Clockout Automated timesheet entry routines. This has been renamed from "TimeKeeper" which is an established Protronics application. This program assists in the maintenance of daily timesheets for work. It also maintains leave. Although it is tailored to the rules of my employer, you may find it useful as a basis for own system. Installation MacSys must be installed on your system. Copy the in this packages onto a Series 3a or higher, in the following locations : \app\clockout.opa \app\clockout\clockout.pic (optional) \app\clockout\clockout.rsc (optional) \app\clockout\yearskel.spr Skeleton year summary sheet \app\clockout\weekskl1.spr Skeleton weekly sheet \app\clockout\weekskl2.spr Skeleton weekly sheet \macro\mco\coedit.mco \macro\mco\coeditl.mco \macro\mco\cologin.mco Example spreadsheets should be installed in directory \spr\clockout\, and can be tailored to your own requirements : time98.spr Example year summary time98xx.spr Example timesheet, where xx vaaries with each release Install the timekeeper application wherever suitable on the system screen, and assign hotkeys as follows (or as preferred) : coedit Ctrl-T - Edit this week's timesheet coeditl Ctrl-W - Edit last week's timesheet cologin Ctrl-L - Automatically clock-in or out Mike Smith