*************************** README FILE for Paint v1.10 *************************** "Paint" is an OPL application for opening, editing, and saving Psion .PIC files. NB: Only .PIC picture files can be opened with Paint. Paint cannot open .PIC Sheet files, which use a different format. The Paint.zip file should contain the following files: Readme.txt (the file you are currently reading) Manual.txt (the user guide) Paint.opa (the Paint v1.10 application module) P_regist.opo (a program used to register Paint v1.10) To use Paint, copy the "Paint.opa" file into the \APP\ directory of either the internal disk or to an SSD drive. You should retain the other files from the .zip file for reference and registration. See the "Manual.txt" file for more detailed installation instructions. This file also contains full details of how to use Paint, and for registration instructions. ********************* COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ********************* Paint Version 1.10 is Copyright (C) Simon Heywood 1998 Paint is a shareware application and must be registered if it is used regularly. See the accompanying "Manual.txt" file for registering instructions.