3T Simple file manager for Psion Siena. Version 1.01 14th December, 1996 Size less than 10k This program is Freeware. Written using a Series 3a and the Siena emulator. I don't have a Siena :-( This is a mixture of my original Series 3 file manager, and my 3T version for the Psion Series 3a. New to version 1.01: Sorted display. You can log other Siena drives, the ROM, and PC drives. Menu added. Facilities: Deletes single files, or tagged files. Moves single files, or tagged files. Renames files and directories. Deletes files and directory trees. Makes new directories. Shows file size, date & time, and attributes. Displays 48 files, although up to 200 can be selected. Casualties: No viewing, launching, etc. Not as pretty as the alternative offering, but smaller. I have tried to keep this program fairly small, hence the limited range of facilities. I could add more, but 3T would get bigger! Commands: Psion-C Copy file, or tagged files. Psion-D Delete file, tagged files, or directory tree. Psion-I Information about 3T and the author. Psion-L Log onto a local drive or ROM. Psion-M Move file or tagged files. Psion-P Log onto a PC drive when linked via serial lead and PsiWin or Rcom. Psion-R Rename file or directory. Psion-T Tag a file (the + sign also works). Psion-U Untag a file (the - sign alo works). Psion-X Quit 3T. Psion-+ Make a directory Menu The menu! Help Some limited help. Usage: Copy 3TS.OPA to your \APP directory. Install to the system screen by pressing Psion-I, selecting 3TS.OPA, and pressing Enter. Highlight the 'ThreeTS' icon to run 3T. You can navigate around a directory using the arrow keys, or by pressing the first letter of the filename you wish to move to. Prss Enter when a file is highligted, and you will see some file details! Press Enter when a directory is highlighted, and the display moves to that directory. You can move back a directory by highlighting the entry, or simply by pressing Esc. The last position in that directory will be highlighted. If you press Esc when in the root directory, the display is re-read, and the highlight positioned at the first entry. Files may be copied and moved using Psion-C or Psion-M. If a file of the same name is encountered in the destination directory, you will get the opportunity to rename it, overwrite it, or abort the action. Files may be tagged by highlighting them, and pressing either Psion-T or simply the + (plus) key. The tagged file now appear in italics. A tagged file may be released by pressing either Psion-U or the - (minus) key. Tagged files may be deleted, copied, or moved. If 3TS finds a file of the same name in a destination directory, you get the option to skip or over- write that file. You cannot tag directories. Pressing any Tag or Untag key will briefly display the number of files tagged. All tags are cleared after the action is complete. The tag list is reset any time the directory is changed. If you delete a directory which is not empty, any files/dirs inside will also be deleted. If a ReadOnly file, or a file in use, is found, the deletion will abort at that file. Pressing Psion-+ (plus) makes new directories. This action follows the following rules: 1. If a file is currently highlighted, no action will take place. 2. If you are highlighting a directory called FRED, the new folder will be created in the FRED directory (e.g. FRED\BILL). 3. If you are displaying the FRED directory and have highlighted then the same action as in 2 will take place. 4. Whatever directory is highlighted, if you preceed the new name with a backslash (\) then the new folder will be in the root directory. You can use 3T on other drives as well as the internal drive M. It should work on drives A and B if they exist, and also the Siena ROM. Obviously you cannot modify the ROM by copying or deleting! You should also be able to use 3T on the drives of a PC linked to a Siena. The link should be turned on for this action (not IR). You should be able to use 3T on PC floppies, hard drives, Zip drives, CD ROMs, and network drives. There will be some delay while 3T builds up a PC device list, which will list only those drives available. You should be able to copy files between any PC drive and Siena drive. Potential problems: If you leave 3TS running all the time, and delete or create new files or directories some other ways, the 3TS display may not be correct when you return to 3TS. The application tries to accomodate such changes without nasties happening, but you never know! It is difficult for any program to keep aware of what file changes are taking place while it is in the background. If you have more than 10 drives (incl. network drives) on a linked PC, there is a possibility of part of the drive selection dialog being hidden, or even a crash :-( If you cannot see any PC drives when linked via PsiWin, remove the switch /X from the line: ENGINE=PRCENWIN.EXE in the file \WINDOWS\PSIONPRC.INI and then restart PsiWin. I think I have trapped the dreaded "Too Wide" condition, but it may still occur! If anyone can make a better icon, feel free to send it to me! DISCLAIMER This program can DELETE data. It should delete only the data you specify, but I disclaim any responsibility for unwanted data loss. You use 3TS ENTIRELY AT YOU OWN RISK. Copyright Roger Muggleton, 1996 Emails to: hzk@cix.co.uk