NAVIGATE 1.0 Copyright Stephen Denham 1997 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION TO NAVIGATE 2. INSTALLING NAVIGATE 3. SETTING UP NAVIGATE 4. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION 1. INTRODUCTION TO NAVIGATE NAVIGATE is an integrated set of functions which automate many navigational and tidal calculations which can be time consuming and error prone if performed manually. It can be linked to a GPS to automatically receive position fixes. Important: NAVIGATE is used to augment conventional methods of navigation or for trip planning. It is not to be used as the sole or primary means of navigation. Prudent navigators use several methods and cross-checks. NAVIGATE comprises the following functions: - Passage navigation - calculates course to steer, ETA, speed made good, estimated position and distance to go. The calculations take account of course steered, leeway, tidal streams or currents, magnetic variation and deviation. Automatic position fixes can be provided via connection to a GPS. - Tidal predictions - draws a daily tidal curve for a port. Depth of water below the keel and depth to be expected on the echo sounder can be calculated for a given charted depth. - Celestial navigation - calculates a position line and, optionally, a running fix from the Sun's observed altitude, GMT and estimated positions. - Graphical position display - plots the current position and the track or bearing to the destination. - Utilities - calculate the distance and bearing between two positions, convert bearings between degrees true, magnetic and compass and calculate the tidal stream at a particular position and time. NAVIGATE requires: - a Psion 3a with at least 300k available. If no outlines are installed then 125k is required. N.B. NAVIGATE should also run on a 3c. - optionally, a GPS with NMEA 0183, version 1.5 or above. 2. INSTALLING NAVIGATE NAVIGATE is supplied as a singled zipped file. Installation requires your Psion 3a to be connected to a PC. This requires Psion's 3Link lead and either RCom or PsiWin software. Unzip is required. First unzip the received file onto a drive on your PC. (a) Using PsiWin or RCom copy the directory NAVIGATE to the \APP\ directory on either the internal, A: or B: drive of your Psion 3a. (b) Using PsiWin or RCom copy the files NAVIGATE.OPA to the \APP\ directory on same drive. (c) Select the 'Install' option from the 'Apps' menu, and set the 'Disk' to the drive you are using. (d) Set 'Position' to 'Current'. (e) Move to the 'File: Name' line, type NAVIGATE and press 'Enter'. The NAVIGATE icon appears on the System Screen. 3. SETTING UP NAVIGATE NAVIGATE should be set up for your home cruising area and boat. Important: Before starting NAVIGATE select the 'Default disk' option from the 'Disk' menu, and set the 'Disk' to either Internal, A or B, depending on which drive you used for installation. (a) In the System screen, move the highlight onto NAVIGATE and press 'Enter'. NAVIGATE starts up, displaying the 'Normal' view. (b) Select the 'Display' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set 'Output in degrees' to either 'Compass', 'Magnetic' or 'True'. This controls whether bearings are displayed in degrees compass, magnetic or true. (c) Select the 'Sextant' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set 'Index Error (')' for your home cruising area. Index error is set in minutes. Set 'Index Error is' to either 'Off arc' or 'On arc'. Set 'Height (metres)' to the height above sea level for place on your boat where you normally take a sight. Press 'Enter'. (d) Select the 'Vessel' option from the 'Setup' menu, and set your 'Home port'. Press the 'Tab' button to view the available ports. (e) Set 'Draft (m)' for your boat. Set 'Transducer depth (m)' to the depth of your echo sounder transducer below the waterline. Press 'Enter'. (f) The last option on the 'Setup' menu shows either 'Set Currents On' or 'Set Tidal streams On'. Selecting the option and pressing 'Enter' toggles between the two settings. - When the option shows 'Set Currents On' then highlighting it and pressing 'Enter' displays the 'Current' dialog. Enter the 'Set T' and 'Drift (knots)', press 'Enter' and then 'Esc' to remove the 'Passage details' dialog. The entered set and drift will be used by NAVIGATE in calculations. - When the option shows 'Set Tidal Streams On' then highlighting it and pressing 'Enter' configures NAVIGATE to use tidal stream information form its database. Press 'Esc' to remove the 'Passage details' dialog. For passages around the UK, tidal streams should be used. For passages where there are no tidal streams, e.g. ocean passages, then a current should be entered. (g) Setting up the compass deviation card. NAVIGATE holds details of your vessel's compass deviation card: (i). Select 'New data' from the 'File' menu and select 'Compass'. Press 'Enter'. The Psion Data application is used to open the database containing your vessel's compass deviation card. (ii). The database contains entries eight from 0 to 315 degrees, in steps of 45 degrees. Select the 'Change' option from the diamond menu. Update the entries as necessary and exit the Data application. (iii). You are prompted to confirm the update. Press 'Y'. (iv). A message is displayed briefly in the bottom right hand corner of the screen confirming that the new compass deviation card has been updated. 4. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION NAVIGATE is shareware, which means that if you continue to use it you should register with the author. To encourage registration the standard distribution does not come with the comprehensive manual. The manual fully describes all functions including how to add more ports, tidal streams, outlines, waypoints and connection to a GPS. Registered users also receive an updated data set of ports, tidal streams and waypoints. To register NAVIGATE send a 15 UK pounds cheque to: Mr. S. Denham, 3 Elsley Road, Battersea, London. SW11 5LJ U.K. State the version of the program, which is 1.0, and where you obtained the copy. This will enable me to check that you are using the latest version. When you register you will receive the manual and an updated data set. If you have an email address quote this in order to receive the items via email, if not please include a 3.5" floppy disk. For users outside the UK the following methods of payment will be accepted: - 15 UK pounds money order or cheque. - 15 UK pounds in cash. - The equivalent of 17 UK pounds in local currency. - A non-UK pounds cheque to the equivalent of 20 UK pounds. The additional charge for the last two payment methods is to cover currency exchange charges. Payment using a credit card can also be accepted via the RegNet service (US$30, about 20 UK pounds). RegNet can be reached by the following means: email: World Wide Web: USA phone number: 1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) International number: (805) 288-1827. For any further information I can be contacted via email: Note that this software is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind. The author shall not be liable for any loss of data or damage arising from the use of this software.