** Manual for MM3A Version 1.5, 1st August 1998 ** CONTENTS: 1. QUICK INSTALL. 2. SPECIFICATION. 3. DISTRIBUTION. 4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. 5. REGISTRATION. 6. INTRODUCTION & HISTORY. 7. INSTALLATION. 8. OPERATION. 9. TECHNICAL SUPPORT. 10. VERSION HISTORY. 11. TROUBLESHOOTING. 12. PLANNED ENHANCEMENTS. 13. WHERE TO GET UPDATES OF MM3A. 14. CREDITS. 15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 16. COPYRIGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. QUICK INSTALL. You can install MM3A to your ram drive (M:) or a SSD drive (A: or B:) The file 4PSION.ZIP contains all the files required for the Psion, the directory structure stored is correct if unzipped in the root of a disk (eg M:). Alternatively copy the following files to the path shown, note you will need to create the MM3A,MAPS and CURSORS directories. FILE COPY TO mm3a.app \APP uk.pic \APP\MM3A\MAPS world.pic \APP\MM3A\MAPS cross0.pic \APP\MM3A\CURSORS cross1.pic \APP\MM3A\CURSORS mm3amaps.dbf \DAT Install (Psion I) and run MM3A.APP See chapter 8 for operating instructions. (If you are upgrading MM3A then only copy the mm3a.app file. You will also need to delete your existing mm3a.ini file before running MM3A.) (See chapter 7 for more detailed installation instructions). --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SPECIFICATION. MM3A is an application for the Psion range of organisers. The program will run on the 3a, 3c and Siena computers, and also the emulators for the PC. The program allows the user to store and view a collection of maps on the Psion, additionally an NMEA compatible GPS unit can be connected in order to show a map appropriate to that location. Users are restricted to 4 maps unless they register the software in which case they can use as many as the program has space for (currently 64). Maps can be any pixel size (within the limitations of the .PIC format) and can have different scales. When locations are covered by multiple maps, the program will select the map with the best scale (highest zoom). When connected to a GPS the program also displays satellite strength, Lat/Long or OS grid reference & speed and allows logging of the NMEA RMC and GSV sentences. Log files can be replayed at a variety of speeds. 2 simple maps are provided, one of the UK (for OSGB users) and one of the world although it is intended that users supply their own. Typically this would be from scanned paper maps or imported maps from other software eg Autoroute for Windows. Note that this software is now suitable for worldwide use as well as the area covered by the Ordnance Survey National Grid system. *WARNING* Using your Psion while driving is dangerous, if you use this software in a vehicle please only use it while stationary or as a passenger. You know it makes sense. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. DISTRIBUTION You are permitted to distribute this file freely provided no charge (other than a reasonable handling charge) is levied. Any sum charged in no way constitutes all or part of the shareware fee. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS (INCLUDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE) ARE PROVIDES "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FURTHER, ADHOC SOFTWARE OR TIM MOORE DO NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE DEFECTIVE YOU, AND NOT ADHOC SOFTWARE OR TIM MOORE ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. NEITHER ADHOC SOFTWARE OR TIM MOORE OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY USING THIS PROGRAM YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY IT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. REGISTRATION MM3A is distributed in it's unregistered form. You are permitted to use the program in this form indefinitely. Additional features are available (currently only the ability to use more than 4 maps) if you register the software. You can register by sending cash, cheque or a postal order for 10 pounds sterling to, Adhoc software. 46 Carlingcott, Bath. BA2 8AP. Please make cheques payable to "Adhoc Software". If you are registering from outside the UK I suggest you change your local currency into a 10 pound note (sterling) and post this. All other options work out too expensive for an amount of this size. Email the author if in doubt. Please state that you wish to register MM3A and enclose a postal or email address to which I should send the registration code. When you receive the code you should enter it into the program by selecting the 'Register' option when the program first runs. On screen instructions will guide you through the rest of the process. Note that the one registration code will work for all future shareware versions of the program and is also valid for all of the Psion organisers supported (3a,3c and Siena). --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. INTRODUCTION & HISTORY. I have been interested in the GPS system for many years but the falling prices of handheld units in 1996 got me thinking about owning one. I was a little worried about the usefulness of a box with a lot of cryptic numbers on it telling me exactly where I was in terms that meant little to me. I finally bought myself a Garmin 45 when Mike Rudin's AutoGPS program came out. I already had a Psion 3A and Autoroute and this program let me attach a GPS, great! Unfortunately my dreams of accurately navigating the roads of England to within 100 metres were not realised. Autoroute is a great program and it has an impressive database for a tiny machine like the Psion. As a route planning program, the precise location of towns or roads is not critical and this was one of the ways the authors reduced the size of the database. Unfortunately when connected to my GPS these errors were all too apparent and I would often find myself displayed a long way from any roads. At low levels of zoom Autoroute is fine but detailed navigation of towns or cities are out of the question. And so MM3A was born, after a few experiments with a scanned street map of my village I was convinced the GPS system had enough accuracy to warrant some further experiments. I've had lots of fun with MM3A since then and it has now evolved to the stage where I would like to share it with others. I would also like to be able to justify spending some more time on development and so have decided to make the program shareware while still keeping a cut down version as freeware. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. INSTALLATION You can install MM3A to your ram drive (M:) or a SSD drive (A: or B:) The file 4PSION.ZIP contains all the files required for the Psion, the directory structure stored is correct if unzipped in the root of a disk (eg M:). Alternatively copy the following files to the path shown, note you will need to create the MM3A,MAPS and CURSORS directories. FILE COPY TO mm3a.app \APP uk.pic \APP\MM3A\MAPS world.pic \APP\MM3A\MAPS cross0.pic \APP\MM3A\CURSORS cross1.pic \APP\MM3A\CURSORS mm3amaps.dbf \DAT You will need to create the APP\MM3A directories if they do not already exist. Next you need to install the program onto the Psion desktop by selecting Psion-I, select mm3a.app and press return. The MM3A icon should now be visible. (Note: If you are upgrading then you will need to delete your existing mm3a.ini file before running MM3A.) ADDITIONAL FILES. The following files are not required on the Psion but are included in the distribution file. MANUAL.TXT This file. PSION.PAL This is a palette file for use with Paint Shop Pro when converting maps to Psion colours. See SCANNING.TXT for more information. SCANNING.TXT This details how to use a Windows based PC to scan and convert maps suitable for MM3A. ROUTE.TXT How to use Autoroute or Interactive Atlas to produce maps suitable for MM3A. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. OPERATION. As supplied MM3A has two maps. UK.PIC which is a simple map of the UK and WORLD.PIC which is a simple map of the world. If you wish to add your own maps then you need to configure the database file that tells MM3A about the maps you would like to use. You can use the standard DATA application to create and edit the database file. Below is a listing of the fields and their meaning. See SCANNING.TXT for details about preparing .PIC files. The MM3AMAPS.DBF file provided is setup for the example maps and illustrates what valid entries looks like. Note that OS grid references can be specified with any degree of precision. Examples. TL 4 6 TL 451 672 TL 45181 67278. In order to acheive the greatest accuracy, you should ensure that your GPS is using the same map datum as your maps. For OSGB maps use the Ordnance Survey GB datum. Other maps will vary, if no datum is specified use WGS 84. Fields of MM3AMAPS.DBF Filename: This should be the full path and filename for the .PIC file that you are referring to, eg: \APP\MM3A\MAPS\LONDON.PIC or B:\APP\MM3A\HEREFORD.PIC or A:\TEST.PIC Top left gridref: Lat/Long or OSGB Grid reference of the top left hand corner of the .PIC file. Bot right gridref: Lat/Long or OSGB Grid reference of the bottom right hand corner of the .PIC file. fudgex: Optional horizontal fudge factor (fixed offset) in pixels. fudgey: Optional vertical fudge factor (fixed offset) in pixels. Note that you must save this database file in the \DAT directory with a name of MM3AMAPS.DBF Also you must exit the DATA application before running MM3A. You will get error message "File or device in use (mm3amaps.dbf)" if you forget to do this. When you run MM3A. The introductory screen offers you the option to run or register the program. Press Escape to run the program and MM3A will open the map database file and then display the last map defined. If MM3A had problems loading either file then a warning will be displayed before exiting. You must correct any problems before being able to proceed. KEYS & MENUS All functions can be accessed through the standard Psion menu system (press the menu key) or by use of shortcut keys. To access a shortcut, press and hold the PSION key, then press the shortcut key for the desired function. When you aren't using a GPS or playing a log file, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor. COMMAND/Use OSGB or Lat/Long. PSION-M Use this option to choose whether navigation is performed in OSGB grid coordinates or Lat/Long. If you are outside the UK then you can only use Lat/Long. Maps of both types can coexist in the database file MM3AMAPS.DBF but only those appropriate to the coordinate system in use are indexed. Consequently you must exit and restart MM3A after selecting this option for it to take effect. COMMAND/Use Kilometres or Miles. PSION-U Use this option to choose whether speed is shown in Kilometres or Miles per hour. COMMAND/Jump to grid ref. PSION-J This option brings up a dialog box that prompts you to enter a valid Lat/Long coordinate or OSGB grid reference. Press escape if you decide to cancel the dialog. Valid example Lat/Long coordinates are: -90,-180 Lat=90 degrees North, Long=180 degrees West 90N,180W Lat=90 degrees North, Long=180 degrees West 90,180 Lat=90 degrees South, Long=180 degrees East 90S,180E Lat=90 degrees North, Long=180 degrees East -10.5,-73.47 Lat=10.5 degrees North, Long=73.47 degrees West (Note that the digits to the right of the decimal point are fractions of degrees and not minutes.) Valid example OSGB grid references are: SU 1 1 SP 345 678 TQ 99654 56432 If you have a map covering the position you specified then MM3A will load it and position the cursor. Otherwise you will get the "No map for this area" message. MM3A will stop using your GPS if you are using it when you select this option. COMMAND/EXIT. PSION-X This option terminates the program. You can also achieve this by pressing the "delete" key when you are over the MM3A icon on the system screen. GPS/USE GPS. PSION-G This instructs the program to initialise and then read the serial (3-link) port. The program uses NMEA 0183 sentences to determine your location. If no errors are detected then MM3A will load up a map appropriate to your location and position the cursor. If you don't have a map covering that location you will get the error message "No map for this area" flashing in the lower left hand corner of the display. If your GPS hasn't determined it's location you will get a flashing "No GPS fix" message. See the trouble shooting section for more information about errors connecting and using your GPS. If you have successfully connected to your GPS then this option will now be changed to "Ignore GPS". Select this to stop using your GPS data. GPS/IGNORE CHECKSUM This disables checksumming of the NMEA data. This should normally be left alone but if you experience the message "Bad GPS data" flashing in the lower left of your screen then try this option. If your GPS does not produce checksums then you will have to select this option to use MM3A. Note that disabling checksumming does remove error detection so some combinations of received characters will now cause the program to terminate with an error report. Other than the inconvenience caused the only consequence will be the loss of any settings changed. If you do have problems please report the problem (see Technical Support). WINDOW/ STATUS ON. PSION-W This switches on an optional status window. Pressing PSION-W again switches off the display. The information presented is: Filename of map displayed. OSGB Grid reference. Speed in miles per hour. Source of position data. (K,G or L (keyboard, gps or log)). GPS time (when playing a log file). Satellite strength display. Note that the satellite display will be blank unless you are using a GPS that generates GPGSV sentences. LOG/Start log. PSION-L Use this option to log NMEA sentences to disk. You will be prompted to enter a filename, press escape at this point if you change your mind. Once you have selected the filename all RMC and GSV sentences will be saved to the log file. The file will be closed if you select PSION-L again or you exit the program. The file produced is a standard Psion database file and can be loaded into your own programs or viewed with the DATA application. LOG/Play log file. PSION-P If you have recorded a log file then use this option to replay it. You will be prompted to enter a filename, press escape at this point if you change your mind. Once you have selected the filename, the log will be replayed until the end of the file is reached or you press PSION-P again. The playback speed can be adjusted with the PSION-S option. When a log file is being replayed, the time (in GMT) it was recorded is displayed underneath the speed. LOG/Set play speed. PSION-S Use this option to set the speed when playing a log file. Selecting this brings up a dialog with a number of stars indicating the speed. Fewer stars mean faster, more stars mean slower, 3 stars (the default) is about right on the Psion, 9 is about right for a PC. The exact speed will vary depending upon the NMEA data recorded. ABOUT. PSION-A This option displays the version number and date of the program. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you have any questions regarding the use or development of MM3A then you can email the author Tim Moore at, timmoore@cix.co.uk If you are experiencing problems using MM3A, please read the TROUBLE SHOOTING chapter before contacting the author. 10. VERSION HISTORY Beta version 0.1 The first version released. Beta version 0.2 Fixed bug which caused false 'Bad GPS data' messages. Version 1.0 The first widely distributed version. Added graphic to indicate source of position data (ie Kbd, Gps or Log) Added 'Play log file' and 'Set play speed'. Added support for single bitmap (black&white, no grey) files. Fudge values in mm3amaps.dbf are now optional. Added example UK.PIC file. Added narrow dialogs for Siena. Added support for running from SSD Version 1.5 Added Lat/Long support Added miles/kilometres speed option. Extended the maximum number of maps to 64 11. TROUBLESHOOTING Here are a few common problems and their solutions. When using a GPS, the indicated position is consistantly offset from the true location. A. Make sure the map is correctly calibrated (use Psion-J to jump to known locations to verify this). It may be easiest to use the fudge values of the database file to overcome a fixed error. Also ensure that your GPS is using the same datum as your map, this is especially important in OSGB mode. "File or device in use (mm3amaps.dbf)" error. A. Another program is using the map database file, mm3amaps.dbf. Probably DATA. You must close the file or exit the program before you can run MM3A. "Warning! Couldn't initialise serial port" error when attempting to use a GPS. A. Check your 3-link and make sure you don't have the remote link (PSION-L) switched on. "Serial overrun" messages flashing. A. MM3A is not receiving any GPS data. Make sure your leads are connected properly and that your GPS is set to NMEA 0183. "Bad GPS data" messages flashing. A. NMEA data has faulty or missing checksums. Make sure your leads are connected properly and that your GPS is set to NMEA 0183. If your GPS does not generate checksums then select the option in MM3A to ignore checksums. (GPS/Ignore checksum). If you examine the output of your GPS with a terminal program and the strings contain the * character (asterisk) then checksums are being generated. Most, possibly all Garmin GPS units do. I'm not sure about other makes. If you are having odd problems starting MM3A when you have correctly run the program before then try closing the program and deleting the file \APP\MM3A\MM3A.INI Start the program again and see if this helps. Note, you will have to re-enter your registration details if you do this. You could also try compressing the database file (mm3amaps.dbf) from the built in DATA application. If you are still having problems then contact the author (see Technical Support). If you are having problems connecting your GPS to MM3A then it would help if you could send me as many of the following: Description of problem. Log file produced by MM3A (Log file/Start log). Output recorded on a simple terminal program. You can use the built in Psion comms program to capture data from your GPS. Set the port to 4800 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity none. Set the protocol to ascii and disable all handshaking. You will probably want to select the smallest font too. Use the capture option to capture the data to a file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. PLANNED ENHANCEMENTS I have lots of ideas for the program, most will be impractical due to the limited power of the Psion but here are a few I am thinking about. Narrow status window when running on the Siena. A choice of cursors, perhaps an arrow that pointed in the direction of travel. A compass on the status screen. A scale indicator. Improved map selection algorithm, taking into account the distance to the edge of the map when considering 2 maps of similar scale (for example). Ability to download or play the tracklog from Garmin GPS units. Settings for the location of the cursor and dbf files or make MM3A search M:, A: and B: for any valid files. Ability to mark "home" and "destination" waypoints. Distances to these places will be shown on the status screen. I am also considering allowing databases of waypoints to be defined eg motorway service stations, major towns etc. Spoken voice output. If you thought running your Psion with the serial link enabled gobbled batteries, how about adding speech output! Seriously, it would be possible to have stored samples for "Approaching home" or "Distance to home, 3 miles". MM3A doesn't route find in the Autoroute sense so journeys could not be calculated in advance but it would be possible to travel a route or view a map and add either spoken or textual advice at points along the way, perhaps detailed directions such as "get into the left hand lane and take the first right after the lights". MM3A could also announce the grid reference, speed or bearing periodically. If you would like to suggest a new feature or champion one mentioned then make your views known by emailing the author at: timmoore@cix.co.uk --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. WHERE TO GET UPDATES OF MM3A. The latest version of MM3A can be downloaded found the Adhoc Software web site at: http://www.cix.co.uk/~wibble/adhoc/ It can also be obtained from the CIX Psion and Gps conferences. The web site also contains links to sources of maps on the internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. CREDITS Thanks to Mike Rudin for helping me with the OSGB conversion code and for writing AutoGPS. Thanks also to the many people who helped me during beta testing. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Windows 95, Windows NT and Autoroute are copyright Microsoft Corp. Interactive Atlas of Great Britain is copyright Attica and Ordnance Survey. Paint Shop Pro is copyright JASC Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. COPYRIGHT. The MM3A program and all associated documentation is Copyright 1997/1998 Tim Moore.