VIP Services Limited. (c)Copyright 1998 All care has been exercised in ensuring that the information on this database is correct. Humans however are prone to making mistakes. For this reason VIP Services Limited will not accept responsibility for any incorrect information, misleading information, damages caused by use of information or misuse of the information in this database. This document and all software/database files are Copyright to VIP Services Limited and are offered free of charge. VIP Services Limited reserves the right to make charges for access and changes for software/database without notice in the future if it is deemed necessary for continuance of this service, but only if there is no other alternative. VIP Travel database information and software are provided free to download and use by New Zealand and overseas owners of Psion 3c or Psion 3mx computers. The database will be updated on a regular basis and can be accessed free of charge at any time. Ensure that the directories on your Psion 3c (2mb) or Psion 3mx (2mb) computers exist or are created as follows:- Internal | |_App | |_Vip | |_Opd You must have PSIWin V1.1 or later V2 Software Installed On Your IBM/Mac Computer Running under a suitable version of Windows and a serial cable to connect the Psion Palmtop with your Personal Computer. Copy the files into the appropriate directories of your PC. The following files must be copied into your Psion 3c/3mx 2mb Palmtop Computer * Copy Guide.opa into the OPA directory * Copy ????????.dbf example] files into the VIP directory * Copy ????????.pic files into the OPD Directory Once these files have been copied, go to the system screen and press Psion-I. Select Nzdvip.opa and press OK. Refer to the on-line help for further information. If you have any trouble setting up the VIP Travel database system or want to list your organisation and message on the database, Please contact one of the following:- Software/Database and Listings..........Allan Caldwell, VIP Services Limited (021)638-892 P.O. Box 79-455, Royal Heights, Auckland, New Zealand between 9am and 9pm weekdays. Facsimile (09)832-0827 anytime. email (Author & Managing Director of VIP Services Limited) Listings..............Garry Williams, VIP Marketing P.O. Box 149, Wanganui, New Zealand Phone(06)345-6184, 8.30am-5pm weekdays Facsimile (06)345-2892 (Managing Director VIP Marketing Limited) Listings..............Basil Thomas, VIP Marketing P.O. Box 56-079, Tawa, Wellington 6006, New Zealand Phone/Facsimile (04)232-8445, 8.30am-6pm weekdays Regional Manager - Wellington - VIP Marketing Limited If you are calling from overseas, please contact in the late evening from your country. The New Zealand telephone International country/area code is 64.