Calliope -==========- for the PSION Series 3a/3c Version 1.00 What is Calliope for? --------------------- Calliope allows you to print pictures in your Word documents. It integrates with the word-processor of the Series 3a/3c and will allow you, for example, to place your signature and the logo of your company on a document which contains a graph made with Sheet. Printers -------- Calliope curently supports only Hewlet Packard printers. It is supposed to work with every HP printer which can print graphics at a minimum of 150 DPI. Calliope has been successfully tested with these printers: HP DeskJet 510 If it works with your printer, please let me know. Installation ------------ The files included in the ZIP archive containing Calliope are: File Size Copy to =========================================== Calliope.opa 8527 \APP\ (any drive) Imag_hp.wrd 970 \WRD\ (any drive) Readme.txt This file 1. Copy Calliope.opa to the \APP\ directory on any drive. 2. Copy Imag_hp.wrd to the \WRD\ directory on any drive. 3. Choose 'Install' from the menu in the system screen, locate Calliope.opa and press Enter. Quick start ----------- 1. Run Calliope (go over the icon which you just installed in the system screen and press Enter). 2. Press Menu and select 'Printer' from the 'Settings' menu. Enter the details for your printer. 3. If you don't have an image (PIC) file, go to any application you like, and press Psion-Control-Shift-S to take a screen shot of it. The file is saved as m:\screen.pic 4. Open a Word document to which you want to add the picture. Choose 'Merge' from the 'File' menu. From the file selection dialog which appears, choose 'Imag_hp'. 5. Go to the place where you want to put the picture. Press 'Enter' to create a new paragraph, and choose 'Housekeeping' from the 'Styles' menu. A new menu appears. Select 'Apply'. A dialog appears. 6. Choose the size of the picture which you want to include (if you use a screenshot, select "Image 160") and press Enter. 7. Type: '#pic(m:\screen.pic)' (without the quotes). If you use an image which isn't a screen shot, replace the file name as appropriate (you must type the FULL access path, including the drive). 8. Select 'Printer config' in the 'Special' menu. Set the printer as 'File' and check that the file name is P.lis (in the WRD directory of the internal drive - i.e. M:\WRD\P.LIS - this is the default). 9. Print the document. If Calliope is running in the background, your file is automatically handled within some seconds. If you stopped Calliope, run it again in order to print your file. Advanced use ------------ Calliope can also be used with Sheet. Such an use will be documented in a future version. Known bugs ---------- The following problems are known and should be fixed in the next version of Calliope: * when printing large files (more than 5000 characters), Calliope may print only the beginning of the text * if an error occurs during printing, it may result in the file not being printed. In this case, you may have to delete manually the file m:\wrd\p.lis Future improvements ------------------- I plan to add the following features to Calliope: * 300 DPI printing support on HP printers * printing on Canon printers (and maybe Epson ones) Shareware --------- What is shareware ? --------------------- A shareware is an application you can freely use, so that you can evaluate it. When you think that the program suits your needs, you register to show the author your appreciation for his work. Registering allows you to access all the features of the program. Why would you register ? ------------------------ I spent many hours working on this program, that's why I turnt Calliope into a shareware application. If you register, you'll have the following advantages: - You will get a registration code which will allow you to disable the nag when printing ; - You will automatically receive any new version if you gave me your email address ; - You will of course be a registered user for any new version. Limitation for unregistered users --------------------------------- Every three pictures, Calliope will print "UNREGISTERED" in the center of the picture if you aren't registered. How can I register ------------------ Registration is very easy. Just send 12 English pounds, 100 FF or $20 to me, together with your full name, your 'paper' and email addresses, and the number of the version you are using. I can only accept cash, or cheques FROM A FRENCH BANK. If you want to use a cheque other than from a French bank, or Eurocheques, the registration fee becomes 18 Pounds, 150 FF or $30 (to cover the cashing fees). My address is: Arnaud Weil 5 bis rue Moufle 75011 Paris FRANCE You'll receive as quickly as possible a registration code. Run Calliope, choose 'Register' from the 'Special' menu, and enter your full name and the code. That's all. Calliope will be registered to you. No need to re-install or whatever. Other programs & new versions ----------------------------- You can download my other programs from my Web site: Future versions of Calliope will also be available on the above page. Author/contact -------------- You can reach me at: Arnaud Weil 5 bis rue Moufle 75011 Paris or by email: Please note that registered users' queries and suggestions will be treated in priority. Disclaimer ---------- This program *seems* to work without major problems, that is, the little bugs it has don't *seem* to modify any of the data inside the files that are not directly used by the program. So, using this program shouldn't modify the Series 3a/3c data. Anyway, I can't be held responsible in any way for any damage that can occur during the use of this program, whatever it is. You can distribute this program freely, provided no charge greater than copy charge is made for it, and all of the files you received with it are present. Revtran ------- Using Revtran or any other method that can reverse translate the program code is strongly forbidden. If you need a special version of this program, then please contact me. Copyright --------- Though you can distribute this program, I retain the intellectual copyright above the program and all the files included.