Underwear 6 Split Level 7 Tricycle 8 Sandbox 9 Neon Lights 10 Feeling Under the Weather 11 History Repeating Itself 12 Bermuda Triangle 13 Railroad Crossing 14 Downtown 15 Search High and Low 16 Take 1 Before Every Meal 17 Hi-O-Silver 18 Season's Greetings 19 Higway Overpass 20 Touchdown 21 3 Degrees Below Zero 22 Circles Under the Eyes 23 It's Beneath Me 24 Getting Away from It All 25 Backwards Glance 26 She's Beside Herself 27 Life After Death 28 An Outside Chance 29 A Hole in One 30 Reverse Discrimination 31 It's a Small World After All 32 Lucky Break 33 Fly by Night 34 Split Pea Soup 35 Man in the Moon 36 Split Second Timing 37 Double Parked 38 A Breed Apart 39 Repeat After Me 40 Horseback Riding 41 Son of a Gun 42 Just Between You and Me 43 Mixed Emotions 44 No Excuse for It 45 You Ought to Be in Pictures 46 Sick in Bed 47 The Start of Something Big 48 Space Invaders 49 High I.Q. 50 Love at First Sight 51 Play of Words 52 Head over Heels in Love 53 Big Man on Campus 54 Time's Up 55 It's Up to You 56 Outnumbered 3 to 1 57 Tally ho 58 A Man for All Seasons (GENT) 59 Free for All 60 E = mc^2 61 Vitamin 'A' Deficiency 62 Unfinished Business 63 Getting It All Together 64 Mad About You 65 Change of Life 66 Til the End of Time 67 The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts 68 Head in the Sand 69 See You in the Morning 70 Birds and the Bees 71 Paradox 72 Endless Love Proverbs 1 Provide the privilege of affranchisement, or I will feel that life in not worth living. 2 A condition characterized by tardiness is more desirable than one that systematically marked by eternal absenteeism. 3 An ignoramus and his lucre are readily disjoined. 4 In the absence of the feline race, certain small rodents will give themselves up to various pleasurable pastimes. 5 A plethora of culinary specialists vitiate the liquid in which a variety of nutritional substances have been simmered. 6 A winged and feathered animal in the digital limb is as valuable as duet in the shrubbery. 7 The warm-blooded class aves who is governed by promptitude can apprehend the small, elongated, and slender creeping animal. 8 Impetuous celebrity engenders purposeless spoilage. 9 Illegal transgression has no remuneration for its perpetrators. Solutions Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Protronics 1 Give me liberty or give me death. 2 Better late than never. 3 A fool and his money are soon parted. 4 When the cat' away, the mice will play. 5 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 6 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 7 The early bird catches the worm. 8 Haste makes waste. 9 Crime doesn't pay. Acronyms (Sample "The 12 D of C" = "The 12 Days of Christmas") 1 2,000 P in a T 2 10 L I 3 30 S over T 4 7 D with S W 5 20 Q (A, V, or M) 6 15 M on a D M C 7 66 B of the B (in the K J V) 8 3 S and Y O at the O B G 9 20000 L U the S 10 76 T that L the B P 11 10 D in a T N (incl. the A C) 12 9 J of the S C 13 8 D a W 14 7 Y of B L for B a M 15 6 P on a P T 16 5 T on a C (incl. S in T) 17 4 S on a V 18 3 L K that L T M 19 2 G of V 20 1 R A in E B 21 26 L of the A 22 7 W of the A W 23 1001 A N 24 12 S of the Z 25 54 C in a D (with the J) 26 9 P in the S S 27 88 P K 28 13 S on the A F 29 32 D F at which W F 30 18 H on a G C 31 90 D in a R A 32 200 D for P G in M 33 8 S on a S S 34 3 B M (S H T R) 35 4 Q in a G 36 24 H in a D 37 1 W on a U 38 5 D in a Z C 39 57 V of H K 40 11 P on a F T 41 1000 W that a P is W 42 29 D in F in a L Y 43 64 S on a C 44 40 D and N of the G F 45 B and B (C S) 46 99 B of B on the W Solutions Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Protronics 1 2,000 Pounds in a Ton 2 10 Little Indians 3 30 Seconds over Tokyo 4 7 Dwarves with Snow White 5 20 Questions (Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral) 6 15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest 7 66 Books of the Bible (in the King James Version) 8 3 Strikes and You're Out at the Old Ball Game 9 20000 Leagues Under the Sea 10 76 Trombones that Led the Big Parade 11 10 Digits in a Telephone Number (incl. the Area Code) 12 9 Justices of the Supreme Court 13 8 Days a Week (Beatle's Song) 14 7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror 15 6 Pockets on a Pool Table 16 5 Tires on a Car (incl. Spare in Trunk) 17 4 Strings on a Violin 18 3 Little Kittens that Lost Their Mittens 19 2 Gentlemen of Verona 20 1 Rotten Apple in Every Barrel 21 26 Letters of the Alphabet 22 7 Wonders of the Ancient World 23 1001 Arabian Nights 24 12 Signs of the Zodiac 25 54 Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers) 26 9 Planets in the Solar System 27 88 Piano Keys 28 13 Stripes on the American Flag 29 32 Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes 30 18 Holes on a Golf Course 31 90 Degrees in a Right Angle 32 200 Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly 33 8 Sides on a Stop Sign 34 3 Blind Mice (See How They Run) 35 4 Quarts in a Gallon 36 24 Hours in a Day 37 1 Wheel on a Unicycle 38 5 Digits in a Zip Code 39 57 Varieties of Heinz Ketchup 40 11 Players on a Football Team 41 1000 Words that a Picture is Worth 42 29 Days in February in a Leap Year 43 64 Squares on a Checkerboard 44 40 Days and Nights of the Great Flood 45 Billions and Billions (Carl Sagan) 46 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Protronics Call (20^2+4) (Book: Fahrenheit___-100) (10^3+OldUSHwyMax) to order