EuroCalc Version 1.0 (c) 1999 by Koczkas Zoltan ------------------------------------------- Description: ------------ EuroCalc is a program for the Psion Series 3a/c/mx that converts between the currencies of the Euro-Countries. With just a few keystrokes you can convert an amount between Euro or any other local currency of the 11 Euro- Countries. Installation: ------------- The EUROCALC.OPA program should be copied to any \APP\ directory on either the Internal drive or any SSD drive. With Psion-I the application can be installed on the system screen. Operation: ---------- In two button groups you can select the source (left) and the destination (right) currencies. The shortcut for each button is displayed to the left. The buttons for the currently selected currencies are depressed. The amount to convert is entered with the number and the '.' or ',' keys. With the DEL key the last entered number can be deleted. The ESC key clears the whole entry. With the Menu-key a very basic menu can be opened. It has two entries: About and Exit. Legal stuff: ------------ EuroCalc is released as FreeWare, you have the one and only right to use this program for the intended purpose. You may not in any way reverse translate the program. You may distribute the program provided that you keep all supplied files together and do not charge anything for it. Although this program has been carefully tested I can not guarantee that it works as desired. Please send me an eMail and tell me whether you use (or don't use) this program and how you like (or dislike) EuroCalc and what you wish to be done in future versions (if any). Contact: -------- Koczkas Zoltan Releases: --------- 1.0 First public release