MIDI Player for Series 3 14th September 1998 Contents: *midiplay.txt (this) *midiplay.opo This is my Beta 1.00 MIDI player for the 3 series. It's written in OPL, and it beeps out the notes. It's a larf!! Put the OPO file in the OPO folder, create a folder called 'MID' in the root directory, bung MIDI files in there, then run MIDIPLAY from the running bloke shouting 'OPL' icon (if this isn't installed, from System screen, menu Apps->Install Standard->RunOPL). Select the MIDI file, select the track of the file you wish to play (ie, Drums, Guitar, Piano, not enough computing power to play all at once at present, in OPL), and hear it beep away like crazy!! Any bugs or requests, please report them to jeremyasmith@geocities.com. Known bugs: *The time between the notes is not perfect *Notes do not have a variable length (ie, just quick beep for all of 'em). *Program will not adjust for extra 3mx speed (use slowmode), but a future version will play all tracks at once on 3 series machines. The 3mx will probably cope with this a lot better *Program will exit with no proper error if selected MIDI-file does not exist. Text & MIDIPlay Program (c)1998 Jeremy A.Smith *Source code: I'm not giving it away in this version, please wait for the next version.