Short: Blitz3a 2.0, bomb the buildings game Author: Richard Smedley Type: Arcade game (S3a, S3c) Blitz3a 2.0 (C) Richard Smedley 1998 INTRODUCTION ------------ Anyone who used to have a Vic 20 or Spectrum will instantly recognise the game... Yes, it's the classic Blitz/Bombers game! Features include two difficulty settings, and three types of bomb to really flatten that city! You are flying over a city in a plane, and have run out of fuel. You must bomb the city to make a runway to land your plane. However your plane loses height with each pass over the city, so you need to work quickly to avoid crashing into any buildings. Your plane is armed with three types of bomb (normal bombs, nukes & cluster bombs), each of which destroys various amounts of real estate on the ground below. You only have a limited number of bombs, so use them wisely. Good luck! CONTROLS -------- Use the following keys to play the game: RETURN/SPACE - Drop a bomb 1 - Select normal bombs 2 - Select nukes 3 - Select cluster bombs P - Pause the game (press any key to unpause) GAME OPTIONS ------------ Pressing Psion-O will display the Options screen. "Sound On/Off" turns the in-game sound effects on or off. "Difficulty Easy/Hard" lets you set the difficulty setting of the game. Bombs do more damage on the Easy setting, making it a lot easier to play (and more suitable for children, too). There are separate high score tables for the two levels. If you change the difficulty setting in the middle of a game, then a new game will be automatically started for you. INSTALLATION ------------ The game is compatible with the Psion S3a and S3c. I'm afraid that it won't work on the Siena, sorry. The game can be installed onto SSD, all you have to do is copy the files into the following dirs on any drive: BLITZ.OPA -> \APP\ ALIEN.WVE -> \APP\BLITZ\ BLITZ.FON -> \APP\BLITZ\ BOOM.WVE -> \APP\BLITZ\ TITLE.PIC -> \APP\BLITZ\ BLITZ.HLP -> \HLP\ SYS$HELP.OPO -> \OPO\ (The two help files are optional if you are running out of disk space, but you won't be able to use the Help key if you don't install them!) Now install it in the normal way by pressing Psion-I on the System screen. HOW TO REGISTER --------------- This game is shareware, if you like it then please send 5 UK Pounds to me at this address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 SUTTON-IN-ASHFIELD Notts NG17 3HP England Everyone who registers will receive a personal registration code to enter into the game, to remove the nag screens. (If you feel wary about registering via a PO Box address then please feel free to contact me first, and I will give you a different address that you can use to send me the registration fee). My full range of S3a/S3c/Siena programs (both freeware & shareware) can be downloaded from my Psion home page, at the following URL: CREDITS ------- I'd like to thank Andy Eskelson & Steve Litchfield for their invaluable help and feedback while developing this game. Special thanks go to Tom Dolbilin, author of OPL Help System. VERSION HISTORY --------------- V1.0 (20.08.97) - The first release. V1.1 (05.10.97) - There are now *three* kinds of bomb to help you flatten the city - but you only get a limited number of bombs, so use them carefully! - If you successfully land the plane, the pilot will now get out and wave to you before moving on to the next city. V1.1a (14.11.97) - Made a couple of internal changes to the code. V1.2 (09.01.98) - Added some new sound effects, adds quite a lot to the game! - When you finish a level, after the pilot has got out and waved to you the plane will now take off again and fly to the next level. - Changed the app name to "Blitz3a" instead of just "Blitz". V2.0 (19.04.98) - Completely rewrote the game, refining the gameplay. - Added new gfx, and tidied up the sound effects. - Plane moves smoothly now, no more jerky scrolling. - Added proper Help support; just press the Help key! COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION ------------------------ Blitz is Copyright (C) Richard Smedley 1998. The unregistered version of this game may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes providing all the original files remain fully intact and unmodified. The registration codes sent to registered users are for personal use only, and must not be given to other people. You are prohibited from attempting to modify, reverse-translate or reverse-engineer this program in any way. Standard disclaimer applies; you use this program at your own risk.