JBTree Version 4.2.7 (c)JBSoft 1992-6 This is a program which displays the directories and files on any disk (internal or external). It shows the current directory and other directories at the same level, plus any directories immediately subordinate to the directory on which the cursor is on. It also displays the files in the current directory - the date will take the same format as that set in the Time application. The program is free for your use but I retain all copyright on the code (where applicable - some of the Pack information was provided by Wolfgang Schirmer and Matt Millar - thanks). N.B. If you can't be bothered to plough through this document please note that Copy, Move etc. only work after you have Marked the file using the Space Bar or the Enter key. Also, for installation, please read that section or you'll be sorry ! Background ---------- This utility was first started in the days of the Series 3 but I only got it to a reasonable state on the appearance of the Series 3a. It has been translated, and therefore will only run in its present state, on an S3a although I suspect it could be adapted to compile and run on an S3 with some compromises. There are some limitations which I suspect you will discover as you use it. Manual and Usage ---------------- This started as work in progress (I suppose, as I kept changing it for the first few years) and so it comes without a proper manual as I didn't start writing this until the program was too large to start documenting it from scratch (I don't really have the time or inclination to write a proper one). This document is getting close to turning into a manual as I expand on it. Help is available on the HELP key at most times and, as with most OPL programs, you can escape using Psion-Esc or Psion-X at almost any time. The history information is in a file called JBTHISTR.TXT. Installation ------------ The files listed below should be part of the JBTree ZIP file:- JBTREE.OPA - The main part of the program JBTL.DBF - Install if Launch is to be installed JBTREE.DBF - Data file required for View/Run options JBTREE.RSC - Help file. JBT.DBF - My example file of JBTREE.DBF (included as part of the explanation - should not be installed JBTREE.TXT - This file/manual JBTHISTR.TXT - History text of changes Copy JBTREE.OPA to any directory (normally \APP\ but this is not mandatory) and install it in the usual way using Psion-I. If you require to view files using their native application then the file JBTREE.DBF should also be placed in the \APP\ directory. If help is required then JBTREE.RSC should be copied into the \APP\ directory also. When JBTree is first run the files are moved to a sub-directory off the directory JBTree is installed in called \JBTREE\ (e.g. \APP\JBTREE\). This sub-directory drive for the configuration files can be chosen and, if the JBTREE directory does not exist, then a dialog to choose the drive will be given. The directory should be created automatically - if not, it is permissible to generate it manually. Please note that if the parent directory (normally \APP\) does not exist then this automatic installation may fail. If you are updating your version then you will have to manually move the configuration files to the appropriate directory although it is not normally necessary to copy any of the other files unless the history file indicates the format of the files have altered. The program looks for these additional files in a directory off the directory that JBTREE.OPA is in (i.e. if JBTree is in \JBT\ then the configuration files MUST be in the directory path \JBT\JBTREE. This path can, however, be on a different drive to that of the OPA file. If you require the Launch menu then JBTL.DBF should also be placed in the \APP\ directory. This will be moved to the appropriate directory by the main program when it is first started. N.B. Care should be taken when upgrading the program - no datafiles will be overwritten if they already exist in the \JBTREE\ directory when the program is started. If you wish to upgrade (or replace) the datafiles then the original datafiles in the \JBTREE\ directory must be deleted first or the files concerned manually transferred to this directory. JBTL.OPO which was required for version 4 and 4.1 is not now needed and will be automatically deleted when JBTree is first run. Starting the program -------------------- To start the program place the cursor on the JBTree word and press Enter to start the program. After starting the program you are prompted for a Drive - if the 3- Link is active then, before the drive menu is accessed, a choice of Local or Remote is given. Remote means drives on the remote computer. If the drive you wish to access is not shown on the menu then press Esc and you can then select almost any drive (including the ROM) with the dialog displayed at this point. N.B. If the letter keys (e.g.'F') do not appear to work or do not work as expected, check that you do not have CAPS LOCK on. The S3a is case sensitive on the keys checking. Unfortunately, unlike the good old Organiser II, it does not appear possible to alter the state of the CAPS LOCK from within the program using OPL so please be sure that this is switched off whilst using the program. Status Window ------------- It is possible to display a Status Window in a similar way to other Psion applications using Control-Menu to toggle through the options. Keys Used ========= General ------- : Up : Down PgUp: Page Up PgDn: Page Down Ctrl-Psion-Up/Home: 1st Dir Ctrl-Psion-Down/End: Last Dir Tab: Files/Dir switch Diamond: Files/Dir switch Psion-J: Info (About) Psion-S: Sort Shift-Psion-S: Sort types Ctr-Menu: Display Status Window #(character key): Goto dir/file Psion-Shift-C: JBTree Config Psion-Shift-F: View Config Psion-U: Update Directories/Files Psion-F: Pack Info Shift-Psion-I: Directory Info Shift-Psion-L: Launch sub-menu Psion-X: Exit In Directory Tree ----------------- Psion-D: Change Drive : Sub-Dir : Up-Dir Psion-+: Add Dir Psion--: Del Dir Psion-C: Copy Dirs Psion-M: Move Dirs Psion-R: Rename Dir Shift-Psion-R: Rename Drive Shift-Psion-D: Delete Dirs Shift-Psion-Q: Format Drive Psion-L: Look for File Psion-A: Look again Ctrl-A/B/M: Quick drive change In Files List ------------- Psion-I: Toggle Files Info Psion-T: Mark All Files Psion-Shift-T: Unmark All Files Space: Mark file toggle : Mark toggle + Move down Psion-D/Delete: Delete Psion-C: Copy Psion-(Shift)M: Move (& Rename) Psion-R: Rename Psion-Shift-R: Copy & Rename Psion-A: File Attributes Psion-N: Info Psion-(Shift)V/Psion-H: View file(in Word)/Hex Moving Around ------------- Use the cursor keys in the normal way. To go to a sub-directory use the right arrow key, to go to the parent directory above the present one use the left arrow key. To flip between the Directory list and the Files list use Tab or the Diamond key. If in the Files list then Escape will also take you to the Directory list. To change the drive use Psion-D whilst in the directory list. An alternative, if just the local drives are required, is to use Ctrl-A -B or -M. This bypasses the dialogs and so speeds up the selection a little. It is possible to jump to a directory or file within the current list by using 'c' where 'c' is the first character of the name to find. Create/Delete/Rename Directories -------------------------------- It is possible to create new directories by positioning on the directory to which the directory to be created will be subservient and then using Psion- + (the Psion key along with the '+' key). Deletion of a directory (which must be empty of files) is achieved by using Psion-- (the Psion key together with the '-' key). It is also possible to delete a whole sub- directory tree (including any files) using Psion-Shift-D. To rename a directory, place the cursor on the directory to be renamed and press Psion- R. A dialog will display showing the old name and prompting for the new one (the default display shows the same name as the old). After entering the new directory name, press return and (eventually) the screen will display showing the new directory name. Copying/Moving/Deleting ----------------------- When in the File list the required files must be selected by using either the Space bar or Enter before any action can be taken. After marking the selection is denoted by a star beside the filename. The keys used for marking can also be used to deselect a file in the same way (they act as a toggle). All files in the current directory can be marked using Psion-T and deselected using Psion-Shift-T. Once the files have been marked then use of Psion + C/M/D will either copy/move or delete the selected files (you can also use the Delete key in place of Psion-D). If copy or move are selected then the display will re- display the directory tree and you should move to the appropriate destination drive and directory in the usual way before pressing Enter. You can create new directories whilst in this selection mode. Enter will activate the copy or move. If you require to Copy or Move together with Renaming the file - use Psion-Shift-R for Copy & Rename and Psion-Shift-M for Move and Rename. It is possible to bring up a dialog to enable the input manually of the destination directory. Use Ctrl-Psion + C/M to do this. If the destination as typed does not exist then the option to make it is shown. Escape at any point will take you back to the normal choice method of choosing the destination directory. The program will do bulk copying/moving/deleting of directories using Psion+C/M/Shift-D. When copying or moving an option is given to use the existing directory or not. What this means is that the data in the top directory chosen to copy or move will either go into the destination directory chosen or will create a directory below the destination directory and use that. (e.g. Source directory = A:\JBTREE : Destination directory = A:\DOS. If Existing is chosen then the files in the JBTREE directory will end up in the DOS directory and any sub-directories will be created below the DOS directory; If Existing is not chosen then a directory called JBTREE will be created as a sub-directory of DOS and the files moved accordingly.) The number of files marked and the combined size of them is displayed using Shift-Psion-I. Other options ------------- Files can be renamed by highlighting them using the cursor and pressing Psion-R. A dialog is displayed allowing the name and/or the extension to be changed. File attributes can be reset using Psion-A once the files to be changed have been marked. If no file is marked then the attributes for the current file under the cursor is shown. If Escape is pressed (rather than return) when in the Set dialog then the viewing is abandoned. Changes are made using the Enter key once the dialog has been set as required. The attributes set will alter all the programs marked without further querying. This is primarily to facilitate bulk changing of attributes - alter the files on an individual basis if different attributes are to be set for each file. Finding a file -------------- It is possible to find a file on a particular drive. By pressing Psion-L a dialog shows prompting for the file to find. This need not be the full name but just sufficient to identify the file. If the file is found the display will stop on that directory. If the search is be resumed use Psion-A to continue the existing search. Because of the potential for continuing the search I have had to get all the directory names before starting the search and the screen will reflect this delay before the search is commenced. Only the current drive is searched - to search other drives you must first move to the required drive before implementing the search. Wildcards are implemented. Viewing a file -------------- One thing that may not be clear from the help page is that it is possible to View or Launch files with the aid of a configuration database file called JBTREE.DBF. This can be configured from within JBTree using Psion- Shift-F. It will Launch anything (including things like Notepad and Macro) given the correct configuration. There are four fields in the configuration file: 1. Extension - this is the extension the launch utility will use to determine which database record in JBTREE.DBF to use. When launching a file the database is searched for an extension which matches that of the file to launch. 2. Run filename - this is the program to run in conjunction with the file selected (e.g. WRD extension should use ROM::WORD.APP). Any OPO or OPA file should use ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 3. Extra filename - This field is for use with OPA files that use file lists (e.g. Notepad). If this field is used then it is probable that the Run filename will be ROM::SYS$PRGO.IMG. 4. Alias Info - currently the only program that would use this field is WORD unless there is a 3rd party application of which I am unaware. The two .ALS files (PROGRAM and SCRIPT) in the ROM should not be called explicitly - they are loaded as required according to the alias data. Briefly: The first letter specifies Program or Script (either O or S) - the second letter specifies if RUN is allowed and the next three letters give both the top directory any compiled programs are placed in and also the files extension. A text editor can be started by using the alias character of $. For examples see the enclosed JBT.DBF file for examples of using the fields. This is actually my configuration file but gives you a clue as to what to do. The working configuration file should be called JBTREE.DBF and exist in a directory called JBTREE. This, in turn, should exist as a sub-directory off the directory in which JBTREE.OPA exists. It must also be on the same drive. If you are upgrading the program from a previous version then the new directory will be automatically made and the file moved. If this is a first installation then you could copy both the .APP and .DBF files to the same directory and the rest of the creation and moving will be automatic when the program is first run, or you could manually create the directory and move the file into it. Because I use the Data application to access this file for alteration, if my file is not used as a starter, then the Field titles will have to be typed in manually. I have included a JBTREE.DBF file which is a Data file with just the built-in applications and the field names included. To use the launch utility place the cursor on the file you require to view/run and press Psion-V. If the Extension does not exist in the database then an option to use Word will be given. It is also possible to force the use of Word at all times by using Psion-Shift-V instead of Psion-V. Once the file has been opened it must be closed in the normal way for that program (usually Psion-X) otherwise, once you return to the System screen, the file will still show as open, but not necessarily under its normal icon. N.B. There is a problem with any Icon or Title that is normally displayed on a status screen when launching programs in this way. This is very difficult to solve for every case as, to do so, would rely on the program in question having been installed on the System screen - those that are should have their icons displayed correctly but others will not. There does not appear to be a way round this problem (unless someone knows of a fix of which I am unaware). Hex View/Edit ------------- To view or edit in a Hex or 'Dump' format then use Psion-H. To exit from the procedure use Psion-X. Move around the display using the cursor keys and switch between the Hex and ASCII columns using the Tab key. To toggle between Edit and View use Psion-E. It is possible to edit in the ASCII display as well as the Hex display. To jump to a new location use Psion-J - the location should be inputted in Hex digits. To search within the file use Psion-F. If you are in the Hex part of the display then input Hex characters (0-9,A-F) - the A-F characters can be typed in lower case - the program will automatically convert. If in the ASCII section then ASCII characters can be searched for. Case is important in this instance. To search again for the same data use Psion-G. A menu similar to the others in this program has now been implemented which works in the usual Psion way and should be self-explanatory. N.B. For those of you who think in Hexadecimal - the hex figure given for the end of the file may appear to be one less than that reported on the files list and info. This is because, on the HexEdit screen, the first byte is classed as zero rather than one. Display ------- There are two forms of display - one with file information shown and one without. The font size is altered accordingly and a larger font is used if the file information is not shown. To switch between the two formats use Psion-I. If the information is not displayed then individual file information can be shown by placing the cursor on the file and pressing Psion-N. The directories and files can either be shown sorted or unsorted. This toggle is operated by using Psion-S. The sort can be on the Name (default), on the size of the file, or the Time and Date. The type of sort is selected using Shift-Psion-S. Both of the above options can be made to be permanent so that the program always starts up in the same manner by using Shift-Psion-C. This displays a dialog with the two options. The result of this dialog is saved in a JBTREE.CFG file in the JBTREE sub-directory. To refresh to display (of use after an alteration which does not rewrite the screen) use Psion-U. SSD Pack information can be displayed using Psion-F. Please note that, although information on the Internal drive can be displayed, this may not be totally accurate in terms of size and amount left as the internal Ram is dynamically sized according to program requirements (i.e. the more programs you have running, the smaller the drive will be). The dialog may take a little time to appear as it has to calculate reclaimable space. The number of files and the space they occupy can be displayed using Shift-Psion-I - in the file display this will also show the number of marked files and their combined size. Launch Sub-Menu --------------- There is an optional sub-menu available for Launching applications (APP/OPA/OPO). This option appears on the Sundry Menu and will only be shown if the file JBTL.OPO is present in the correct directory (normally JBTREE off the directory in which JBTree resides). On selecting this option (using Shift-Psion-L) a menu is displayed with up to 40 programs on it. They will be displayed in the order they appear in the JBTL.DBF database. The final two options on the menu cards are to return to JBTree or to configure the programs. The configure options are to Add or Edit. Edit will just run the machine's Data program with JBTL.DBF as the file to launch with. Add presents a dialog which allows selection of the Application (the default drive is actually ROM:: although the Drive is shown as Internal); the datafile (if required); and a key which will appear as the short-cut key on the menu. To provide a Psion+key short-cut use a lower case character - Upper case will give the Shift+Psion+key option. If a short-cut key is chosen that is already in use you will be thrown back to the dialog, otherwise, on pressing Enter, the new data is saved to the database and the Menu will be shown again. If the cursor is in the file list then you can use the highlighted file as the launched file with the selected item. To do this the file field in JBTL.DBF needs to be just a '*' character. Speed ----- The program is not the fastest in the world (primarily because it is written in OPL rather than 'C'). The fastest setup would be with Sort and File information Off (although Sort does not effect the speed greatly). To achieve this fastest option - once in the directory tree press Psion-I and then Psion-S (or use the configuration option so that the program remembers the setup [^C]). The configuration file (JBTREE.CFG) created when using ^C will exist in the same directory as the JBTREE.DBF file. The directory and file are created if they don't already exist. The .CFG file is not required for the running of the program and, if you never press Psion-Shift-C, it will not be created. Exiting the program ------------------- You can exit instantly with Psion-Esc or Psion-X wherever you are in the program. Limitations ----------- At present the program is limited to: 640 Directories 640 Sub-Directories 640 Files per Directory If these specifications are insufficient, please let me know - it is possible to increase them subject to RAM availability (and Operating System limitations) on your machine. The program uses about 60kb of RAM when running but this is somewhat dependant on the size of the SSD and the number of directories and files that are on it as variables are dynamically sized. Because of this, it is impossible to give accurate estimations of memory usage. The maximum I have come across is approximately 70kb but, if you have a larger sum, let me know and I'll update this section. There may be other limitations of which I have not thought - if you wish to augment this section please contact me by e-mail via the methods listed at the end of this document. Thanks ------ Thanks are especially due to Wolfgang Schirmer and also to Tom Dolbilin, Matthew Millar and Steve Litchfield for their continued help with my projects and assistance with debugging. Without people like these my programs would be unusable! Disclaimers ----------- I presume there are still some bugs as it is a very complex program with many Procedures. I think I've cleared up most of the nasty ones though. If you have any questions regarding the operation of the program I will try to help you and I'm always open to suggestions for improvements (I reserve the right not to implement them though). Please report any bugs found as soon as possible so that I might try to clear them up. As is usual with programs of this sort, I shall not be held responsible for any loss of data (or damage to the hardware?), however caused, as a result of using this program. The user must take responsibility for his actions and uses the program at his own risk. I reserve all rights of copyright to the program although payment is not required to use it. If you have any suggestions for improvements please contact me via the e-mail options at the end of this file. Enjoy! Contact ------- John Boyce CompuServe: 100014,1240 CIX: jboyce@cix.compulink.co.uk