************************** USER GUIDE for Paint v1.10 ************************** "Paint" is an OPL application for opening, editing, and saving Psion .PIC files. This file contains full user instructions for how to use it. **************** INSTALLING Paint **************** The Paint.zip file should contain the following files: Readme.txt (the file you are currently reading) Manual.txt (the user guide) Paint.opa (the Paint v1.10 application module) P_regist.opo (a program used to register Paint v1.10) To use Paint, copy the "Paint.opa" file into the \APP\ directory of either the internal disk or to an SSD drive. You should retain the other files from the .zip file for reference and registration. See the "Manual.txt" file for full details of how to use Paint, and for registration instructions. When you have copied the "Paint.opa" file to your Psion use the System screen's "Install" option from the "Apps" menu (NB do NOT choose the "Install Standard option"). Set the "Disk" line of the dialog to the drive you copied the file to and set the "Name" line to "Paint.opa". Press and the Paint icon should appear on you System screen. If you cannot see the icon, which looks like a palette and paintbrushes, use the left/right cursor keys to move through the range of icons (the Paint icon may be off the edge of the screen). Launch the application by moving the cursor to this icon and pressing ; alternatively use the System screen's "New file" option from the "File" menu and type in a filename. The application will display a copyright screen with a reminder that this is a shareware application. Press again to continue, and the screen will display a blank picture (unless you have opened a picture file already on the disk, in which case this picture will be displayed). I have tried to adhere to standard Psion hotkey combinations i.e. Psion-X for exit, Shift-Psion-X for exit, lose changes, etc., but the menu lists nearly all operations available with their appropriate hotkeys. ******************************* IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ******************************* Paint Version 1.10 is copyright (C) Simon Heywood 1998. All unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, reverse engineering/ decompiling and redistribution of Paint and its accompanying files in any form other than that in which it was obtained. The application may not be sold, and may not be released as part of another compilation without the author's express written permission. ********************************** INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING PAINT V1.10 ********************************** Essential keys are to set a pixel in the current mode (black/grey, as set by the diamond key), to completely clear a pixel, and the cursor keys, which move the single pixel cursor around the screen (holding down moves it in ten pixel increments). Pressing will display an information screen containing reminders of how to perform some basic options in Paint. Note that the actual cursor is only one pixel square: some users may have difficulty seeing it. I haven't provided zoom features with this version because writing the appropriate program code isn't easy; also I have tried to keep the application's memory usage low. Neither does the application 'fill' areas within a line like some PC applications. This is also a little difficult for me, being an amateur programmer. If I get many registrations, I will do my best to expand the application to encompass these functions. To perform actions such as drawing boxes, ellipses, etc., you need to select a range of pixels. To do this, position the cursor at the top left hand corner of the area you wish to highlight and then extend or reduce it by holding down whilst using the cursor keys. Holding down both and extends or reduces the range by ten pixels in the selected direction; holding down and extends the range to the edges of the picture or reduces the range to a single pixel in the chosen direction. The maximum size of the range is a 255 pixel square. Experiment with these keypresses until you are confident about using them. FILE MENU: 'New File' creates a new file with the specified dimensions. If the current picture has been changed, the option of saving it is given. 'Open File' opens another file. If the current picture has been changed, the option of saving it is given. 'Save as' saves the picture under a different filename, with the option to save the selected area only, and to use the new file (saving and closing the current file). 'Save' saves the current picture to disk, if it has been altered. 'Revert' reverts to the saved version of the current picture. Any changes made will be lost. 'Merge in' merges the given file into the current picture at the cursor position. If the file is too big to fit into the current picture it will be truncated at the respective picture edges. EDIT MENU: 'Copy pixels' copies the selected range onto the Paint clipboard, replacing any previous clipboard contents. 'Insert pixels' inserts the clipboard contents at the cursor position. 'Clear area' clears the pixels of a chosen colour in the selected range. 'Invert area' inverts the colouring of the selected range. 'Jump to pixel' moves the cursor to a particular pixel in the picture. PAINT MENU: 'Line' uses the current position as the first end of the line, asks for the graphics mode, and then asks you to select the second end of the line, which can be off the edge of the screen. Use the cursor keys to move the line, holding down to move by ten pixels at a time, then press when the line is correct. 'Ellipse' draws an ellipse to fit inside the selected range. 'Filled ellipse' draws an ellipse to fit inside the selected range and then fills it with the current colour. 'Shade area' shades the selected range according to the diamond list setting. '2D Border' draws a two-dimensional border around the picture, or around the selected range if it is bigger than one pixel in any direction. You can choose from a list of border types. '3D Border' draws a three-dimensional border around the picture, or around the selected range if is bigger than one pixel in any direction. You can choose from a list of border types. TEXT MENU: 'Paint text' paints text in the style specified by the 'Set text style' menu option in the specified font, in the specified graphics mode. 'Paint special text' paints text in the special text mode specified. 'Set text style' sets the style to be used by the 'Paint text' menu option. 'Load new font' loads an add-on font from a .FON file. INFO MENU: 'Picture info' gives information about the current picture, e.g. dimensions and file size. 'Cursor info' gives the current cursor position and the size of the selected range (if any). 'About Paint' gives version and copyright information about the application. SPECIAL MENU: 'Set preferences' allows the user to determine whether an 'undo' buffer is maintained (selecting 'No' to this option will save memory usage), whether a shaded background is used (which matches the current colour setting), whether the colour of the cursor matches the current colour, and whether the cursor is shown flashing. 'Undo last change' reverts the picture to its state before the last change was made to it. 'Exit, lose changes' quits the application. If any changes have been made, confirmation for their loss is asked for. 'Exit' quits the application, first saving the current picture if any changes have been made to it. ************************* REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ************************* When you register Paint I will provide you with a ten-digit registration code unique to you. No-one else can use your code. This code removes the 'nag' screen at start-up; the "About Paint" menu option inside the application will display your name and registration code. This is a shareware application. The idea of shareware is that you can try out a program: if you find it useful you must register it by paying a small fee to the author, otherwise you must delete the application and all its associated files, including any files you have created using the application. Registering enables you to tell me what you think of my program, hopefully giving me ideas as to how I could improve it. It also gives me an incentive to develop the program further. To register, you should send me ten British pounds or the equivalent of fourteen pounds in your local currency (to allow for currency exchange charges). You must supply me with your full name EXACTLY as you would type it into the registration program (no more than 25 characters) and the version you are using (v1.10). Registration fees should be sent to: Simon Heywood 3 Dovecote Lane Oldham England e-mail: simon.heywood@physics.org Once you have obtained the registration code first make sure that your "Paint.opa" file is in the \APP\ directory ON THE INTERNAL DISK OF YOUR PSION. If necessary copy the file to that directory and delete the original. Run the supplied "P_regist.opo" program file FROM THE "RUNOPL" ICON on the System screen. Enter your name, as you supplied it to me (NB UPPER/LOWER CASE LETTERS MUST BE ENTERED EXACTLY AS YOU SUPPLIED THEM), and your registration code. The next time you run the application your registration details will be flashed on the screen briefly, The "About Paint" menu option will also display them. If you wish to give the application to a friend, simply give them the original .zip file. You must only distribute the original .zip file containing ALL the files in the original distribution. ***************** USUAL DISCLAIMERS ***************** Unfortunately I cannot accept any responsibility for money lost in the post. Neither can I accept any responsibility for any loss of data arising directly or indirectly from use of my software, or for any consequential loss arising therefrom. The software is not guaranteed error free: the user runs it at their own risk. I would, however, be grateful if any errors were brought to my attention. LAST REVISED 16 February 1999