_ _ _______ _____ _______ _______ \___/ ___ |______ | | |______ |______ _/ \_ | __|__ |_____ |______ ______| _______ _____ _______ _______ _ _ _ _______ ______ _______ |______ | | |______ | | | | |_____| |_____/ |______ ______| |_____| | | |__|__| | | | \_ |______ ______________________________________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ |__] |__/ |___ [__ |___ |\ | | [__ | | \ |___ ___] |___ | \| | ___] ______________________________________ _ _ _______ _______ ______ _______ \___/ |______ |_____| | \ |______ _/ \_ | | | |_____/ |______ ¸ 1996 Steve Boswell Introduction: ------------- XfAde is a dialog and menu editor for the Psion series 3a / 3c palmtop computers Installation: ------------- Put XfAde.OPA into an \APP\ directory on any drive. Put all other files into an \APP\XFILES\ directoryt on any drive. Install on the SYSTEM screen using as per normal. Please see the on-line help for usage instructions. Contact: -------- I can be contacted on: CiX: sboswell eMail: stevieb@x-file.cix.co.uk Url: Http://www.compulink.co.uk/~x-file/ The WWW site always contains the latest version of all my software.