@XYZ V 3.4 e English version (c) Jacques GAUDIN 1995-96 Your mathematics formulator for Series 3A +----------------------------+ | | | | | @ X Y Z | | | | M A N U A L | | | | | +----------------------------+ Summary ------- 1 Introduction 2 Shareware 3 Distribution 4 @xyz files 5 Installation 6 History 7 Database utilities 8 Interface 9 Writing formulas 10 Formulas display 11 Number functions 12 Trig functions 13 Lists of numbers 14 Special functions 15 Input of values 16 Results 17 Calculator memories 18 System memory 19 Examples files 20 Customise help files 21 Convert OPO files 22 Protect 23 Disclaimer 24 Some problems 25 Other sofwares 1 INTRODUCTION ============ @XYZ is a formulator to PSION Series 3a. You can write mathematical, physical or financial formulas with seven variables. You can store them after in thematic DBF files. You can use formulas for many calculations, and re-use the results directly in the @xyz application or in the Psion Calculator through his memories. You also can save the results in a file or print them with a parallel printer. 2 SHAREWARE ========= @XYZ is shareware. The modest price for a shareware is not a way to make money but a help to the development of new applications. Programming needs tools, material, and documentation. Shareware price is small relative to the uses you can get from it. Register yourself to get the latest version, marked at your name, without nag screens by sending 115 French F or $ 25 to : before the 23 august 1996 Jacques GAUDIN 1 residence des iles 94170 Le Perreux FRANCE and after the 23 august 1996 Jacques GAUDIN 11 rue Lacretelle 77340 Pontault-Combault FRANCE Payment must be in French Francs cheques drawn on a French bank, or by EuroCheque. Sorry, but banking fees for payments in other curencies are prohibitively expensive. Please enclose a cheque or money with your registration form. This price include shipping and handling. 3 DISTRIBUTION ============ This software, in the shareware version, can be distributed on a royalty free basis with the totality of the includes files, not altered in any way. 4 @XYZ FILES ========== Dir. Files Size Comment APP\ @XYZ.OPA 21866 bytes the program APP\ @UVW.ALS 680 bytes editor alias (optional) APP\@XYZ\ @XYZ.HLP 1726 bytes help file (optional) APP\@XYZ\ @XYZ.ZOK 2500 bytes picture file (optional) OPO\ @XYZ1to2.OPO 1031 bytes convert file (optional) OPO\ @XYZ2to3.OPO 1048 bytes convert file (optional) XYZ\ ELECT3.XYZ 3710 bytes example file (optional) XYZ\ FINANC3.XYZ 1697 bytes example file (optional) XYZ\ FLUIDES3.XYZ 2872 bytes example file (optional) XYZ\ VOLUMES3.XYZ 1302 bytes example file (optional) XYZ\ @XYZ.TXT 16673 bytes this file (optional) The program can create two other files M:\OPD\@XYZ.INI to store set-up choices. M:\OPD\@XYZCOPY.TMP buffer copy file (can be delete after use). WARNING : if you change the program name "@XYZ" you must change the sub directory name and the help file name, on the same way, to access to the help file : ABCD.OPA will look for APP\ABCD\ABCD.HLP 5 INSTALLATION ============ 1-Connect the S3a to a PC, switch on the serial link and run MCLINK. 2-Copy @XYZ.OPA and @UVW.ALS on an APP directory on any drive. 3-Create a sub-directory APP\@XYZ\ on the SAME DRIVE. 4-Copy (optional) @XYZ.HLP et @XYZ.ZOK in the sub-directory APP\@XYZ\. 5-Copy (optional) example files on a \XYZ directory on any drive. 6-Copy (optional) this file in the \WRD directory with .WRD extension. 7-Install @XYZ and @UVW icons on the system screen ! (With the @ char they are in first in the programs list) You can also use a fast copy of all files in the relevant directories. Unzip your archive in an empty directory, on the PC, using -d option (create directories). On the Series 3a start from the root of the target drive (TAB from Hour and arrows) . Select copy option (Psion+c), switch "Sub directories" to "Yes". Go up (Psion+Up-Arrow) and press TAB. Go to your archive unzip directory. With arrows select the name of the directory. Press enter. Press enter again to validate the dialog box. All files are copied in their directories. 6 HISTORY ======= Version 3.4 e (English) ------------ English fully functional version. New proctect, inside the program, if you try to open a bad file or if you try to create a file on an invalid device. The program is not stopped now but restart with the old file. Version 3.2 (French) ------------ French fully functional version, faster and not slowing down the system. Versions 3.x (French) ------------ This versions add a new note field. Please, use @XYZ2TO3 to convert files from versions 2.x to versions 3.x. New graphic display. Direct calculations on local variable or calculator memories. Versions 2.x (French) ------------ With this version you can use 7 variables. Use @XYZ1TO2.OPO to convert files from versions 1.x to versions 2.x The function symbol is automatically give as variable in the final result dialog box. The name of the default variable is "xyz". The menu display a "Set preferences" option for the choice of the "Calculate","Edit",and "View" keys. The choices are stored in an .ini file Versions 1.x (French) ------------ First version . You can only use 6 variables. Display formulas with dialog boxes. 7 DATABASE UTILITIES ================== Some database utilities are implemented : Scrolling, search function, sort function, and fast positioning with a letter are supported. You can also copy a formula. Each field is copied in a buffer file "M:\OPD\@XYZCOPY.TMP". You can insert it as a new formula as the end of the current file, or any other .XYZ file. Use this possibility to modify a formula ( change units and so on ) or group some formulas in a work file. 8 INTERFACE ========= The program use a standard Series 3a display. You can zoom in or zoom out, show or hide the status window. Keys used in index display mode: Up-Arrow Navigation within database file records Down-Arrow " Page-Up " Page-Down " Home First formula End Last formula a..z Positioning within database on record x, referring to the 1st letter of the name of the formula. Space (def.) Display the current formula with variables and comments Enter (def.) Switch to calculation dialog box of current formula Tab (def.) Switch to edit dialog boxes of current formula (or maj-Diamond) Del Delete current formula Diamond Switch to edit dialog boxes for a new formula maj-Diamond Switch to edit dialog boxes of current formula (or Tab) 9 INPUT FORMULAS ============== Formulas use standard OPL functions. You can't use spaces in the formulas. The maximal formula's length is 255 char long, but you must take care to the intermediate results ! The "String too long" error can be returned. Variable names may be any combination of up to 10 numbers and alphabetic letters. They must start with a letter. You can use special characters. Be carefull of the length of the formula ! You can use special chars like beta symbol. Don't use, of course, any operating symbol *+-().. Don't use any OPL function name. 10 FORMULAS DISPLAY ================ The formulas are showed in a specific window with variables and notes. Switch the status win off (Ctrl+Menu) to display long formulas. 11 NUMBER FUNCTIONS ================ EXP, LN, LOG, SQR, ABS, INTF x **n x power n ABS(x) returns the absolute value of the floating-point expression x. INTF(x) returns the whole number of the floating-point expression x. 12 TRIG FUNCTIONS ============== PI, COS, SIN, TAN, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN All the trigonometric functions assume angles are specified in radians. Use RAD and DEG to convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees. ex: DEG(ATAN(TAN(RAD(30)))) returns 30 13 LISTS OF NUMBERS ================ MAX(a,b,c..), MIN(a,b,c..) greatest or smallest value in the list. SUM(a,b,c..) add up the list STD(a,b,c..) standard deviation VAR(a,b,c..) variance MEAN(a,b,c..) average the list 14 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ================= MOD, DIV, FACT, ARR, COMB New functions that do not exist in the calculator. MOD(a,b) returns a modulo b. DIV(a,b) returns INTF ( a / b ). FACT(n) factorial n (with n<=69) returns n!=1*2*3*...n ARR(n,p) returns n!/(n-p)! REM n et p integer >0 COMB(n,p) returns n!/[p!*(n-p)!] REM n et p integer >0 15 INPUT OF VALUES =============== Input of values uses text mode, then an evaluation function. Write SIN(RAD(45)) is correct. You can enter an expression which includes an other variable. The program detects cross references and uses loops to resolve them. ex: A=B+5 B=10 The program makes automatically a second loop to enter A=10+15 . WARNING : the program does not detect circular references. The formula A=B+C, with B=C/2 and C=B*2 returns zero but no error. The name of the local variable is a valid entry. Calculator memories are valid entries (M0,M1,M2 etc.) WARNING : don't use M0, M1 and so on, as variable name in a formula. On this way, the program use systematically calculator memories. But you can use M0, M1 and so on, as values for any calculation. If you rename a calculator memory (in the Series 3a Calculator) that name becomes a valid entry ! WARNING : be carefull when using the variable names, don't mismatch with memory names and so on. 16 RESULTS ======= You can use general, scientific or fixed formats to display results. You can print result to a text file or a parallel printer. If you print in a file you must select "Print off", before opening the file with the text editor alias, otherwise the error "File or device in use" is returned. The text editor alias, @UVW.ALS, works in the \XYZ directory. 17 CALCULATOR MEMORIES =================== You can store results on calculator memories with replace, add, or subtract option. You can use calculator memories as valid entries (M0,M1,M2 etc.) to enter value on the calculation dialog box. If you name a calculator memory (in the Series 3a Calculator) this name becomes a valid entry ! You can make a direct calculation on a memory or the local variable (Menu item "Edit memories"). You can use all described functions or valid name, even the name of an other memory, or the name of the local variable. 18 SYSTEM MEMORY ============= To preserve system memory and increase calculation speed close any unused application. 19 EXAMPLES FILES ============== Sorry, but the examples files are commented in French, because it's very difficult to me to translate accurately mathematical or physical comments. I think that mathematical formulas are really The international language. If I write "Impedance", it's perhaps difficult to translate in Chinese. But if I write Z=SQR(R**2+(L*2*PI*f-(1/(C*2*PI*f)))**2) any electronic engineer should understand. 20 CUSTOMISE HELP FILE =================== The help file APP\@XYZ\@XYZ.HLP is a .DBF file. You can use any database to edit and customise it. Take care to don't create too long text lines for the help dialog box. 21 CONVERT OPO FILES ================= In the convert OPO files the dialog box is not translate in english. It's just a files selector (From.. To..). This two OPO files are only supplied to provide a full compatibility with old french versions, but you don't really need them. 22 PROTECTION ========== Reverse engineering, using REVTRAN or any other software, is prohibited. WARNING : This software is protect against reverse engineering. Reverse engineering can give random unpredictable results ! 23 DISCLAIMER ========== The author of this software is not responsible for any damage due to use of this program. This software is provided without warranty of any kind. WARNING : You must verify the accuracy of any examples before use, and all miscalculation possibilities in a formula especially if you are using cross references ! 24 SOME PROBLEMS ============= Error [field not found] opening a file : You're using a file from an old version. Use convert .OPO programs (see above). Error [name too long] during calculation : The intermediate text is longer than 255 chars long after the variables names have been replaced by their values. Try reducing the variables names lengths (you can use a single letter). Use two steps to build your calculation, using memories or local variable. 25 OTHER SOFTWARES =============== From the same author : -Trac3a a curves plotter -Iko3a nice icons editor You can find this softwares on : -Compuserve go Palmtop A forum, Psion files -Internet, in the home page of the french club Psion Series 3 http://alex.union-fin.fr/usr/dcabuzel/psion/clubpsion.html -the french BBS Ellis 33 (1) 43 33 15 47 ============================================================================== before the 23 august 1996 use this address Jacques GAUDIN 1 residence des iles 94170 Le Perreux FRANCE and after the 23 august 1996 use this address Jacques GAUDIN 11 rue Lacretelle 77340 Pontault-Combault FRANCE Compuserve : 100745,1005 Internet : 100745.1005@compuserve.com jgaudin@ellis.fdn.org PRINT THIS REGISTRATION FORM ============================================================================== Please send me a registered copy of @XYZ with my name included for 115 French Francs or $ 25 (Cash, French Cheque or EuroCheque). This price include shipping and handling NAME : ............................................................. SOCIETY : ............................................................. Address : ............................................................. Town : ............................................................. Country : ............................................................. e-mail : ............................................................. English version : [ ] French version : [ ] I prefer a PC floppy 3 1/2 [ ] I prefer UUencoded .ZIP file by e-mail [ ] I prefer attached .ZIP file on Compuserve [ ] Any comments are welcome : .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... ==========================================================================