*** Xvert v.1.01 by PsiClone Software *** Description:- This app will convert a variety of standard measurement units across 7 dimensions:- Temperature - Farenheit, Centigrade, Kelvin Weight - Tons, Pounds, Ounces, Tonnes, Kg, Grams Distance - Miles, Yards, Feet, Inches, Km, Meters, cm Volume - cc, Litres, Fl.ozs, pints, gallons Time - Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Years Area - Acres, Hectares, Sq Miles, Sqft, Sqyards, Sqm Speed - m/s, km/h, mph, knots, ft/s Installation:- 1) Copy the "Xvert.pic" into the \OPD directory. 2) Copy the file "Xvert.opa" into the \APP directory (on the same disk). 3) Select the APPS (Install) menu option to install the "Xvert" program. Use:- 1) Select the dimension you wish to work in 2) Press TAB/cursor down/enter to select the input units 3) Highlight the "Value" line and type in the value 4) Press enter to see the conversion results The Options menu allows you to adjust the number of decimal places. Shareware:- If you find this utility useful you are asked to register with the author for $10 (US) or 7.50 (UK). This provides free upgrades and information and offers on other applications currently under development. Contact PsiClone at 76702.2556@compuserve.com for registration info. Disclaimer:- While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this program, PsiClone Software accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the data. Please report errors/suggestions to the author for free upgrades. For questions, comments, upgrades and registration:- Contact us at: 76702.2556@compuserve.com PsiClone Software (19 November 1995).