This Psion .dbf format database contains a list of World Wide Web sites with a heavy emphasis on commercial and technical resources. It also has some quirky stuff that I came across wandering aimlessly around the Web. To find Psion specific sites, search on the keyword PSION. (Have you ever noticed how stupid help files end up sounding?) Most of the data comes from a public domain file released for SideKick by Starfish Software. I have re-organized the field names and dropped some less than useful fields, then converted it to Psion format. While "surfing the web", I often find it quicker to use the Psion as a scratch pad to keep track of interesting sites I find. It is easier to find and sort entries than with the rudimentary bookmark facilities provided by most browsers. If anybody wants to upload their personal favorite sites, I will be happy to add them to the database and republish it. Waleed A. Hanafi CIS: 73730,1344 int: 1995 06 30