GolfCard The Golfer's Database & Scoring System for the Psion Siena computer User's Guide GolfCard is a trademark of M-P (Golf) Systems Psion, the Psion logo, Siena and Series 3a/3c are trademarks of Psion plc M-P (Golf) Systems 24A High Street Ewell Surrey KT17 1SJ England Tel: +44 (0)181-394 2049 Fax: +44 (0)181-393 4086 email: CONTENTS 1. Introduction GOLFCARD 2. Installing GolfCard 3. First Match 4. Match Formats 5. Main Menu Reference 6. Scoring Reference ANALYST 7. Installing Analyst 8. Overview of Analyst 9. View - Match 10. View - Player 11. Handicap - Gent - Ongoing(CONGU) 12. Handicap - Gent - Initial(CONGU) 13. Handicap - Lady(LGU) Appendix 1 Data Security, GolfCard SSD Full etc. Appendix 2 Sample Match Printout Appendix 3 Sample CONGU Handicap Printout Appendix 4 Sample LGU Handicap Printout 1. INTRODUCTION GolfCard was introduced on the Psion Series 3 pocket computer in 1992, and the Analyst option followed in 1993. Version 2 for the Psion 3a/3c followed in 1995. This shareware version is specifically for the Psion Siena, although it will run quite happily on a Psion 3a/3c, albeit in only half of the screen. On the golf course, you can use GolfCard to replace the scorecard and pencil. The advantages are clear: Rapid entry of strokes after each hole. Probably quicker than you can write them down. The scoring is instantaneous and guaranteed 100% accurate. You can view an immediate analysis of the round so far. When you've completed a round, you can store the match for later reference & analysis, and also print the scorecard if required. Alternatively you can enter the match details into GolfCard when you get home. All the popular match formats are supported: Stableford, Match Play, Stroke Play, Foursomes, Greensomes, Four Ball Better Ball and more. Off the golf course, you can call up the details of all your old matches that were scored with GolfCard. Even if you play twice a week, all your matches for many years can be saved. With the Analyst option you can view and analyse the scores that you have saved. You can analyse not only your own scores, but those of your playing partners as well. It calculates averages, eclectic scores, the GolfCard Index, and much more. With the GC Index, you can compare your performance from one period to the next and answer the question - am I improving ? Many golfers belong to a club or society and have an official CONGU or LGU handicap. With the Analyst option you can calculate and track these handicaps exactly. In fact small golf societies may wish to use this feature to calculate handicaps. It can also print a player's handicap record sheet if required. Please ensure that you read Appendix 1. 2. INSTALLING GOLFCARD a) Copy the two .opa files (GolfCard.opa & Analyst.opa) to the \APP directory in internal memory (M:). b) Create a new directory called \GLF in internal memory (M:). (Make sure that this \GLF directory is not a sub-directory.) c) Copy all the .opo and .hlp files into the \GLF directory. (14 files) d) Install both Golfcard.opa and Analyst.opa by using the Apps Install menu option at the System screen. e) Run GolfCard and enter your User Name as one Christian Name followed by your Surname. (eg John Smith) f) Prior to registration you can score, save and analyse up to 5 matches. g) Prior to registration you can repeat step e) with a different User Name if you copy the file Gcx.opo over the existing file Gc0.opo. (But don't do this once you have registered!) Memory requirements You need 35K of free memory to run GolfCard. At the System screen you can check the available memory by pressing the key. If you see a message such as 'No system memory' or 'Disk full' you will need to free some more memory. If you attempt to use GolfCard with less memory than recommended above, operation is likely to be unreliable, and you may lose data in the middle of a match. The obvious ways of making more memory available are: Close down all or most of the other applications. To do this, at the System screen move to an application which is shown in Bold type and then press the key. (You can't close down Time !) Delete any unwanted files held in internal memory. Compress each Database & Agenda file. Turn off the Comms Link. 3. FIRST MATCH To start GolfCard you need to highlight the GolfCard icon, and then press . Press any key to show the menu. As you press the key, you will move from the 'Play' menu to the 'File' menu to the 'Utility' menu. Press the key to move to each item on the menus. Remember that you can always press for tips on using GolfCard. To start scoring your first match, select 'New Course' on the 'Play' menu and press . You will be asked first of all for the name of the golf course. There are 2 lines of 21 characters for the Full Name of the course, plus a 4 character Short Name. It is this Short Name that you will use in future to call up the Course. You can also enter the Standard Scratch score for the course, if you know it. We'll assume that this first match is being played at your home course, so pull out a card with all the hole details on it. Enter the name of this course, together with a four character Short Name. When typing in the information, move from one line to the next with the key. You should only press when you have completed the information. Then you are asked whether the holes are measured in Metres or Yards. You should press either or . The next screen is for the names of the players for this match. Type in any name for Player A. Your User Name is shown as Marker C. Always enter a name as one Christian Name followed by the Surname. Press when the information is complete. For the purposes of this chapter, we shall have only two players. Next you are asked for the Handicaps of the players. Type in the figures, moving from one line to the next using the key. Then press . Finally choose the game format from the menu. Choose Stroke/Medal Play, and then press . You are now ready to score your first match! Of course GolfCard does not know the details of this course yet. Try pressing the key. You will see that the highlight on Hole 1 moves to Hole 2. Now press the key, and the highlight moves back to Hole 1. Also try the key, followed by the key. You now have two options - you can either enter the course details in one go, or alternatively enter the course details as you score the match. Imagine having completed the first hole on the golf course. You now want to enter the number of shots by each player. With the highlight on Hole 1, press . A form appears in a window in the top left hand corner of the screen for you to enter the details of the first hole - the Length, Par and Stroke Index (SI). Type in the figures for your home course. As before, move from one line on the form to the next with the key, and then press when the data is complete. (N.B. If you press the key you can cancel this form.) Then enter the shots taken by each player at the hole, and press after both scores have been typed in. The highlight automatically moves on to the next hole. Now type in the shots and the details for two more holes. Notice the arrow in front of the initials of the player who has the honour at the next hole. In order to enter the details of the course in one go, the procedure is as follows: Using the key, move to each hole in turn, press the key and select 'Hole Info' from the 'File' menu. (Or just press Psion-L.) Enter the details of the hole and then repeat until all the course data is complete. You should then save the course to file by selecting 'Save Course' from the 'File' menu. (Or just press Psion-C.) It's not possible to save a course until the data for all 18 holes is complete. Now try pressing the following keys: The screen shows the totals so far. Press any key to restore the normal view. Use this at any time in a game to check the current position. The top part of the screen cycles between four different sets of information. ( + reverses the order in which they are displayed.) This brings up the 'File' , 'Edit' and 'Game' menus. For the moment just press the key to remove the menus. (See Chapter 6 for full information on these menu items.) This brings up a prompt asking which hole you wish to jump to. Try typing H then 7 followed by to jump straight to hole 7. For some game formats it is permissible for a player not to return a score at a hole. For example in a Stableford game a player will often pick up his ball when he has hit a certain number of shots over Par. GolfCard calls this a No Return, and puts NR on the screen. To enter a No Return you type in 0 (zero) for the number of shots. No Returns are not permitted in Stroke/Medal Play, and so there is a warning if you try to enter a zero for this current match. Try it! Now continue entering the scores for the remaining holes. If you make a mistake for the number of shots taken at a hole, it is easy to correct the mistake. You should highlight the hole with the arrow keys, and then press . A window appears in the centre of the screen asking 'Amend shots for Hole x ? ' Press the Y(es) key and then just correct the number of shots in the window that appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Note that you can always cancel a window that appears as above, just by pressing the key. If you want to delete your entry for the shots taken at a particular hole, highlight that hole and then press the key. Confirm the deletion by pressing Y(es). Once you have completed the entry of the shots at each hole, you can see the match result simply by pressing the . The number of shots is totalled for each player and then the handicap is deducted. The winner is the player with the lowest net score. Press any key to restore the normal view. Saving the Match Having completed the match you will now want to save it. To do this press and choose 'Match Over' at the 'File' menu. (Or just press Psion-O.) Firstly, if you haven't saved it already, it asks whether you want to save the details of the course you have just entered. Press Y(es) to save it. Next a window appears asking for a comment on the match. You have up to 45 characters for your comment. You might use this to describe the weather conditions or any particular feature of the match. If you don't wish to enter a comment just press . Then a window appears in the centre of the screen to confirm the time and date of the match. The time and date can be amended if necessary. The last line records the Event Number, which is automatically incremented by 1 for each new match. Press after making any necessary changes. Finally a window appears in the centre of the screen with 3 options. If you wish to save the match details for future reference just press . To go back to the match, to make some adjustment perhaps, press . If you don't wish to save the match for future reference then press the . (In this latter case you then have to confirm the choice by pressing the Y(es) key.) For the purposes of this chapter you should now save the course details for this First Match and also the match itself. After saving the match, the main menu is displayed. Reloading the Match This first match and also the course details are now stored in the computer and can be recalled at any time. To reload the First Match, choose 'Load Match' at the 'File' menu. Just press in response to the 'Choose Match' prompt. A brief description of the first match will then appear at the top of the screen including the date, time, course and names of the players. Press to load the match. All the control keys described earlier are still operational. What you can't do however, is press and change the number of shots taken at a hole. When you press the key, a fifth set of information appears being the Comment on the match. Switch Game If you have followed the instructions in this chapter, then the First Match will be scored as Stroke/Medal Play. What we will do now is switch the match format to Stableford and determine the result under that scoring system. Press the key and select 'Switch Game' from the 'Game' menu. In the window in the top right-hand corner, use the down arrow key to move the highlight to Stableford and then press . Next you are asked to choose the stroke allowance, either three-quarters of handicap, seven-eighths or full. Select full. Finally you have to confirm the stroke allowances. Just press . The results of the First Match are now displayed with the Stableford calculations. Where before you just saw the number of shots taken at each hole, you now see three figures. The first figure is the actual number of shots, while the second figure immediately after the slash (/) is the net number of shots after deducting each player's stroke allowance. The third figure is the number of Stableford points awarded for that hole. Press several times to view the different information windows at the top of the screen. Press the and you will see the Stableford result. For each player the first figure is the actual total shots taken, and the second figure is the total Stableford points. The result is also shown separately for the outward and the inward nine holes. Analysis GolfCard can also produce an instant analysis of the round, either on the basis of the actual number of shots taken at each hole, or for the net number of shots allowing for the full handicap allowance. To show the Analysis based on the actual number of shots at each hole, select 'Analysis(Gross)' at the 'Game' menu or just press Psion-A. The screen shows the number of Pars, Birdies, Bogeys etc. scored by each player. The '-1' column shows the Birdies, the '+1' column shows the Bogeys, etc. The NR column shows the number of No Returns. (i.e. the number of holes at which a score was not recorded.) To show the Analysis based on the net number of shots at each hole, select 'Analysis(Net)' at the 'Game' menu or just press Psion-B. Remember the Net Analysis is always based on the actual number of shots less the full handicap allowance. So even if a match uses 7/8 of the Handicap to calculate the stroke allowance, the Net Analysis screen will always be based on an allowance equal to the full handicap. Print a Match If you wish to print the match scorecard, then choose the 'Print' option at the 'Game' menu. If this is the first time you have printed anything from your Psion computer, then first of all choose 'Print setup' and set the Printer model to your particular brand of printer. (If you have problems with printing, then you should check that your printer is set up to use the IBM Code Page 850 character set.) The print option is designed to work with a direct connection to the attached printer, either via a parallel printer cable or via a serial connection. It is not designed to work with PsiWin. Edit a Match You can make changes to the match that you saved most recently. To do so, load the match and then choose the 'Match' option at the 'Edit' menu. Now you can edit the scores for a player just as you would before a match is saved, and then save it for a second time. 4. MATCH FORMATS GolfCard can be used to score golf matches in the following formats: 1 Player: Stroke / Medal Play Stableford 2 Players: Stroke / Medal Play Stableford Match Play 3 Players: Stroke / Medal Play Stableford Barracuda 4 Players: Stroke / Medal Play Stableford (plus Aggregate Stableford) 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford 4 Ball Better Ball Match Play 4 Ball Better Ball Stroke Play Foursomes Stroke Play (plus Greensomes) Foursomes Match Play (plus Greensomes & other variants) Foursomes Stableford (plus Greensomes & other variants) Stroke / Medal Play This is the simplest game to score, and is suitable for any number of players. The shots at each hole are recorded and then each player's full handicap is deducted from the total number of shots taken over 18 holes. A score must be recorded at each hole. If the Stroke Allowance is less than the full handicap, then make the adjustment by choosing 'Strokes' at the 'Edit' menu (or Psion-T). Stableford This is a points scoring game, and is suitable for any number of players. Points are scored at each hole based on the net score after deducting the stroke allowance. 1 point for net bogey, 2 points for net par, 3 points for net birdie etc. The winner is the player with the highest number of points. (See also Aggregate Stableford, 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford & Foursomes Stableford.) No Returns are permitted. (Enter the score as zero.) The stroke allowance is normally calculated as either the full handicap or 7/8 or 3/4 of the handicap, although any other figure can be used. Match Play Match Play is for two players, and is scored on the basis of holes won and lost. A match is won by the player who is ahead by a greater number of holes than there are left to play. (See also 4 Ball Better Ball Match Play and Foursomes Match Play.) The stroke allowance is normally calculated as 3/4 of the difference between the players handicaps, with the lower handicap player having a zero stroke allowance. However any other calculation of stroke allowances can be used. A hole is won by the player with the lowest net score, and is marked as + . The loser is marked with a - . If the net score for each player is the same, then the hole is halved and marked with a 0 . No Returns are permitted. (Enter the score as zero.) Barracuda Barracuda is another points scoring game, and is suitable for three players. The stroke allowance is normally calculated as 3/4 of the difference between the players handicaps, with the lower handicap player having a zero stroke allowance. However any other calculation of stroke allowances can be used. At each hole 6 points are available. The player with the lowest net score at a hole is awarded 4 points, and the runner-up receives 2 points. If both of the other players have the same net score, then they each receive 1 point. If a hole is halved by two players, then each receives 3 points. If all three players have the same net score, then each receives 2 points. The winner of the match is the player with the highest number of points. No Returns are permitted. (Enter the score as zero.) A player who has a No Return at a hole, does not receive any points for that hole. Thus if two or more players have No Returns at the same hole, then less than 6 points will be awarded at that hole. Aggregate Stableford This is a 4 ball match with partners. Each player plays the course individually using the Stableford system, as described above. A player's stroke allowance is calculated as either the full handicap or 7/8 or 3/4 of the handicap, although any other figure can be used. The match is won by the side which has the highest combined total of Stableford points. 4 Ball Better Ball Stableford This is a 4 ball match with partners. Each player plays the course individually using the Stableford system, as described above. A player's stroke allowance is calculated as either the full handicap or 7/8 or 3/4 of the handicap, although any other figure can be used. At each hole only the better score for each side counts, and the match is won by the side which has the highest total of Stableford points. A side's best score at each hole is indicated by an asterisk (*). If both players on the same side achieve the same number of Stableford points, then both scores are asterisked, although it only counts once in the points total. The pair with the highest points total are the winners. The points total for each side is shown in a separate column on the results screen. 4 Ball Better Ball Match Play This also is a 4 ball match played with partners, but on similar lines to Match Play as described above. The stroke allowance is normally calculated as 3/4 of the difference between the players handicaps, with the lower handicap player having a zero stroke allowance. However any other calculation of stroke allowances can be used. After each hole, whichever player has the lowest net score wins the hole for his side. The + , - or 0 marks are placed in the column of the player with the lowest net score in his side, or in both columns if both players in a side have the same net score. A match is won by the side which is ahead by a greater number of holes than there are left to play. The number of holes won by each side is shown in a separate column on the results screen. 4 Ball Better Ball Stroke Play This also is a 4 ball match with partners. Each player plays the course individually. A player's stroke allowance is calculated as either the full handicap or 7/8 or 3/4 of the handicap, although any other figure can be used. At each hole the net score is calculated for each player, and the better net score for each side counts. It is permitted for one player on each side to have a No Return at any hole, but one of the players on each side must post a score at each hole. The match is won by the side which has the lowest total net score. Foursomes Stroke Play This is a 2 ball match played with partners. Partners drive on alternate holes, and then take alternate shots at their joint ball. A side's handicap allowance is calculated as either half or 7/16ths or 3/8ths of the sum of their handicaps. This allowance is then deducted from the total number of shots taken over 18 holes. Also use this choice of game for Greensomes Stroke Play. Foursomes Match Play This is a 2 ball match played with partners, but on similar lines to Match Play as described above. Partners drive on alternate holes, and then take alternate shots at their joint ball. The handicapping is determined by taking the total of each side's handicaps, and then the stroke allowance is 3/8ths of the difference between the totals, with the lower handicapped pair playing off scratch. However any other calculation of stroke allowances can be used. Also use this choice of game for Greensomes Match Play. Foursomes Stableford This is a 2 ball match played with partners, but using Stableford scoring as described above. Partners drive on alternate holes, and then take alternate shots at their joint ball. The stroke allowance for each side is normally calculated as 7/16ths of the sum of their handicaps. However any other calculation of stroke allowances can be used. Also use this choice of game for Greensomes Stableford. 5. MAIN MENU REFERENCE There are 8 options on the main menu: Play Menu File Menu Utility Menu Known Course (Psion-K) Load Match (Psion-L) Next Event Number (Psion-E) New Course (Psion-N) Delete Match (Psion-Y) Support (Psion-S) Exit GolfCard (Psion-X) Delete Course (Psion-Z) As you press the key, you will move from the 'Play' menu to the 'File' menu to the 'Utility' menu. To choose an item on one of the menus, press the key until the desired item is highlighted and then press . Alternatively use the Psion key combinations shown. Play - Known Course (Psion-K) Choose this option when you wish to start scoring a match on a course the details of which you have previously stored on GolfCard. If the course is not stored then you should choose Play - New Course. Having selected Play - Known Course, a window appears in the top right hand corner of the screen asking for the Short Name of the course. To choose a particular course, type in the 4 letter short name for the course and press . If you're not sure of the short name just press and then press the until the correct course is shown in the top window. In either case press again to select the course or to return to the Main Menu. A large window now appears asking you to type in the Players' Full Names. Your User Name will appear automatically as Marker C, although you can readily change it. For any match with two or more players, you must have a Player A and a Marker C. In a Foursomes match type in all 4 names. Move from one line to the next with the up and down arrow keys, and press when all the names are complete. Type each name in full as one Christian Name followed by the Surname. e.g. Tony Brown. It is very important to enter the names correctly, otherwise the Analyst option will not be able to determine who's who. Tip If the same group of people are recorded for an earlier match, then choose File - Load Match and bring up the details of that match. (Don't go as far as showing all the scores, just show the players' names in the top window.) Then go back to Play - Known Course and the names will be remembered. This saves you having to type in all the names again. Having entered the names you are then asked for the players' handicaps. The permitted range of numbers is 0 (zero) to 36. Move from one line to the next using the key, and then press when the figures are complete. If you wish to go back a step, just press the key. Next a window appears in the top right hand corner asking you to choose the Game or Match Format. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the chosen Game and press . If your choice is Stroke / Medal Play, then you are ready to score the match and the rest of this section is not relevant. Then for Stableford matches or for Foursomes Stroke Play or for 4 Ball Better Ball Stroke Play, a window appears for you to select the handicap multiplier. Highlight whichever is appropriate and press . Finally a window appears in the top right hand corner which shows the Stroke Allowance against each player. In most cases you will just press to accept the computer's calculation of the Stroke Allowance. If you wish to change the Stroke Allowance however, you can. You are now ready to score the match. Play - New Course (Psion-N) Choose this option when you wish to start scoring a match on a course the details of which are not stored on GolfCard. Also choose this option when you want to save the details of a new course, but are not about to play a match. Having selected Play - New Course, a window appears in the middle of the screen asking for the name of the course together with a four character short name. It is not essential to type anything for Name Line 2, but there must be an entry for Name Line 1 and a four character entry for the Short Name. Choose a Short Name which will be easy for you to remember. Also enter the Standard Scratch score for the course if you know it. Move from one line to the next with the up and down arrow keys, and press when the Name and the Short Name is complete. Then press Y if the course is measured in Yards, or M for Metres. The system now progresses exactly as for 'Play - Known Course' above. If however you are wanting to save the details of a new course, but are not about to play a match, then you should just press at the three ensuing screens in order to proceed as quickly as possible to the point where you can start entering the hole details. Then at each hole in turn, use the 'Hole Info' option at the 'File' menu (or Psion-L) to enter the details of each hole. When the course data is complete, choose the 'Save Course' option at the 'File' menu (or Psion-C). Finally choose the 'Quit, Don't Save' option at the 'Game' menu (or Shift-Psion-X) to return to the main menu. Play - Exit GolfCard (Psion-X) Choose this option when you have finished using GolfCard. It is not a good idea to leave GolfCard active when not in use, because it uses up valuable memory that may be needed by other applications. File - Load Match (Psion-L) Choose this option when you wish to bring back onto the screen a match that you have previously scored and then saved with GolfCard. Having selected 'File - Load Match', a window appears in the top right hand corner of the screen asking for either some Search Text of up to 12 characters, or the Event Number. If you know the Event Number, then this is the quickest way to choose a match. Alternatively, by the careful use of the Search Text, you can find a particular old match very quickly. The examples below show how this works: Search Text Finds 15 feb all matches played on 15th February feb*95 all matches played in February 1995 jones all matches including a player named JONES fway all matches played at the course with short name FWAY Press when you have typed in the Search Text. If no matches are found with your search text, then there is a beep and a message 'No Such Match on File' appears in the top left hand corner of the screen. If your search text fits only one match, then there is a beep and the message 'No More Matches on File' appears at the bottom of the screen, followed shortly by the message ' to Choose, Return to Menu'. The date of the match that has been found, together with the Short Name of the course and the names of the players, is shown at the top of the screen. If this is the correct match, press to bring back the match onto the screen. Alternatively press to go back to the menu. If your search text fits more than one match, then the message ' for Next Match, to Choose' appears. Keep pressing the until the details of the match that you want appear at the top of the screen, then press . If the match you want isn't there, then press the key to go back to the menu. If you type nothing for the Search Text or the Event Number, but just press , you can run through all the matches stored on file. Tip If you want to choose the latest match that you have scored, but you are not sure of its Event Number, then type any high number for the Event Number. The computer will automatically alter your high number to the last Event Number that was used. e.g. if the last match on file has an Event Number of 57, then you could type the number 99 in the Event Number line. File - Delete Match (Psion-Y) Choose this option when you wish to remove the details of a match from the file. Once this has been done, there is no way that you can bring it back. Having selected 'File - Delete Match', find the match you wish to delete in exactly the same way as for 'File - Load Match' above. Having chosen the particular match by pressing , you are then asked to confirm the deletion by pressing Y(es). If you're not sure, press N(o) or . File - Delete Course (Psion-Z) Choose this option when you wish to remove the details of a course from the file. Once this has been done, there is no way that you can bring it back, other than by typing in the details again. Having selected 'File - Delete Course', find the course you wish to delete by typing in the 4 letter short name for the course and press . Having found the particular course, you are then asked to confirm the deletion by pressing Y(es). If you're not sure, press N(o) or . Utility - Next Event Number (Psion-E) With this option you can reset the Event Number to be used for the next match that you score with GolfCard. In normal usage, you should not need to use this. Utility - Support (Psion-S) By choosing this option, you will see the Help screen which sets out the Support options. This screen includes necessary contact addresses and telephone numbers. Please take note of the need for 35K of free internal memory to run GolfCard. 6. SCORING REFERENCE This chapter sets out all the control keys and menu options you will need in order to score, analyse, save and subsequently review a match. The starting point is a score card displayed on the screen. Control Keys Moves the current hole forwards one Moves the current hole back one Makes the 18th hole current Makes the 1st hole current # Jump straight to a hole of your choice Switches the info windows at top of the screen * Type in or amend the number of shots taken at a hole. On an unknown course, put in the hole details first. Results screen * Delete shots entered for current hole Help screens See below * The two control keys marked with an asterisk cannot be used when a match has been reloaded from file. Menu Options There are 17 menu options which can be accessed by pressing the Menu key while scoring a match: File Menu Edit Menu Game Menu Match Over (Psion-O) Players (Psion-S) Switch Game (Psion-G) Save Course (Psion-C) Handicaps (Psion-H) Analysis(Gross) (Psion-A) Course Name (Psion-N) Strokes (Psion-T) Analysis(Net) (Psion-B) Hole Info (Psion-L) Comment (Psion-K) Print setup (Psion-Y) Yards/Metres (Psion-U) Match Date (Psion-D) Print preview (Psion-*) Print (Psion-P) Quit, Don't Save (Shift Psion-X) If you load a match from file, there are only 12 menu options: File Menu Edit Menu Game Menu Match Over (Psion-O) Handicaps (Psion-H) Switch Game (Psion-G) Hole Info (Psion-L) Strokes (Psion-T) Analysis(Gross) (Psion-A) Match (Psion-M) Analysis(Net) (Psion-B) Print setup (Psion-Y) Print preview (Psion-*) Print (Psion-P) Quit (Shift Psion-X) These options can also be accessed by using the Psion key combinations shown. Match Over (Psion-O) Choose this option when you have finished scoring a match and you want to return to the Main Menu. You will be prompted for a comment on the match and then there is the choice of saving the match or not. On a new course, or if you have made a change to the course details, you also have the option of saving the course details. When the match is loaded from file, then this option takes you back to the main menu immediately. Save Course (Psion-C) Choose this option when you want to save the course details. GolfCard first checks that the course details are complete and consistent. Course Name (Psion-N) Choose this option if you wish to change the Course Name or the Standard Scratch. To make the change permanent you must also 'Save Course'. Hole Info (Psion-L) Choose this option when you want to enter or amend the details of a particular hole. You should highlight the relevant hole first. To make the change permanent you must also 'Save Course'. If the details of a course change, perhaps a Par 3 hole becomes a Par 4, then you should create a new entry on the courses file by choosing 'Play - New Course' at the Main Menu. (If instead you were to change the detail of the existing record on the courses file, then all your old matches will come up with the detail of the revised course.) When a match is loaded from file, changes cannot be saved to file. Yards/Metres (Psion-U) Choose this option when you want to change the units that the currently loaded course is measured in. Either Yards or Metres. It does not do a conversion of the lengths. To make the change permanent you must also 'Save Course'. Players (Psion-S) Choose this option if you need to amend the names of the players. You can't however change the number of players. Handicaps (Psion-H) Choose this option if you want to change a player's Handicap and Stroke Allowance. When you press the scores at each hole are revised on the basis of the new Stroke Allowance. When a match is loaded from file, the change cannot be saved to file. Strokes (Psion-T) Choose this option if you wish to change the Stroke Allowance for any player. When you press the scores at each hole are revised on the basis of the new Stroke Allowance. Changing the Stroke Allowance does not change a player's Handicap. When a match is loaded from file, the change cannot be saved to file. Comment (Psion-K) Choose this option when you want to enter or amend a match comment. Match Date (Psion-D) Choose this option when you want to amend the time and date of the match. Also if you wish to change the Event Number. Match (Psion-M) Choose this option when you have loaded a match from file and wish to make changes and resave it. This is only possible for the most recently saved match. Switch Game (Psion-G) By choosing this option you can change the game format. For example switch from Stableford to Match Play in the case of two players. After you have confirmed the Stroke Allowances, the match scores are recalculated on the new scoring basis. So having lost a Stableford match, you may be able to console yourself by showing that you would have won under Match Play ! Analysis(Gross) (Psion-A) By choosing this option, GolfCard shows an instant analysis of the round based on the actual number of shots taken at each hole. Analysis(Net) (Psion-B) This option also shows an instant analysis of the round but based on the net number of shots taken at each hole allowing for the full handicap allowance. Print setup (Psion-Y) Use this option to configure the printer that you use. Print preview (Psion-*) This shows a thumb-nail view of the match scorecard printout. Print (Psion-P) With this option you can print to paper the current match scorecard. To achieve satisfactory results, it's essential that you have a) configured the Psion computer for your particular printer using the 'Print setup' menu option, and b) set your printer to use the IBM Code Page 850 character set. Appendix 2 shows a sample scorecard. This option is designed to work with a direct connection to the attached printer, either via a parallel printer cable or via a serial connection. It is not designed to work with PsiWin. Quit, Don't Save (Shift Psion-X) Use this option to exit quickly from scoring a match without saving it. Quit (Shift Psion-X) If you have loaded a match from file, then this option takes you back to the main menu immediately. ANALYST 7. INSTALLING ANALYST If not already done, install Analyst.opa by using the 'Apps Install' menu option at the System screen. Analyst will only function alongside a correctly installed version of GolfCard. Memory requirements You need 35K of free memory to run Analyst. At the System screen you can check the available memory by pressing the key. To run Analyst concurrently with GolfCard, you need at least 70K of free memory. 8. OVERVIEW OF ANALYST To start Analyst you need to highlight the Analyst icon, and then press . Press any key to show the menu. As you press the key, you will move from the 'View' menu to the 'Handicap' menu. Press the key to move to each item on the menus. Choose 'Exit Analyst' at the 'View' menu (or Psion-X) when you have finished. Remember that you can always press for tips on using Analyst. Whereas with GolfCard you can view one match at a time, with Analyst you can view all your scores together, and then use these to calculate averages and other useful statistics. For example, it will tell you which are your strong and weak holes at a particular course, by calculating your own stroke index for that course. Because you record data for your playing partners when you score a match, you can also calculate these statistics for them. Players who have an official CONGU or LGU handicap with a club or society can use Analyst to perform the necessary calculations to track the progress of their handicap. Matches can be included or excluded for handicap purposes as required, and can be played at different courses. The Competition Scratch Score (or Scratch Score for LGU) can be recorded for each qualifying event. In fact a golfing society could use Analyst to keep their handicap records. In which case the society members could be issued with printed copies of their handicap record on a regular basis. 9. VIEW - MATCH (Psion-M) Choose this Main Menu option when you wish to see the scores in a match that you have previously scored and saved with GolfCard, and also to record further information about the match relating to Handicap calculations. Having selected this option, a window appears in the top right hand corner for you to enter either the Event Number or some Search Text. This works in the same way as the option 'File - Load Match' in GolfCard. Once you have chosen a particular match, it is displayed on the screen in a different way to that used by GolfCard. Each player's scores are presented in one line preceded by his or her initials. A total is shown only if a valid score exists for each one of the 18 holes. The figures in the last column are the match result - points for Stableford, holes for Match Play, net score for Stroke Play. Additional coding is as follows: n A No Return . Hole not played > More than 9 shots underline A Par italic A Birdie reverse An Eagle or better This coding applies throughout Analyst. Press the key 3 times to view all the match information in the top window. Press the key to view the match immediately preceding the one currently shown on the screen. The key displays the match immediately after. Press to display a form for you to record additional information about handicapping. A match will only count for handicapping purposes if you enter here either the Competition Scratch Score or the LGU Scratch Score (or both). These Scratch Scores will be used for the handicap calculations. Some events are regarded as non-counting for CONGU handicaps. This usually occurs in heavy winter conditions. For these events handicaps can only reduce. To specify that an event is non-counting, go to the second line and press the key. When the information is complete press . To cancel, just press the key. To clear figures entered at an earlier date, change the Scratch Score to zero and press . Tip If you are recording a competition played by a group of people in more than one match, then set the same Event Number for all the matches when saving them. If you do this, then you will only need to record the CSS or SS once for one of the matches (since this information is indexed against Event Numbers). Press to return to the main menu. 10. VIEW - PLAYER (Psion-P) Choose this Main Menu option when you wish to analyse the scores of one player at one course. First you should type the short name of the course where the scores to be analysed were played. Initially the Player's Name is set to that of the registered user. If not correct, then just type the name of the player to be analysed. It is not necessary to type the name in full - just type enough to differentiate it from the other names on file. Finally you can set the Start Date and the Period to be analysed. Assuming you haven't entered any matches prior to 1/1/1990, you could leave these and just press , in which case all the player's matches will be analysed. You can set the Period with the left and right arrow keys to be either: to the end all matches from the Start Date a year matches within one year from the Start Date six months matches within six months from the Start Date three months etc. a month While the scores are being displayed on the screen, you can stop the search by pressing the key. 10 scores can be seen at one time, but the window is actually large enough for 30 scores. Use the , , and keys to scroll the window. In addition the key takes you to the top of the window, and the key takes you to the bottom. The number in brackets beneath the word Eclectic tells you how many scores have been displayed. If there are more than 30, the earliest cannot be seen, but they are included in the subsequent analysis. The Eclectic score line shows the best result for each hole. If you press the key at this screen, then you return to the Main Menu. Alternatively if you press the four times, you will rotate between this screen and three screens of analysis based on the scores shown. The first screen of analysis shows the average number of strokes at each hole and the total of these averages. The figure in the bottom right hand corner is the difference between this total and the Par for the course. On the bottom line is shown the average number of strokes taken at all the Par 3, 4 & 5 holes. The second screen of analysis shows on the left of the screen a breakdown of the performance at every hole. These statistics are used to calculate the player's GolfCard Index, shown in the top right hand corner. The GolfCard Index is introduced here as a useful way to measure a player's performance as an alternative to the Handicap. The target figure for the GC Index is 300. A player who hits a par at every hole will achieve this figure. You should use the Index to compare your own performance from one period of time to another, or to compare your own performance with that of another player. In the bottom right hand corner of this screen is the Stroke Index display. In the second row beneath the number of the hole is the official stroke index, while the third row shows the personal stroke index for the player under analysis. The hole with a personal stroke index of 18 is the player's easiest hole, while the hole with an index of 1 is the hardest hole etc. It is calculated by using the difference between the player's average for a hole and the par. The final screen of analysis is a chart which maps the length of each hole against the average number of shots at that hole, and then calculates the best-fit straight line. Where a number of points coincide, it is hard to read the number of the hole and we apologise for this. However the value in this chart is looking for holes which are above or below the line. These are the holes that are particularly difficult or easy for the player under analysis, bearing in mind their length. For the technically minded, the formula for the best-fit regression line is also shown at the bottom of the screen. This is of the type: Average Shots(hole n) = X + Distance(hole n) / Y For some players, but not all, X can be regarded as a measure of skill around the green, while Y is a measure of how far the player strikes the ball off the tee and the fairway. The success of the best-fit straight line is shown as a percentage. A figure of 90% or more is very good, while anything less than about 60% is poor. You may press the key instead of the to reverse the order in which these four screens are displayed. But remember that if you press at the first screen, you return to the Main Menu. 11. HANDICAP - GENT - ONGOING (CONGU) (Psion-C) With this main menu option you can calculate a male handicap under the CONGU system, as operated by golf clubs and societies throughout the British Isles. The full handicap history can be shown on the screen or printed. First of all you must enter the Player's Name, a Start Date and the player's exact handicap to 1 decimal place at the start date. The handicap history is then displayed. Only 10 scores can be seen at one time, but the window is actually large enough for 30 scores. Use the , , and keys to scroll the window. In addition the key takes you to the top of the window, and the key takes you to the bottom. The number in brackets beneath the word CONGU tells you how many scores have been displayed. If there are more than 30, the earliest cannot be seen. Only matches where a Competition Scratch Score (CSS) is recorded are used. See Section 9 above for details of how to save the CSS for a match. Both Medal and full handicap Stableford competitions are eligible for handicap purposes. Where a result is marked n/c beside the CSS, the event is Non-Counting and handicaps can only improve. Should the word 'Inconsistent !' appear under the Diff(erence) heading, then the stroke allowance used to calculate the player's Stableford points in that event does not equal his calculated playing handicap at that point. To print the handicap record, either press the key or Psion-P. To achieve satisfactory results, it's essential that you have configured the Psion computer for your particular printer using the Print setup menu option. Appendix 3 shows a sample printout. (The maximum number of events for a printout is 40.) Press to return to the main menu. If the handicap calculation is for the registered user, then you are given the option of saving the handicap calculation details. If they are saved, then the next time that an ongoing handicap calculation is done, the start handicap data for the registered user is displayed. 12. HANDICAP - GENT - INITIAL (CONGU) (Psion-I) This Main Menu option allows you to calculate an initial male handicap under the CONGU system, as operated by golf clubs throughout the British Isles. First of all you must enter the Player's Name and the Start Date. Then the calculation is displayed. Only matches where a Competition Scratch Score (CSS) is recorded are used. See Section 9 above for details of how to save a CSS for a match. The figure that you enter for the CSS is notional, because it is not actually used in the calculation. (Entering a CSS is merely a device to indicate which matches on file are to be used in the calculation.) The calculation is based on the first three complete scores after the start date for the chosen player. (Complete in the sense that a score is returned for all 18 holes.) Any score for a hole that is more than 2 over par is amended to 2 over par and is displayed in reverse video. The scores can be at any course or courses, but it is essential that the Standard Scratch Score is recorded for each of them. (You can set the SSS by scoring a match with GolfCard at the course and using the 'Course Name' (Psion-N) menu option followed by the 'Save Course' (Psion-C) menu option.) The handicap is calculated as the best of the three adjusted total scores less the SSS, with a maximum of 28. Press to return to the main menu. 13. HANDICAP - LADY (LGU) (Psion-L) With this main menu option you can calculate a Ladies Golf Union handicap, as operated by golf clubs throughout the British Isles, down to a figure of 4. The full handicap history can be shown on the screen or printed. First of all you must enter the Player's Name and the date at which the handicap is to be calculated. The latter defaults to the current date. Then the handicap record is displayed on the screen. Only 10 scores can be seen at one time, but the window is actually large enough for 30 scores. Use the ,, and keys to scroll the window. In addition the key takes you to the top of the window, and the key takes you to the bottom. The number in brackets beneath the word LGU tells you how many scores have been displayed. If there are more than 30, the earliest cannot be seen. Only matches where a Scratch Score (SS) is recorded are used. See Section 9 above for details of how to save the SS for a match. Matches can be at different courses, and the SS can vary during the season at each course. The calculated handicap does not take account of the maximum permitted increase in the case where a lady's handicap is going up. Both Medal and full handicap Stableford competitions are eligible for handicap purposes. Should the words 'Not full h'cap !' appear under the Diff(erence) heading, then the stroke allowance used to calculate the player's Stableford points in that event is not equal to her full handicap. To print the handicap record, either press the key or Psion-P. To achieve satisfactory results, it's essential that you have configured the Psion computer for your particular printer using the Print setup menu option. Appendix 4 shows a sample printout. (The maximum number of events for a printout is 40.) Press to return to the main menu. If the handicap calculation is for the registered user, then you are given the option of saving the handicap calculation details. APPENDIX 1 Date Order In the Analyst option, matches are always displayed in the order in which they are saved. So it is important that you enter all the matches in date order. Data Security To ensure the security of your golfing database, it is important to take backup copies of the data files from time to time. The data is held in the following files: \GLF\Matches2.glf Match data \GLF\Courses2.glf Course data \GLF\Css2.glf Scratch Scores for handicapping \GLF\Names2.glf Personal Handicap Details Web Page on the Internet For the latest information on GolfCard see our Web page at APPENDIX 2 Competition: STABLEFORD Thu 24 Aug 1995 10:09 Event No: 145 COCKERMOUTH GC, LAKE DISTRICT Handicap Strokes A: ANDREW WILSON 24 21 B: RICHARD SMITH 19 17 C: PETER ROBERTS 21 18 Markers | H | Y | P| S| Players | o | d | a| I| PR(C) | l | s | r| | AW(A) RS(B) | | e | | | | | 4 3| | 1| 252| 4|14| 5 2| 6 1 5 2| | 2| 268| 4|12| 4 3| 6 1 5 2| | 3| 287| 4| 8| 5 2| 5 2 3 3| | 4| 182| 3|16| 3 3| 4 2 5 2| | 5| 317| 4| 9| 5 2| 6 1 6 1| | 6| 374| 4| 5| 4 3| 5 2 5 2| | 7| 392| 4| 3| 5 3| 5 2 4 3| | 8| 422| 4| 1| 6 2| 6 1 5 1| | 9| 141| 3|18| 5 1| 5 42 19| |Out|2635|34| | 42 21| 48 12 5 2| | 10| 298| 4|15| 4 3| 5 2 4 3| | 11| 396| 4| 2| 5 3| 5 2 7 1| | 12| 478| 5| 7| 6 2| 7 1 5 2| | 13| 374| 4| 4| 5 2| 6 1 5 2| | 14| 282| 4|13| 5 2| NR 3 3| | 15| 185| 3|11| 4 2| 4 2 5 2| | 16| 339| 4|10| 5 2| 5 2 3 3| | 17| 158| 3|17| 4 2| 4 2 6 1| | 18| 351| 4| 6| 4 3| 5 2 43 19| |In |2861|35| | 42 21| 41+ 14 42 19| |Out|2635|34| | 42 21| 48 12 85 38| |Tot|5496|69| | 84 42| 89+ 26 Marker ................ Player ................ Wet & windy! Well played Andy. APPENDIX 3 CONGU Handicap Record at 15 Sep 1995 SANDY WOOD (27 @ 1/1/93) Stab Play New Date Course Tot Pts Hcap CSS Diff Exact 07 Jul 93 FWY1 91 27 66 -2 26.2 04 Aug 93 FWY1 35 26 67 3 26.2 03 Nov 93 FWY1 39 26 65 1 26.2 31 Mar 94 FWY2 34 26 65 4 26.2 01 May 94 FWY1 97 26 64 7 26.3 18 May 94 FWY1 31 26 65 9 26.4 06 Jul 94 FWY1 98 26 65 7 26.5 17 Aug 94 FWY1 101 27 65 9 26.6 28 Aug 94 FWY1 39 27 65 1 26.6 30 Oct 94 FWY1 103 27 68n/c 8 26.6 30 Apr 95 FWY1 100 27 65 8 26.7 28 May 95 FWY1 98 27 65 6 26.8 02 Aug 95 FWY1 40 27 64 1 26.8 24 Aug 95 FWY2 46 27 65 -8 23.6 27 Aug 95 FWY1 34 24 64 7 23.7 CONGU HANDICAP = 24 (23.7) APPENDIX 4 LGU Handicap Record ANNE MURRAY at 15/9/95 Stab Play Date Course Tot Pts Hcap SS Diff 10 Feb 94 FWY2 19 30 69 45 12 Jun 94 FWY2 27 30 69 37 20 Jun 94 FWY1 37 30 66 32 21 Jul 94 FWY2 28 30 69 36 28 Aug 94 FWY1 35 30 66 34 01 Sep 94 FWY2 30 30 69 34 30 Apr 95 FWY1 96 32 66 30 28 May 95 FWY1 97 30 66 31 27 Aug 95 FWY1 35 30 66 34 LGU HANDICAP = 30