SCUBA3 Version 1.3 for Psion palmtops September 1999 Jean-Yves Pontailler FEATURES Scuba3 is a simple freeware for Psion 3 a/c/mx computers, which aim is to help scuba divers. It calculates the decompression time and allows the managing of a logbook. This logbook is fully compatible with the built-in "DATA" application. Scuba3 is used at the user own risk. INSTALLATION Copy the application file (Scuba3gb.opa) in the APP directory of any drive. Copy the help file (Scubag.rsc) in the OPD directory of any drive. Then install the application file using the "Application" menu or using the shortcut Psion-I. If you have been using a previous version of Scuba3, just delete the two ancient files. In this case, your logbook will still be usable. DECOMPRESSION TABLES Scuba3 makes use of both British BS-AC 88 and French MN 90 tables. The maximum depth is limited to 45 metres and the diving time is limited to 99 min. Neither repetitive diving nor diving in altitude are supported. DECOMPRESSION STOPS The programme calculates stops at 6 and 9 metres (British tables) or at 3 and 6 metres (French tables). The no-stop curve is displayed together with the results of the calculation. For another calculation using the same table, press Tab. LOGBOOK You can manage a single logbook including an unlimited number of dives. You can enter the characteristics for each dive, together with a comment of 5 lines of 48 characters at maximum. To browse records, use right or left arrows. Up/down arrows display the first/last record. MODIFYING THE LOGBOOK When browsing, you can delete a record using the DEL key. To modify a record, you must exit Scuba3 and open the Scuba.dat file using the DATA application : from the system screen, place the cursor underneath the DATA icon and press Tab. Then, select Scuba.dat in the \OPD\ directory of the internal disk and press enter. The amended records will be placed at the end of the file. FILES Scuba3gb.opa : application (English)(in any \APP\) Scubag.rsc : help file (in any \OPD\) Scuba.dat : logbook (created in M:\DAT\ by Scuba3) (M is the internal disk) The three other files present in the ZIP archive, Scuba3.opa, Scuba.rsc and Lis-moi.txt are the French version of Scuba3. ************** This is the second release in English. Feel free to contact me for amending my English, for any suggestion and for bud tracking : There is also a French version in this ZIP archive. Future versions will be released at the excellent Nautical Psion Web site : // Presently there are no plans for a S5 version. Have fun