Helpfile for Psion Series 3 Database File : Drug/dbf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The enclosed file is a standard format database file suitable for use in all Psion Series 3 machines. I understand that Psion Series 5 machines are able to translate Series 3 databases into their new format, so this file could also be used with Series 5 machines as well. It contains a database with fairly full details of all the drugs in the British National Formulary. It is not a direct copy of the BNF, but brings together the information in a way which is easily accessable for Psion computers. Every drug is covered, and all trade names are also stated in brackets, useful if a patient mentions a drug by its trade name, and you don't know what it is. Every entry has the drug name and an indication, as well as (where possible) the side effects, cautions, contra-indications, interactions, modes of action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and doses. Note also that this release is a 'restricted' version. Almost all of the fields containing Side effects, Cautions, Contra-indications & Interactions have been removed. The original release last year had all these fields present but was banned shortly after its release because of copyright problems with the publishers of the BNF. I dispute that I have infringed their copyright, but lack the time and resources to argue the case. Despite all of the above, I continue to use and develop the complete version of the database for my own use, but I am no longer permitted to publish it from my website. See the first entry of the database for general notes and the disclaimer. This database is the culmination of about five years work! I first started it soon after I purchased my first Psion Series 3, and initially it had just a few drugs which were the most common ones which I prescribed, but gradually it built up to be many more of the less common ones. In January 1998, I searched the internet for a file which had all the drugs in the BNF, and finding that there wasn't one, I decided to go for it and enter every last drug in the BNF. I finished it on the 18th August 1998 and have placed it on my website so doctors the world over can use it as a mobile medical resource. It should be stated that you use the file and its contents at your own risk. As far as I know, the contents are correct, but don't blame me if you use the information and something untoward happens. This file is freely distributable on a person to person basis, but the copyright remains my own. If you wish to re-publish this database from another website or public domain then I will quite likely allow you, but please contact me first for permission and conditions. The file must be distributed unchanged and in its entirety, and if possible with this 'help' file included. If you find any errors, or you just want to talk, then contact me by email. If you decide to use it, I would appreciate it if you register your use using the 'on-line registration form' on my website. The address can be found below. I hope you all find it useful. Jason Wolfe email - www - (Up to date for the BNF No 36, March 1998) (I will be updating it whenever a new BNF comes out) (21st March 1999)