Psion48 V1.41 Psion48 is a scientific calculator for the Psion S3a which allows to perform complex calculations on reals, complex values, binary integers and matrix. The 1.41 release has more functions (matrix inverse, determinant, ...), a more robust command line, and a matrix editor (for large matrix) Installation of Psion48 V1.4 Copy psion48.opa in \APP (it is the program file) Copy psion48.rsc in \OPD (it is the online help) Copy ps48doc.wrd in \WRD (it is the complete doc) Create the directory \OPD\PSION48 (it is the HOME working directory of Psion48) See ps48doc.wrd for more details. There are also examples of programs to be used with Psion48 .OPO files are examples of OPO files for Psion48, copy them in \OPD\PSION48 .OPL files are source code of OPO files CENTER.VAR is an example of RPL file. Copy it in \OPD\PSION48 To see it, type : 'center' rcl To launch one of these progs, simply type its name without the extension. A code will be sent after registration to avoid registering messages. Send registration (100 FF or 15UKP or 25USD or 40DM) or comments to : Xavier GALANTE E-mail: Post : 8 avenue BEAUSEJOUR 95380 Louvres FRANCE