*************** BILL 1.0 Siena Version ***************** Written By Tom McGaw E-mail: mcgaw@clara.net Web Site: home.clara.net/mcgaw/ This Readme file contains: 1. Installation 2. Introduction 3. Features of Bill 1.0 4. HELP FILE 5. Registration Installation: In the Bill.zip file you should have 3 Files: breadme.txt - This File bill.opa - Main Program File temp.pic - Template Copy 'bill.opa' to the OPA directory on your Psion Copy 'temp.pic' to the OPD directory on your Psion Then go to the 'Install' option in the System Menu on your Psion and using the left and right cursor keys, scroll until you see 'bill.opa' and press Introduction: Bill is a Financial Package which Calculates whether you can afford a bill and if so; which Bank and/or Credit Card accounts you can pay the bill from. Features of Bill 1.0: 1. Allows you to have 6 Bank and 2 Credit Card Accounts 2. You can Set a side 8 Bills, to Pay at a later date 3. Tells you the Highest Bill you can pay by scanning all your accounts 4. It will scan every account to see if you can afford a bill using ALL your accounts. ie. Bill = £50.00 It scans every account: Bank 1 - £20.00 Bank 2 - £20.00 Bank 3 - £6.00 Bank 4 - £4.00 Total - £50.00 You are told that you can pay the Bill using from 4 accounts. NOTE: You can also scan to see if you can pay the Bill from one account alone. ie. Bill = £50.00 Scans each account individually: Bank 3 - £50.00 You are told that you can pay the bill from 'Bank 3' REASONS FOR SCANNING ACCOUNTS DIFFERENTLY 1). When you are in a situation when you have to pay the bill immediately and it is not practical to pay the bill from many different accounts and can only be paid from one account then each account should be scanned individually to see if the bill can be paid from just one account. ie In a Supermarket, Petrol Station, Restaurant, basically any Shop. 2). If you aren't in the situation as above, when you don't have to pay the bill immediately and from only one account then You Should Scan ALL accounts. This will give you a detailed breakdown of which accounts you need to withdraw money from. ------------------ End of Feature 4 ------------------------ 5. Having told you which accounts to Pay the Bill from, you can let it automatically update your Bank or Credit Card accounts. 6. You Can Scan in advance whether you can afford a bill. ie If you're Shopping in a Supermarket and you want to know how much you can spend, then Simply Enter in the Amount and it will tell you whether you can afford it and if so, from which accounts. 7. It can Remind you as often as you like, to update your Accounts and tells you how long it was since they were last updated. 8. You can change the currency between £ and $ ********************** HELP FILE *********************** ***** Reset Accounts: ****** By Choosing this Option, it will clear all your Bank and Credit Card accounts and reset them to what they were when you first Installed BILL. BANK: The first 6 options of this are Bank Accounts and the other 2 are Credit Card Accounts. You can view or edit any of these by selecting your chosen account. If you selected a Bank Account then, three details will be displayed: 1. Bank Name - The name of your Bank 2. Bank Balance - Your Bank Balance at that particular Bank 3. Overdraft Limit - The maximum overdraft you're allowed. NOTE: Bill uses your Overdraft in the calculation so if you don't want to go into your overdraft then simply enter ZERO for the Overdraft Limit. If you selected a Credit Card Account then three details will be displayed: 1. Credit Card - This is the name of your Credit Card 2. Credit Balance - This is how much you've spent on your Credit Card 3. Credit Limit - This is the Maximum Amount you're allowed on Credit BILL The option on the Bill menu is 'Pay Bill': ***** Pay Bill: ****** This will display 2 options: 1. Enter Bill: - This requires you to enter the Bill you have to Pay 2. Scan: 'One Account' or 'All Accounts' - 'One account' will just scan one account to see if the bill can be paid from one account alone - 'All accounts' will scan every account to see if the bill can be paid from numerous accounts. IF you selected One account then a you have enough money, then a list of possible accounts will be returned and you simply select the account you wish to pay the bill from. When you press to select your particular account, then that account will be updated. But not if you selected Accounts not to be updated automatically in which case it is up to you to update that account. If you selected All accounts and you have enough money, then a detailed breakdown of what money you need to take from which account will be displayed. When you press , then all those accounts will be updated. But not if you selected Accounts not to be updated automatically in which case it is up to you to update that account. **** Afford Bill ****** This is identical to 'Pay Bill' except it simply tells you whether you can afford a bill and doesn't update any accounts. ***** Set A Side Bill ******* This option is so that you can store 8 bills and process them when you wish. This options will displaya menu with 2 options: 1. Bill Setaside. This will show 8 Bills and you can edit or view one by selecting the desired one. On selection it will display 2 Details: 1). Bill Name: - This is the Name of the Bill 2). Bill Amount - This is the Size of the Bill 2. Pay Setaside Bill This displays the 8 bills you have entered above so that a Setaside bill can be payed. Simply select the bill you want to pay and it will take you to the 'Pay Bill' option. ******* Highest Affordable Bill ******** This will simply scan every account to tell you the biggest bill you can afford to pay. OPTIONS: ******* Preferences ******** This allows you to customise BILL to work the way you want it to. It will display 4 options: 1) Debit Accounts Auto: "Yes","No" This asks you whether you wouldlike BILL to automatically update your accounts. 2) Account Reminder: "On","Off" This asks you whether you wouldlike to be reminded at the beginning to update your Accounts. 3) Remind After: "Day","2 Days","Week","Month","Year" This asks you how long after the last time you updated your accounts would you like to be reminded to update them again. 4) Currency: "£","$" - You can either select between The English Pound Sign or the Dollar sign to be displayed as your currency. ********** Registering BILL 1.0 *********** I can't begin to describe how much time and effort BILL took me to write. To collate the massive amount of information I had to then put it on the tiny Psion we know as the Siena, which took me months. Yes that's right, I programmed the whole thing on the tiny Psion Siena. I started writing BILL in JULY 1997 and I've just finished it and its September 1997. BILL is NOT Free and is shareware. You can register for only £5.99 or $8.99 which is a bargain when you consider how long it took me to write and what you're getting for your money. *** WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU REGISTER ***** 1. Every Nag screen telling you that BILL is not registered will disappear from your sceen immediately. 2. You get all future versions for FREE !!! and there are future versions planned if enough people register and support me to keep writing. 3. You get that honest feeling inside you that you've paid for BILL outright and you're supporting me to write future versions which you will benefit from. HOW TO REGISTER: You can register BILL by sending me a cheque for £5.99 drawn on a British Bank made payable to MR THOMAS MCGAW. Or a cheque for £5.99 Sterling drawn on a foreign Bank Or alternatively, you can send me £5.99 or $8.99 Cash. You will then need your unique BILL registration number which you can find in the BILL program if you go to the 'How to Register' option from the 'About' option in the menu. You will need to write down your home address or e-mail address so I can send you your registration Code; Which you enter into your BILL program by going to the 'About' option on the menu and then the 'Register' option. Simply enter your registration code and BILL will be completely registered! Send all this to my home address: MR THOMAS MCGAW CARCLEW, PERRANARWORTHAL, TRURO, CORNWALL ENGLAND TR3 7PB DISCLAIMER; By installing and running BILL 1.0 and any of the files that are associated with it, you take full responsibility for any damage to your Psion or loss of work that occurs from it. I take no responsibility for any damage or anything else that may occur from using BILL 1.0. Cheers, Tom McGaw