X3Tree V 1.2 Copyright March 1997 Richard Wakelin. Shareware. See the end of this document for details. This file is for people who enjoy reading long instruction documents as much as I enjoy writing them. It gives only the basic instructions for installing X3Tree. Installing X3Tree ................. X3Tree.opa > \APP\ X3Tree2.opo > \APP\X3Tree\ help.opo > \APP\X3Tree\ (optional) diskview.opo > \APP\X3Tree\ (optional) Install the files in the directories shown above. If you are desperately short of space then you can leave out help.opo and diskview.opo. Diskview.opo is a graphical add on program that will appear in the menu when installed. Contact address and other details .................................. I hope you find this program useful. Please redistribute this program along with both text files. I have only uploaded this program to CIX and CIS so please cross post to any other library or BBS X3Tree is shareware. Hundreds of hours have been spent developing this program. IF you use this program on a regular basis then please consider paying for it. Send a small cash donation of £10 to the address below. If nothing else it will encourage me to develop the program further. Any comments or suggestions by email only please. Richard Wakelin 8 Ezard Street, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland, TS19 0BZ England UK Email rbenno@cix.compulink.co.uk Email 106305.466@compuserve.com