TelTimer V1.0 Installation instructions INSTALLATION: When you unzip the archive the files should already be in their corect directories. They should be installed as follows: FILE LOCATION TELTIMER.OPA \APP TELTIMER.RSC \APP\TELTIMER\ Once all the files are in place go to the Apps menu, Install on the system screen and choose Teltimer to install it. Any comments or suggestions are welcomed. I may be contacted at the following addresses: Email: WEB: REGISTRATION TelTimer is released as Shareware. You may use it for 21 days. If you continue to use it after this time has expired you must register it. Registration will remove all nag screens. Allow you to save preferences. Allow you to use the Reset call log function. To register this program use one of the following methods: You can send a cheque or postal order for £8 (UK pounds) with your name and address or Email address to: P.Adams 58 Longmead ave Bishopstoke, Eastleigh Hampshire S0506ET Or you can register using RegNet at for $20(US dollars). The registration code will be Emailed to you the moment I recieve notification of registration. Once you have recieved your registration code all you have to do is go to the Registration menu function and type in your name and code. Paul Adams JUNE, 1998