============================== XFILE v1.7 ============================== XFILE V1.7 - Extended group filing system (Application launcher). The Psion series 3A has a system limit of 50 icons. This is reduced even more when using 'groups' because a group takes up an icon, and all the members of the group take up one icon as well. The purpose of this program is to implement a 'group' function in a manner similar to that of the PSION groups, but without it's members using up an icon slot. When installing within a group the visable icon for each application can be altered to any icon from any file type. XFILE Provides the following functions. a) No limit of number of icons installed on a machine. b) An applications icon can be changed without altering the original file c) OPO files can be installed as applications. d) Reduced usage of system memory for installing applications. This version of XFILE is the fullest version available and differs from version 1.7 in that some additional options are now available. Please see the amendment history for details. ---oOo--- DISCLAIMER: This software is supplied as is, no warranty is made on it's use and no responsibility will be accepted for any damage or data loss which results from it's use. The software has been tested, and is believed to work but this should not be assummed. The software is supplied as shareware. If you find it useful you are expected to register your copy. The code and supporting text are not public domain. Copyright remains with the author, and all rights are reserved. ---oOo--- How to register: Registration is simply a matter of sending me some money, specifically œ10 (no cash please). The address to send this remmittance can be found at the end of this file. CompuServe users can register on-line. simply GO SWREG and use code number 5131. This costs $20. The registration screen may mention an earlier version of XFILE, just ignore that. Registration will allow full use of the XFILE software as well as a limited support service, ie in a time permitting capacity. Registered users can also leave messages on various BBS systems and I will respond in like as soon as possible. Currently I use the following; Psion user group BBS Internet raymond@raymie.demon.co.uk Compuserve 100573,2051 ---oOo--- Installation of XFILE 1.7: The following files should be installed \APP\XBUILD.OPA \RJS\XFILE\XFILE.LIB (can also be in the OPO directory) \OPO\RJSLIB2.LIB (upgraded version of RJSLIB1.LIB unchanged since 1.3) \RJS\XFILE\XFILE.RSC (help file - OPTIONAL) \RJS\XFILE\XSKEL.B16 (used by XBUILD) M:\PIC\XFILE11.PIC (this must be on internal disk...) This is the same file as in version 1.1. M:\PIC\XFILEB.PIC (must also be on internal drive unchanged since 1.3) To create an XFILE group you should install the XBUILD application and run it. XBUILD will locate where you have installed the XFILE.LIB file and it will also access the RJSLIB2.LIB file. You will be asked to input the following information. a) Name : What do you wish the group to be called. b) Icon file : which picture file should be used for the icon. An OPA file will be created in the APP directory of drive M (this must have already been created). The OPA will be given the name specified above. This file can be moved to another location if required and should then be installed in the normal manner. ---oOo--- Using XFILE: In this version of the documentation the instructions will be kept to a minimum. Future documentation will be expanded when the registered user base merits it. There are no plans for non-English documentation. The installed group icon is run in the same manner as any other icon. Pressing SPACE as you would with a Psion group will not work. Programs can be installed within a group by pressing alt-I and then selecting the file (the same as a normal install). Up to 8 icons can be installed per group. SYSTEM applications cen be installed using alt-J as you would from the system screen. The ROM is searched for applications and so will pick up the 2MB ones as well as the normal ones. When installing an application I have provided an option to allow the user to specify another Icon to be used instead of the applications internal one. This icon can be within ANY file type, for example you can specify that the icon to be used is that contained in the program xxx.APP. Groups can be nested within each other with no limits, ie a group can be installed within another group. This means that in theory you can have an unlimited number of icons installed. A group can not contain itself, however group 1 can contain group 2 which may contain group 1. OPO files can be installed as applications if you wish. Applications can be uninstalled by pressing alt-/. The left and right arrow keys scroll through the icons. The Up and Down arrows will move up and down a directory list. Pressing enter will run the selected program, pressing 'ALT-N' will run the program but will first of all prompt for a 'new' filename. Pressing enter will automatically request a file name if the application is of a type which requires one, unless a directory list is shown. Press the MENU key to view any other options which may be available. KEEP RESIDENT OPTION: At the request of some registered users I have now added the KEEP RESIDENT option. This option will allow the XFILE group to remain open after you select an application to run, and therefore you will return to the group screen when the application completes. This option can be enabled from the DEFAULTS screen. Version 1.4 had an attempt to deal with the performance issues relating to the mutitasking involved with this option. The option SHOULD now be more usable but I know that further investigation is required. If you have any comments and problems relating to this option please get in touch. It seems that there may still be performance issues outstanding for this option. I suggest not using it unless you really have to. ---oOo--- Technical Information: XFILE is for the 3a only. It has only been tested on 2Mb machines but should work on smaller models as well. Certain file types may not function correctly in this version. The only one I am aware of is PSION group files (.grp). Memory usage is kept to a minimum at the point of actually executing the selected program hence the small size of OPL code. Future enhancement planned are as follows. a) potential speed improvements are being investigated via 'C' coding. b) More than 8 icons per group may be supported if enought interest shown. c) Option to expand 24x24 icons to 48x48 (as on system screen). d) Enhanced documentation to be written based on user feedback. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. ---oOo--- Registration fees and requests for support (registered owners only please) should be addressed as follows. Please allow 10 days for registration code to be provided. (Compuserve users will normally receive a code within 24 hours on my receipt of the sharware registration, however I may now only be able access the system at weekends and delays may occurr). Raymond Stone Galactic Computing Ltd. 27 Golf Road Cruden Bay AB42 7QF SCOTLAND Please include information regarding where you obtained the software so that I can ensure the source receives updates when available. Sources currently updated: Psion User Group BBS COMPUSERVE INTERNET (comp.psion.binaries) ---oOo--- The following list shows applications where there are confirmed installation problems. Application Problem (and work around if possible) ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------- None ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Please inform me of any applications which do not function with XFILE. ---oOo--- Version Enhancement made ------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.7 Directory lists now centred under icon Number and letter keys scroll down dir lists 1.6a OPL skeleton replaced by XBUILD V1.6 1.6 Directory lists are now shown (Can be switched off). ALT-N selects a new file now (previously was 'n'). Initial nag screen delays reduced again. IMG files should now install correctly 1.5 Allow FAX3 to be installed correctly. 1.4 Help system added (optional file) Performance improvements if using remain resident option ROM based applications now supported LISTS (alias files) now supported Nagg delays reduced by half If an application moves drive XFILE will still find it The X14 data files (after creation) can be moved onto SSD 1.3 Implemented keys 1-8 Corrected OPO installation Implemented handling for a busy application Implemented resident processing 1.2 Removed most of the nag screen displays Fixed bug on HELP information screen 1.1 Show default icon if specified file is missing Some speed improvements via use of OS calls Correct problem with initial bug screens Allow full use even if unregistered Code in fairly sizeable delays for unregistered running Alter screen appearance to match system screen ---oOo--- XFILE 1.7 6/10/95 R.Stone