FUELMON V2.00 Last Updated: 21-04-98 by Dean Barnard (c)1998 -OVERVIEW- FuelMon is a FREEWARE program for keeping track of your car's fuel statistics by entering the date, mileage, cost and amount of fuel from your receipts. It was mainly inspired by Ad Bosch's shareware MyCar program that is available from http://www.worldaccess.nl/~adbosch. Ad's program takes into account various other costs related to motoring, such as servicing etc. -UPGRADING from 1.05- You should be able to install the new version as per the instructions below and FuelMon should handle all of the changes, but I would still suggest you back up your files before upgrading. Because I have added more functionality to FuelMon it does more calculations building the graphs and, therefore, takes longer to draw them. Decreasing the amount of bars to show on the graphs will speed it up. -INSTALLATION- The program was zipped with the relevant directory structure, but in case this has not been recreated, please use the following. FUELMON.OPA - Main Program \APP FUELMON.HLP - Help File \APP\FUELMON (Not required if low on space) Any data files will be stored in the \APP\FUELMON directory. They will have the suffix DAT. FUELMON.REG & filename.PRF will be created in \APP\FUELMON the first time you use FuelMon. The REG file contains the registration code and the PRF file contains your preferences (one for each car). At the moment FuelMon will only run on the Internal Drive (M). For more detailed instructions see online Help. FuelMon works best if you fill the tank completely each time you visit the petrol station. The statistics will still average themselves out if you don't but the spot figures will appear to give strange readings. This is due to the fact that by putting in less than a full tank there is no way of knowing exactly how much of the tank is full. Information about myself appears when opening and closing FuelMon files. Once registered this will not appear. Registration DOES NOT cost anything, it is just to enable me to get an idea of how many people are using it. If you want to be told when a new version is available please let me know when you register. FuelMon is only available over the Internet, so you should be able to E-mail me for the code. Feel free to give the code to a user who does not have Internet access, but please drop me a line to tell me that they are using it. Any comments and suggestions would be appreciated. Send them to fuelmon@dhjb.demon.co.uk -HISTORY- 2.00 (21-04-98) Now Multinational - supports different fill units, consumptions etc. Added choice of 0 to 2 decimal places for consumption. Last graph viewed is remembered and redisplayed on restaring FuelMon. Customised maximum number of bars to show on graphs. Now closes FuelMon if backup run while open. Added ability to move quickly through the file using the Shift and arrow keys. Added Estimated next fill date to 'Days between fills' graph. Corrected Graph start date - It was one record too early 1.05 (04-12-97) Corrected bug on 3c where graphs not changed when using the Menu or Psion+key. Corrected spelling mistake. Added ability to choose 2 or 3 decimal places on Cost per Mile. Added Nag screens at startup & end until registered. (Registration FREE!) 1.04 (11-10-97) Added quick keys, Enter, Tab and Delete for Add, Update & Delete record. Removed the need for graph rebuild after Add/Update cancelled. Corrected spelling mistake. Corrected messy screen build. Removed Start Up screen. Moved to be shown when viewing 'About'. Removed Version Number from Icon. 1.03ß (28-8-97) Corrected problems with Graph rounding. Added File, New, Open, Erase. Added ability to rename file to be exported to MyCar if it already exists. Changed MyCar Export from Psion-e to Psion-z to allow Psion-e for Erase file. 1.02ß (4-8-97) Added Export to MyCar. Corrected bug in Diamond Key processing. 1.01ß (6-7-97) Changed Average Line on graph to show figures in more than 5 entries. Corrected a couple of minor bugs and spelling mistakes. Stopped bars reaching top and bottom of graph to enhance appearance. 1.00ß (May 1997) Started coding -FUTURE PLANS- I am now the proud(?) owner of a Series 5, so will convert FuelMon to run on that, (when I get some more time). This will probably be the last update to the Series 3a/3c version apart from any bug fixes. -THANKS- Thanks to Dave Catlin for Beta testing, and to Heather (my wife) for putting up with my constant quiet spells during the coding. (Although she probably enjoyed them!) And of course to Ad Bosch, who without whose program I would probably never thought of writing this. Thanks also to the people that have sent me comments and suggestions for enhancements and notified me of bugs. ENJOY Dean Barnard -DISCLAIMER- You use this program entirely at your own risk. I do not accept responsibility for any damage to your system, or data lost, (either directly or indirectly), as a result from using FuelMon or any of it's associated files. FuelMon may be distributed freely, without charge, as long as all the original files are included and not changed. It may not be included within any commercial package without written permission from the author.