GolfCard ======== This is the shareware version of GolfCard & Analyst. It is designed for the Psion Siena (512K or 1MB). If you register this version and at a later date wish to purchase the commercial version for the 3a/3c direct from M-P(Golf) Systems, then we will deduct the cost of this shareware version. The functionality of both versions is identical; and you can use the data files from this version in the commercial version. GolfCard requires 108k of disk space and 35k of system memory when running. Prior to registration the database will only accept five matches. After registration you can quite literally build your lifetime golfing database. For example, a typical database of 200 matches is about 30K. Our web page is Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1) Copy the two .opa files (GolfCard.opa & Analyst.opa) to the \APP directory in internal memory (M:). 2) Create a new directory called \GLF in internal memory (M:). (Make sure that this \GLF directory is not a sub-directory.) 3) Copy all the .opo and .hlp files into the \GLF directory. (14 files) 4) Install both Golfcard.opa and Analyst.opa by using the Apps Install option at the System screen. 5) Run GolfCard and enter your User Name as one Christian Name followed by your surname. (eg John Smith) 6) Prior to registration you can score, save and analyse up to 5 matches. 7) Prior to registration you can repeat step 5) with a different User Name if you copy the file Gcx.opo over the existing file Gc0.opo. (But don't do this once you have registered!) Registration Procedure ---------------------- If you register GolfCard, then the 5 match restriction is removed and you can start to build your lifetime golfing database. This is done by entering your unique number at the Main Menu item -- 'Registration'. The cost to register is 25 GB Pounds, + 4.38 GB Pounds VAT if you live in the EC. We accept payments by credit card (MasterCard, Visa or EuroCard), sterling cheque, or cash. Please use the form at the bottom of this document. On satisfactory receipt of your payment, we shall send you by Email or Fax your unique Registration Number. It is important that you tell us your User Name exactly as it is displayed on the first GolfCard screen. M-P(Golf)Systems 24A High Street,Ewell Surrey KT17 1SJ,England Tel: +44 (0)181-394 2049 Fax: +44 (0)181-393 4086 email: . . . see Registration Form below . . . . . . . . Registration Form (top) ---------------------------------------------------- Please register me for GolfCard (Siena Version). I will pay by Mastercard[ ],Visa[ ],Eurocard[ ],Cash[ ],Sterling Cheque[ ]. Amount Payable: 29.38 GB Pounds in EC[ ] 25 GB Pounds outside EC[ ] Credit Card Number: Expiry Date: _______________________ __________________ Name: _________________ ____________________ (Exactly as shown on 1st GolfCard screen.) Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Country: _________________ Email Address: ___________________________ Telephone No: ___________________________ Fax No: ___________________________ Registration Form (bottom) -------------------------------------------------