*********************************** ** T H E G U I T A R S U I T E ** *********************************** Version 1.4 for the Psion Siena by Christopher Claxton + WELCOME... I would like to thank-you for downloading this piece of shareware software, which I hope you will find enjoyable and easy to use. If you would like to contact me: E-mail address: CClaxton@yahoo.com Website URL: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/2043 If you are interested in programming the Psion Siena, my website contains a few lessons. + HOW TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE... To install the software, simply copy guitar.opa to the APP directory on the Psion Siena and place gtr.pic in the OPD directory. The on the system screen goto Apps and Install, then select guitar.opa + HOW TO REGISTER... When I fist programmed this software, I thought that I would put loads of 'nag' screens to get people to register and reduce the features considerably so that you had to register to get any use out of the software. HOWEVER, I realised that this would probably annoy users and did not let them evaluate it effectively and does not go with the shareware concept. For that reason, the downloaded software is complete, with NO restrictions - it is the fully working software. If you use this software on a regular basis please register it so that I may be able to continue producing software. To register, please send a cheque for £5 (pounds), made payable to Christopher Claxton to: Christopher Claxton 7 Swansgate Old Catton Norwich Norfolk NR6 7HT What you will get from registering: - The piece of mind that you have helped the author to continue to produce software. - Free updates of the software and new software e-mailed to you. - Technical support via e-mail if required. *Thank-you* for registering. Small print: (the legal stuff) 1) Disclaimer: I do not accept any responsibility for damage to your psion from running this program - although I cannot see how this could possibly occur given the source code. I also do not accept any responsility for any loss of files or data - again extremely unlikely. 2) This program must not be reverse engineered. 3) This software is copyright and must not be altered in any way. 4) 'Guitar Suite' may be distributed freely provided that all the files exist intact and none have been removed, i.e. the following files MUST be in the zip file: readme.txt - this file help.doc - instruction manual reg.doc - registration form guitar.app - the 'Guitar Suite' application gtr.pic - the icon Versions: 1.4 Icon improved 1.3 Chord labels added 1.2 Title screen improved 1.1 Metronome added 1.0 Chord chart software developed.