GlossGb for Psion 3a et 3c - Version 1.1 Copyright 1998 - Henri Spagnolo 28, rue Le Corbusier - 1208 Geneva - Switzerland email: **************************************************** Computer glossary containing five parts, which are: - 7230 acronyms with their signification - 5290 english/french terms - 2600 file name extensions - a hundred country name and domain name abbreviations used on Internet - a hundred smileys for your emotion on Internet. Concerning the file name extensions, sources are from Jean-Marc Wurth and are given as is, without any changes from my part. This version is a demonstration version and is limited to the letter "A" concerning the acronyms, the lexical and the extensions. For registering, please send cash $17 (or 25 Swiss francs, or 100 French francs or œ10 to the above address, ou can also use "Regnet", see my home page for details (add $5). Don't forget to send your address or email address. WARNING WARNING WARNING The registred version need about 650 Kb on one of your drive. But it is not an obligation for you to install all the five databases to run the program. All the manipulations you need are on the main screen of the program. Installation: - Copy the file "glossgb.opa" in the directory \APP on one of your drive (for the french version, copy the file "glossfr.opa") - Create on one of your drive the directory GLO and copy in this directory the following files: glo.pic acro.glo ext.glo lex.glo pays.glo smi.glo Don't hesitate to contact me in case of trouble. A PC version under Windows already exist since 1997, see my Home page on Internet.