RESISTOR TRANSLATOR Demo Version 1.0 (C)opyright 1998 Nigmar About RESISTOR TRANSLATOR ------------------------- Resistor Translator will convert 4,5,6 band resistors from colour bands to the corresponding value or from a value to its band colour, also from a SMT value to its corresponding value. Installation ------------ - Create a directory in \APP\ called Res_Tran :\APP\RES_TRAN - Copy the files Res_Col.opa, Res_Val.opa, Res_Smt.opa to that directory. :\APP\RES_TRAN\RES_COL.OPA :\APP\RES_TRAN\RES_VAL.OPA :\APP\RES_TRAN\RES_SMT.OPA - Copy the file Res_tran.opa to your \app\ directory. :\APP\RES_TRAN.OPA Use psion-I to install Resistor Translator as usual. Distribution ------------ THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM. This program is shareware. You can try it freely, but if you continue to use it you must register. To register, send UKP 3 (or equivalent in cash in any major currencies) to the following address : Marcus Harris Fir Tree House Camden Road Maidenhead,Berks. SL6 6HA England IF YOU HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS, please send it to me and I will send your full working copy by email. IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS, DON'T FORGET to send me a self addressed envelope,and floppy disk so I can mail your full working copy. ALL COMMENTS ABOUT THE RESISTOR TRANSLATOR AND ANY BUG REPORTS ARE ALSO WELCOME. Please email to :