Patients in Data File DAT\DUMMY Admitted between 10.12.94 and 31.2.95 Dorothy Mitchell Ambe 634824 8.10.24 A14.12.94 H17.1.95 Metastatic Liver Mets. McMillan Nurses input. [Comp - Bed Sore] Frederick Morrell Forster 217538 1.5.25 A14.12.94 H1.2.95 Social Problem. Hyponatraemia. Leg Cellulitis. PVD. [Home after Social Services *Miss Ackroyd to review.] Jadwaga Swiderski Forster 299291 29.1.15 A20.12.94 H6.2.95 R sided CVA (Infarct) [Plan Transfer to Cambridge Wed H6.2.9] Elsie Wade Barrie 450767 28.2.25 A21.12.94 H3.2.95 Cerebral Mets - ? from Adenocarcinoma of lung primary. [Reviewed by Dr Davidson 26.1.95] Rachel Puddicombe Forster 382707 4.12.17 A22.12.94 H26.1.95 L sided CVA. [Transferred to Cambridge H26.1.9] Patrick Creevy Walker 694397 16.7.57 A29.12.94 H27.1.95 Severe End Stage MS. [Has Suprapubic Catheter.] George Kilburn Forster 83266 12.10.14 A29.12.94 H3.2.95 Achalasia. Attempted Dilatation - Unsuccessful. Redilatation - ? Successful. [What is an 80 year old man doing on SCBU?] Joseph Bloggs Oxley 904855 30.6.22 A30.12.94 H9.2.95 Munchausen Syndrome [Attempt to send home ASAP] Suzanne Kearsey Ambe 2004294 26.11.18 A2.1.95 H13.1.95 LVF & AF. [Comp - Hospital Acquired Chest infection] Thomas Hutchinson Barrie 275898 25.4.31 A4.1.95 H? Huntington's Chorea - Lost swallow & gag reflex - Chest Infection - Aspiration Pneumonia. Had Gastrostomy. Stephen Johnson Forster 1202390 7.8.29 A9.1.95 H24.1.95 Adverse drug reaction to Septrin. Fever. Joint Pains. Erythema Multiforme & Vesicular rash around mouth. Theodore Adams Forster 113814 25.8.29 A13.1.95 H19.1.95 Unstable Angina. Upper Mediastinal widening from enlarged Thyroid. Joan Bellfield Forster 301372 18.2.37 A13.1.95 H16.1.95 Comp - Reduction in WCC after starting Azathioprin for Ulcerative Colitis. Roy Carlin Forster 392309 22.5.29 A13.1.95 H15.1.95 Inferolateral MI. Cardiogenic Shock. [Known Angina. *Crem Form Done] [RIP H15.1.95] Whiley Coyote Forster 341900 15.12.23 A13.1.95 H19.1.95 Off his legs. Repeated falls from high cliffs. [Severe bruising and high risk of DVT. Myoglobinuria.] Harley Davidson Aldam 87692 1.7.60 A13.1.95 H3.2.95 Motorcycle crash. Fractured pelvis. [Comp - MRSA Wound Infection.] Ekrem Nwabuzo Forster 696507 5.4.48 A13.1.95 H17.1.95 GI Bleed related to alcoholic binge. Gastroscopy - NAD. Continued pallor & drop in Hb so transfused 4U. Hb returned to 14 Augustus Richmond Forster 2000124 12.11.22 A13.1.95 H16.1.95 1. LVF. Chest Infection - LLL Pneumonia. [*Crem Form Done] [RIP H21.1.95] Francis Tweedie Forster 333963 18.8.23 A13.1.95 H18.1.95 Anterolateral MI c Acute LVF. Early Streptokinase. No rise in CE but ST up in anterolateral leads. [*For OPD Exercise ECG.] Ruth Gounelas Forster 388897 30.12.75 A14.1.95 H15.1.95 Self Harm - Attempted Suicide - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. [Took own Discharge] Indiana Jones Forster 57122 3.7.55 A14.1.95 H16.1.95 Snake bite - Flown home from archeological dig in Egypt. Dorothy Jowitt Forster 363057 27.7.29 A14.1.95 H23.1.95 GI Bleed - Stomach Ulcer. Renal Failure. Sepsis. [Comp - DVT] [RIP H23.1.95] Albert Levene Forster 164847 2.5.21 A14.1.95 H29.1.95 CVA [*Ref done for Miss Ackroyd re PVD & blue toes.] Jeanne Markham Forster 432154 31.1.16 A14.1.95 H25.1.95 DVT. Venogram unsuccessful but Rxed as DVT anyway. Sandra Ottaway Forster 813822 12.12.66 A14.1.95 H15.1.95 Self Harm - Paracetamol Overdose. [Comp - Reaction to Parvolex.] Marie Tooth Barrie 185455 30.11.25 A14.1.95 H23.1.95 Unexplained limb weakness and loss of reflexes. Andrew Furguson Forster 821391 29.3.31 A15.1.95 H24.1.95 Chest Infection - R Upper Lobe Pneumonia - ? Underlying Malignancy. NIDDM. [Comp - Hosp R Sided DVT & ? PE.] William Barham Oxley 503286 14.2.29 A16.1.95 H1.2.95 Lymphoma. L Sided Pleural Effusion - Aspirated. [*Chase post transfusion Hb. If <12/13 retransfuse, then discharge.] Frederick Waterhou Forster 459085 14.6.65 A16.1.95 H24.1.95 Anaemia - Hb 6.3. Haemorrhagic Rash. Abdo & limb pain. Headache. [Transferred to RLH H24.1.9] Ernest Worthing Forster 98336 29.1.16 A16.1.95 H3.2.95 L Sided Pleuricy - LLZ Chest Infection / PE. Hyponatraemic. [Gastroscopy arranged for 24.1.95 except postponed because booking diary was lost. CT Thorax - Chase Report. Bronchoscopy Tue P31.1.95. Gastroscopy P27.1.95. VQ -ve.] Dubin Johnson Forster 699928 7.9.18 A18.1.95 H24.2.95 Unexplained Jaundice - For investigation. Peter Radley Waller 304154 28.5.30 A18.1.95 H19.1.95 Chest infection - Infective Exacerbation of COAD [Died before handover.] [RIP H19.1.95] Augustus Richmond Forster 2000124 12.11.22 A18.1.95 H21.1.95 2. Inferior MI - Died. [*Crem Form Done] [RIP H21.1.95] Maureen Santer Barrie 507209 24.11.40 A18.1.95 H9.2.95 MS - Transverse Myelitis. UTI. Course of Pulsed Methylprednesol one. [Barrie (from Forster)] Osler Webb Oxley 275189 21.5.46 A19.1.95 H23.1.95 Haemolytic Anaemia & GI Bleed. Nkakini Adebayo Oxley 478392 7.2.73 A21.1.95 H24.1.95 Sickle Cell Crisis Reginald Mott Forster 45153 2.12.15 A21.1.95 H25.1.95 Todds Palsy - Post Ictal R Hemiparesis. [Known Large Meningioma.] Darren Gilmartin Forster 440754 8.6.77 A24.1.95 H27.1.95 R sided Lung Bulla - CT Guided Aspiration Biopsy. Phyllis Olsson Forster 904841 31.1.28 A24.1.95 H2.2.95 Ca Lung. Chest Infection. Thomas Richards Forster 137905 2.5.32 A24.1.95 H25.1.95 Chest Pain - Unstable Angina. No rise in CE's. Ronald Taylor Ambe 651802 17.7.15 A24.1.95 H25.1.95 CCF. Needs adjustment of Medication. [Known COAD, IRDM *Crem Form Done] [RIP H25.1.95] Phileas Fogg Barrie 689728 24.3.53 A25.1.95 H27.1.95 Malaria and exhaustion following extensive foreign travel. Julia Petherick Forster 2005549 22.1.67 A29.1.95 H1.2.95 Self Harm - Paracetamol Overdose. Sidney Russo Forster 164229 29.10.27 A29.1.95 H4.2.95 MRSA Infected Diabetic Foot. NIDDM. [Forster - Ackroyd] [Plan follow up at Diabetic Clinic H4.2.9] Rosa Saxton Ambe 185136 10.3.03 A29.1.95 H11.2.95 Acute LVF from withdrawal of Diuretics. [Known Angina & CCF. *Handover to Ambe] Sheryl Sinclair Forster 458710 13.12.76 A30.1.95 H31.1.95 Abdo Pain - Acute on Chronic Renal Failure. [Known Cerebral Palsy & Developmental delay.] Peter Grant-Spence Warren 267140 13.2.35 A15.2.95 H23.2.95 2. Chest Infection - Another Infective exacerbation of COAD / Asthma. Number of Forster Patients : 31 Number of Barrie Patients : 5 Number of Oxley Patients : 4 Number of Ambe Patients : 4 Total Number of Patients : 47