******************************************************* This is a copy of "Play It Again" v2.00F for the Psion S3a/3c ONLY. It is a FREEWARE utility and requires NO registration or fee to be paid. THE AUTHOR (P.K. Spencer of Aylesbury,England) SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOU OR YOUR SYSTEM AS A RESULT OF USING THIS PROGRAM OR OTHERWISE. ******************************************************** INSIDE THE ZIP *************** Playit.opo (program file - ESSENTIAL) Playit.txt (this file - DELETE AFTER READING) Playit.hlp (help file - EXTREMELY USEFUL) ********************************************************** * VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!! * ********************************************************** Please install the on-line help as this provides the best guide to all of the programs features. I don't like long read me files because people tend to just skip them and end up not knowing how to use the program. To this end I've tried to keep the file as short and as small as possible. This means that none of the features are explained and that there is no in-depth "how to use me" guide. However, all of this is in the file "Playit.hlp" and if you want to know how to use Play It Again, then you really NEED to install the help, after all, once you get the hang of it the help can be deleted later! Help is detecyable from ALL menus and dialogs within Play It Again. INSTALLATION ************ Put "Playit.opo" in the \OPO directory on any drive. Then put "Playit.hlp" in M:\OPD. You're now ready to run the program! You may notice that the program is in the form of an .OPO and not a .OPA. If you have an icon that you think would be suitable, PLEASE mail me with it and then we can use it to make the program into a .OPA (installable via the System screen). Once run, afile called "Playit.ini" will be created in M:\OPD, this holds all of the crucial settings. RevTran ********* Even though Play It Again is FREE, I retain ALL rights to the code - reverse translations is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! To this end, the program has been protected against reverse-translation to the best of my abilities and ANY ATTEMPT TO HACK AND/OR REVERSE-TRANSLATE THIS PROGRAM IN ANY WAY IS IN VIOLATION OF THE LAW! About the Author **************** I am called Phil Spencer and am 16 years old from Aylesbury, UK. All you need to know really ;-) I can be contacted the following ways: (particularly if you find any bugs or have any comments/suggestions for future versions) E-Mail on nicko@nildram.co.uk or 106023,676 on CIS OR by Snail-Mail at : 10 Prebendal Court Oxford Road Aylesbury Bucks HP19 3EY Updates of Play It Again (and all my other programs) can be found on my web page at: http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~nicko/ Registering *********** Play It Again is FREE! No charge, no nothing! If you like it though, I would appreciate a short e-mail just so I can guage how many users there are. Version 2.00F Copyright (C) P.K.Spencer 1997 RELEASED Wednesday 19/02/1997 P.K.Spencer