Psion 3a Video-Tape Logger VideoLog V2.2 User Guide Copyright Peter Clark 1995-1999 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION An introduction to VideoLog, describing what it does. 2. INSTALLATION Instructions on installing VideoLog. 3. USING VIDEOLOG This section describes how to use VideoLog. 4. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION How to register VideoLog. 5. KEY FEATURES A list of all VideoLog's key features. 1. INTRODUCTION VideoLog allows you to log the recordings made with your VCR, and permits you to find specific recordings, using a choice of parameters. It also lets you locate a tape with enough free space to record a programme. This is particularly useful for those moments of panic when you suddenly realise a programme is just about to be transmitted and you need to find a tape with some space! 2. INSTALLATION This section describes how to install the Psion version of VideoLog. The Psion version of VideoLog has been tested on the Psion Series 3a; it should also work on other Psion computers such as the Series 3c and Series 3mx. If you try it on one of these, then please let me know that it works OK. To install VideoLog onto a Psion, copy the files videolog.opo to the directory \OPO on any drive and (optionally) videolog.rsc to the directory \OPD on the same drive. e.g.: \OPO\videolog.opo (required) \OPD\videolog.rsc (optional) There are a number of other files that may be created, as the program runs, but they do not need to be present initially, and are of no significant size (ie, less than 200 bytes). VideoLog requires a minimum of 22k of disk space for installation, plus about 18k more if the On-Line Help Sub-System (\OPD\videolog.rsc) is also present. While in use, VideoLog will initially create (if no pre-existing file is found) and then extend its main datafile (\OPD\vidlive.odb) by about 100 bytes per entry. If use is made of the optional notes facility, a maximum 1.3k should be allowed each time notes are entered. The notes are stored in a separate file (\OPD\vidnotes.odb) on the same drive as the VideoLog application. 3. USING VIDEOLOG Once VideoLog has been installed, you may run the application. After a confirmation screen, the Main Menu options appear. At any time the Main Menu is visible, you may press the Help key and obtain online help. In most places where a choice is available, a pop-up list is made available, for you to select an item. Alternatively, you may enter the value directly. 3.1 Search/Update ---------------- This option lets you select the parameter on which you would like to search for a specific recorded programme. 3.1.1 Title Enter all or part of the title of the programme recorded. VideoLog will display the first screen of details for any matching entry. For example, entering 'inter' will find 'INTERNATIONAL VELVET' or 'THE INTERNS', if they are in the system. VideoLog is not case-sensitive. 3.1.2 Duration Enter the duration of a recording in minutes. Handy, if you only have a specific amount of time to view a recording. 3.1.3 Class Enter one of the 26 class codes, A-Z, which are the initial letters for a programme classification (eg, 'F' for Film, 'C' for Comedy). 3.1.4 Status Enter one of the status codes, representing the current status of the recording (eg, 'U' for Unviewed, 'K' for Keep). 3.1.5 Date Created This will default to the current Psion date. Overtype the displayed value for another date, or press the [Tab] key to display the calendar for the current month, [Tab] again for the calendar for the current month and succeeding and preceding months, [Tab] again for the calendar for the whole year. Moving the cursor onto the required month/day, then pressing [Enter] will bring back the selection to the Date Created field. 3.1.6 Tape Id No If you only want information about the recordings on a specific tape, this is the option to use. 3.2 Free -------- This option will find free space on a tape, by scanning for entries which have had their status codes set to Viewed, Sacrificial, or Deleted, with a Duration greater than or equal to the value entered. The default value is one minute, effectively scanning every entry held in VideoLog. At the end of the display, denoted by '****** end of data ******', press [Escape] to go back to the Main Menu. 3.3 Browse ---------- This option lists all entries held on VideoLog, sorted by Tape ID No. If the list occupies more than one screen, the display pauses at the end of each screenful. 3.4 Input --------- This is the starting point for entering new VideoLog records. 3.5 Special ----------- 3.5.1 Sort Records Enter the field on which you want the records sorted. Fields available are: Duration, Status, Class1, Title, Tape ID No, and Date Created. A pop-up list is available. 3.5.2 Export Word File This option lets you copy the VideoLog data to the Word application, via an intermediate file. The default filename and disk-drive will be displayed for you, but you may change these. If the file-name already exists, you will be warned. 3.5.3 About VideoLog This option shows the Version Number, the Serial Number (if registered) and the contact name and address. Subsequent screens show Copyright information. 3.5.4 Exit This option closes down all open files, ensuring any updates are done first, and leaves the VideoLog application. As with all other Psion applications, there is no reason (apart from memory constraints) why the VideoLog application should not be left running at all times, making access to your video-tape library information even more immediate. 3.6 Setup --------- 3.6.1 Registration Enter the Serial Number allocated to you when you have registered your copy of VideoLog with the author. 4. SHAREWARE REGISTRATION VideoLog is shareware, which means that if you continue to use it you should register with the author. To encourage registration, VideoLog will not permit the use of more than 10 video-tapes, although any number of entries may be made against each of those 10 Tape IDs. To register VideoLog, send a 15 UK pounds cheque to: P. F. Clark, 23 Nova Mews, Stonecot Hill, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 9HY U.K. State the version of the program, which is 2.2F, and where you obtained the copy. This will enable me to check that you are using the latest version. When you register, you will receive instructions on how to use more than 10 video-tapes. If you have an email address, quote this in order to receive the instructions via email more quickly. For users outside the UK the following methods of payment will be accepted: - 15 UK pounds money order or cheque. - The equivalent of 17 UK pounds in local currency. - A non-UK pounds cheque to the equivalent of 20 UK pounds. The additional charge for the last two payment methods is to cover currency exchange and bank charges. VideoLog may be freely distributed and uploaded to BBSs, provided all files in the package are included. For any further information I can be contacted via email: Note that this software is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind. The author shall not be liable for any loss of data or damage arising from the use of this software. 5. KEY FEATURES VideoLog has the following key features: - Standard Psion interface - Instant display of tapes with free space - Search facility, using a choice of parameters - Display of stored entries in a selection of sort sequences - Optional attachment of notes to entry records - Full on-line help - Export facility