"Ruler 2.0" - your PSION ruler! (January 1999) 1. General Have you ever missed a ruler on your PSION Series 3a/3c/3mx? If so - here it is at last! Ruler 2.0 shows an inch- or cm-ruler or both. Besides, you can convert cm to inches and viceversa. Try the 'menu'-key, 'diamond'-key and the 'help'-key! The exactness of the displayed rulers is limited by the resolution of the Series 3* screen. You won't notice that with the inch-ruler, but you can see it when looking closely at the cm-ruler. However, I tried to do the best possible job to offer you an all-day-ruler for PRACTICAL use. 2. Installation The "Ruler" application consists of three files: engruler.opa, ruler.rul, readme.txt Install: Change to your "\app\"-directory. Create a new directory "\ruler\". Copy "ruler.rul" and "engruler.opa" into that directory. The path should be \app\ruler\ruler.rul \app\ruler\engruler.opa Please notice that "ruler.rul" MUST be in that very directory, "engruler.opa" can be copied to any other "\app\"-directory. You don't have to copy "readme.txt" on your Series 3*! Then switch to the system screen and install as usual (PSION-I). Important Notice: I haven't been able to test Ruler on a FLASH- or RAM-SSD. As soon as I can afford a Flashdisk, I'll modify the program so that it will be running on any disk in future. 3. Copyright and Disclaimer Ruler 2.0 is published as Freeware. You are allowed and to pass it on to your friends under the following conditions: - You have to distribute ALL three files together (engruler.opa, ruler.rul, and readme.txt - the file you're just reading!). - You are not allowed to sell "Ruler 2.0". You may charge a small, reasonable fee for copying etc. but not for the program itself. - You are not allowed to retranslate, modify or change the program. If you have any suggestions for future versions of "Ruler", please send email (see 5.) Ruler 2.0 has been tested on a Psion Series 3a and 3mx and has always been working properly. You use Ruler 2.0 at your own risk. If any kind of damage or dataloss should occur while using "Ruler 2.0" - don't blame me! 4. History July 1996 Ruler 1.0 One of my first OPL-programs. August 1996 Ruler 1.1 Added Inch-Ruler. I used to work with 3 PIC-files for the different rulers that time, so the program required over 35KB disk memory! Januar 1999 Ruler 2.0 Worked hard to reduce the program down to 7KB altogether! Now there is no more reason not to use Ruler on your PSION! Ruler requires about 28K RAM memory while running. It runs very smoothly on a 3mx and still acceptable on a 3a. Ruler 2.0 is available in German as well (Start-up-screen: cm!) 5. Contact You will always the newest versions of my programs at: http://home.t-online.de/home/peter.widenmeyer/psion3.htm If you like Ruler 2.0 - just let me know! Please send your message or your suggestions via email to: wespe@topmail.de That's all, folks! Peter Widenmeyer, February 1999