F A S T - B A N K written October 1999 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INSTALLING ========== Copy "banker.opa" into your "APP" directory. Go to the system screen where you want FASTBANK installed and press 'psion+I'. OPENING THE PROGRAM =================== Open the program by pressing "enter" on the icon on the system. When the start screen appears you are presented with the option of opening a file. If there has not been any files created yet, and you try to open on, it will ask you to create one first. Here the options you have are to open an existing or create a new file, or delete an existing file. You can also exit the program here as another option. When the file is opened it will try and update the 'DD' files. These are the "direct debit files" and will be discussed later. You are then presented with the "main screen" MAKING AN ENTRY =============== With the 'main' screen present you can enter your transaction details. Details recordable are: amount (always a positive number), transaction type (ATM, cash, cheque, etc), and the day + month + year of the transaction. Make your first entry the 'start entry'. This is to reference your account balance to and can be set in the 'transaction type' box. This will also help to reference with updating the direct-debits and will be excluded when you view an income or expense report. Fill in these details then press 'I' for incoming money or 'O' for outgoing money. The other option here is to press 'menu', covered later. When you have pressed 'I' or 'O', you can then add a note/memo to give a brief description of the transaction, such as "groceries" or "joe: car repair" or whatever. Press 'enter' and your entered details are then displayed for you to confirm by pressing 'Y'. Whether you confirm 'Y' or press some other key, you will then return back to the "main screen". MENU OPTION =========== In the main screen you have the menu button as an option. Pressing this will give you the other options available. SYSTEM Under the system heading you can: exit the program; change bank account; open the direct debit section- (covered later); or update the direct debit entries- (this is done automatically when opening any file). VIEW Under the view option you can view: The account's balance; display a Full report of ALL entries; a report of income entries ONLY; a report of expense entries ONLY; Also there is a sort option which will arrange ALL the entries into ascending date order. This makes reports easier to view. DELETE Under the delete option, you can delete any ONE entry or a RANGE of entries. View a report to see what the number the record is (this is displayed in the far left column of reports) to find out the number of the entries before you know which entries you wish to delete. NOTE if you do a 'sort' this will usually re-arrange all records and consequently the record number will be different. INFO This option is just a display of some details I wished to be included. DIRECT DEBITS ============= A special feature included in this program is the direct debit feature. If you have standing orders that are debited from your account each month, they can be entered in as a 'DD' and this will in turn add the record to you file/account each month on the correct day. To set up a 'DD' select the 'direct debit' option on the menu. There is then the choice to 'view/delete' the 'DD's or 'Add' a 'DD'. If you press 'Add' a dialog appears and ask for the details of the DD, which are: the amount; the debit name; and the day of the month to debit on. When these details are entered the display returns back to the main screen. If you choose to 'view/delete' the DD's, a list of all DD's that are currently set-up are listed. To remove any one follow the on-screen prompts. CLOSING PROGRAM =============== When want to close or exit the program, use the exit option. This ensures that the files are closed properly before finishing the program. UNINSTALLING ============ To Un-install, make sure the program is exited properly, as described above. Delete the 'banker.opa' file from your 'APP' directory. The program creates one directory in which ALL the related files are kept. This is the 'FBANK' directory in the root folder. Delete this as well to completely remove from your PSION. OTHER NOTES =========== Do NOT attempt to rev-tran this program. As well as being illegal and destructive to my programming there is a chance that doing this may corrupt your PSION. You may or may not believe this, but you have now been told! ANY QUESTIONS? Email me at: psion@thepigsty.freeserve.co.uk