_ _ _______ _____ _______ _______ \___/ ___ |______ | | |______ |______ _/ \_ | __|__ |_____ |______ ______| _______ _____ _______ _______ _ _ _ _______ ______ _______ |______ | | |______ | | | | |_____| |_____/ |______ ______| |_____| | | |__|__| | | | \_ |______ ______________________________________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ |__] |__/ |___ [__ |___ |\ | | [__ | | \ |___ ___] |___ | \| | ___] ______________________________________ _ _ _______ _____ _____ _______ \___/ |______ | | | | _/ \_ | __| |_____| | ¸ 1996 Steve Boswell Introduction: ------------- XfJot is a small notepad type program for taking quick notes. Installation: ------------- Put XfJot.OPA into an \APP\ directory on any drive. Install on the SYSTEM screen using as per normal. Please see the on-line help for usage instructions. Contact: -------- I can be contacted on: CiX: sboswell eMail: stevieb@x-file.cix.co.uk Url: Http://www.compulink.co.uk/~x-file/ The WWW site always contains the latest version of all my software. The Icon for XfJot is used by kind permission of Neil Bee neil has a large (huge) collection of Icons on the WWW Contact him at eMail: n.bee@ukonline.co.uk Url: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/n.bee/psion/icons/